Research Article (Open access) |
Int. J. Life. Sci. Scienti. Res., 1(2):
November 2015
Study of Lipid Profile Levels in Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian Person
Manish Verma1*, Poonam Verma2, Shabnam Parveen3, Karuna Dubey4
1Department of Health & Medical Sciences Indigenous &
Alternative System of Medicine SHIATS, Allahabad, U.P, India
2School of Biotechnology, IFTM University, Moradabad,
U.P, India
3,4Department of Microbiology,
Integral Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Lucknow,
*Address for
Correspondence: Mr. Manish Verma,
Department of Health & Medical
Sciences Indigenous & Alternative System of Medicine SHIATS, Allahabad,
U.P, India
ABSTRACT- Previous studies have suggested an
association between vegetarian persons and non-vegetarian persons, although
this relationship positive correlation significant. The present study was
designed to investigate comparative study of lipid profile levels in vegetarian
and non-vegetarian person. The lipid profile is used to determine the risk of
obesity, heart disease in myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis and help in
deciding treatment has borderline or high risk. the present study was
undertaken to compare case and control produce effect on individuals lipid profile,
the parameters of lipid metabolism i.e. cholesterol, tri-glyceride, high
density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein of the age of 20-85 years and
early aged 50 years and above males and females, divided categories i.e.
vegetarian and non- vegetarian persons. the study was done on 20 cases in 10 control
(non-vegetarians) and 10 cases (vegetarians) diet was significantly found to
reduce the values of all the parameter lipid metabolism except
HDL-Cholesterol(45.02± 9.595; p<0.0001).when these parameters were analyzed
for the category of middle and old age, most of the lipid parameters total
cholesterol (TC) including were significantly increase among Non-vegetarian (224.02 ± 18.85; p<0.0001)
from this study, it can be concluded that along with diet, sex and age factor
also influence parameters of lipid metabolism.
Words: Vegetarian persons, non-Vegetarian, Lipid profile
INTRODUCTION- A vegetarian diet pattern (VEG) is that where
nothing implicating the death of animals should serve as food. Vegetarians do
not eat meat or meat products, but may consume milk, dairy products and eggs.
This diet, when appropriately planned and balanced, is healthful and provides
health benefits, because it acts both in the prevention and in the treatment of
diseases. 1
Vegetarian diets also comply with the guidelines for the
treatment of diabetes, and studies indicate that they reduce the risk for
type-2 diabetes. In the “Adventists Health Study”, the risk of development of
diabetes among VEGs and OMNIs, adjusted for age, was implicated in the
development of chronic diseases however; the mechanisms of action are not fully
explained, particularly in relation to the cardiovascular risk.2 1
and 1.97 for men, and 1 and 1.93 for women respectively.
1: Type of vegetarian diets 3
Types |
Diet |
(Semi-vegetarian) |
eats meat/poultry/fish |
Pesco-vegetarian |
meat and poultry, but includes fish(and possibly other seafood) |
Lacto-ovo-vegetarian |
all fish foods includes dairy produce and eggs |
Ovo-vegetarian |
all fish foods and eggs includes dairy product |
Lacto-vegerarian |
all fish foods and eggs includes diary
produce |
Vegan |
all foods of animal origin |
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are
growing contributors to global disease burdens, with epidemics of CVD advancing
across many regions of the world which are experiencing a rapid health
transition. Diet and nutrition have been extensively investigated as risk
factors for major CVD like coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke and are also
linked to other cardiovascular risk factors like diabetes, high blood pressure,
and obesity4-6.
The three types of vegetarian
diets are: restricted or total: with no animal product in their food (this type
is also called vegan) lacto vegetarians: from animal products, only milk and by
products are included; and lactoovo which also allows the inclusion of
Cholesterol is transported in
the blood by lipoproteins. Among them are: very low density lipoproteins
(VLDL), low density lipoproteins (LDL), and high density lipoproteins (HDL).
Differently from VLDL and LDL, HDL does not contain the apolipoprotein B100, which
is recognized by the tissues. Therefore, HDL reports fully distinctive behavior
and function as compared to the others. It is responsible for reverse
transportation, carrying basically the cholesterol from tissues to the liver8,
and therefore helps protect individuals against atherosclerosis. Therefore, if
an individual reports high ratio between high density and low density
lipoproteins, the probability of developing atherosclerosis is significantly
Inclusion criteria
persons and non-vegetarian persons in age group 20 to 74
Control: 10 cases of age & sex
matched control vegetarian patients were compared.
