NMC Approved

Official Publication Of Society for Scientific Research

Volume 1, Nov Issue 2 (2015)

Daily Rhythms of Oxygen Consumption in Freshwater Crab (Barytelphusa jaquemontii) & Prawn (Macrobranchium lamerrii)
Sudha Bansode*
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Review on Malondialdehyde and Superoxide dismutase levels in patients of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Retinopathy and without Retinopathy
Manish Verma*, Roshan Alam, Mohd. Mobin
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Effects of EGb761 on the Dynamic Alterations of Magnesium, Glucose, and Lactate Level in the Brain Cortex of Gerbils during Focal Cerebral Ischemia
Ming-Cheng Lin*
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Glycated Hemoglobin as a Dual Biomarker in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Predicting Glycemic Control and Dyslipidemia Risk
Roshan Alam*, Manish Kumar Verma, Poonam Verma
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Celtis australis Linn: A Multipurpose Tree Species in North West Himalaya
Ram Prakash Yadav*, Jaideep Kumar Bisht
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Laccase Sources and their Applications in Environmental Pollution
Sarvesh Kumar Mishra*, Shailendra Kumar Srivastava, Krishna Ash
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Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity of Jurinea dolomiaea Boiss Extracts
Pratap Singha*, Rajendra Singha, Nitin Satib, Om Prakash Satia, Naresh Kumara
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Isolation and Screening of Starch Hydrolising Bacteria and its Effect of Different Physiological Parameters on Amylase Enzyme Activity
Prerana Min*, Riddhi Sampat, Jigna Patel, Shabanam Saiyad
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Comparative Evaluation of ENTEROSCREEN-WB and Widal test in Suspected Cases of Enteric Fever
Shabnam Parveen*, Poonam Verma, Karuna Dubey, Manish Kumar Verma
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Comparative Study of Lipid Profile Levels in Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian Person
Manish Verma*, Poonam Verma, Shabnam Parveen, Karuna Dubey
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Assessment of Probiotic Bacteria Isolated from Pharmaceutical Probiotic Sachet
Ajit Kumar Dubedi Anal*, Saurabh N Singh, Sakshi Agarwal, Ramesh Kumar, Rubina Lawrence
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