Exclusion criteria
Familial hyperlipidemia
Measurements and
Blood Collection- A total of 20 samples i.e.
blood (in sterile sample bottles) were collected. Person need to fast for 9-12
hours before having your blood drawn; only water is permitted. For the
estimation of biochemical parameters 5 ml of fasting venous blood was drawn
from the respondents by a trained lab technician. The blood drawn was allowed
to coagulated the serum was extracted by centrifuging and used for biochemical
estimation. The name, age, sex, vegetarian / non- vegetarian was recorded in a
predesigned Performa (annexure).
Transport of samples- Blood samples were transported in sterile sample
bottles without anticoagulant.
Preparation of Serum- The blood was put into centrifuge tube. This was allowed to clot
and then centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 3-5 minutes at room temperature.
Biochemical analyses of lipid profile include:
TG – Enzymatic colorimetric (End point) method10
TCH -Enzymatic
colorimetric (End point) method11, 12
LDL & HDL - by
precipitation method using a reagent that consists of modified polyvinyl
sulfonic acid (PVS) and polyethylene-glycol methyl ether (PEGME) 13
Low density
lipoprotein cholesterol was using the formula by Friedewald’s formula VLDL-C (mg/dl): Triglyceride/5
Table 2: Total
Groups |
(N=10) |
(N=10) |
value |
value |
(mg/dl) |
± 18.85 |
± 21.32 |
8.8447 |
<0.0001 |
There was a significant difference between mean
values of Total cholesterol among the vegetarian and non- vegetarian person. It
was found that mean value of Total cholesterol in non-vegetarian was high as
compared to vegetarian.
Table 3: High density
lipoprotein Cholesterol
Groups |
(N=10) |
(N=10) |
value |
value |
HDL (mg/dl) |
9.595 |
64.18±4.046 |
5.8209 |
<0.0001 |
was a significant difference between mean values of HDL cholesterol among the vegetarian and non- vegetarian person. It
was found that mean value of HDL cholesterol in vegetarian was high as compared
to non-vegetarian.
Table 4: Triglyceride
Groups |
(N=10) |
(N=10) |
value |
value |
TG (mg/dl) |
209.35± 11.36 |
53.81±19.19 |
7.8701 |
<0.0001 |
was a significant difference between mean value of triglyceride among the
vegetarian and non vegetarian person. It was found that mean value of
triglyceride in vegetarian was low as compared to non-vegetarian.
Table 5: Low-density lipoproteins
Groups |
(N=10) |
(N=10) |
value |
value |
(mg/dl) |
110.20± 22.64 |
62.20± 12.49 |
5.8704 |
<0.0001 |
There was a significant
difference between mean value of LDL cholesterol among the vegetarian and non
vegetarian person. It was found that mean value of LDL cholesterol in
vegetarian was low as compared to non-vegetarian.
Table 6: Very low density lipoprotein cholesterol
Groups |
(N=10) |
(N=10) |
value |
value |
(mg/dl) |
42.79±2.63 |
± 4.17 |
7.0877 |
<0.0001 |
There was a significant
difference between mean value of VLDL cholesterol
among the vegetarian and non vegetarian person. It was found that mean value of
VLDL cholesterol in vegetarian was low as compared to non-vegetarian.
Present study showed interesting differences in lipid
profile between vegetarian and non- vegetarian person. However, it should be
noted that while screening subjects to be included in the study, we noticed
that fewer vegetarian person were at risk of overweight or obesity than non-
vegetarian person.
In addition, we had a larger percentage of males than females in
our study. In boys, pronounced centralization of fat tends to be stored in the
abdominal region; with increases in subcutaneous fat and visceral fat this
pattern is similar but less dramatic for girls. In adolescent and young adult
girls, fat tends to be deposited peripherally in the breasts, hips, and
buttocks. According to another study, the risk of becoming overweight during
adolescence appears to be higher among girls than it is among boys 10.
In our study we did not further investigate why more boys than
girls were at risk of overweight or obesity. We perform lipid profile analyses
on blood sample from fasting subject, due to the young age of the subjects and
a strictly controlled time frame and examination schedule. A previous study
suggests that predicting the risk of cardiovascular disease can be simplified
by measuring the total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol or apolipoprotein levels
without fasting and by disregarding the level of triglycerides.
We found vegetarian group had lower mean total cholesterol than
the non-vegetarian group (224.02
± 18.85). This
result showed significantly increased mean total cholesterol levels (upper
limit) in omnivorous person at risk for overweight and obesity. We also found a
significantly lower mean triglyceride level in the vegetarian group. The
hypocholesterolemic effect of fibers is probably due to an increase in
bile-acid binding, fecal sterol excretion, and fermentation of soluble fibers
which produce short-chain fatty acids that inhibit hepatic cholesterol
Decreased levels of HDL and increased triglycerides in many
studies of adults and adolescents. Abdominal obesity with increased visceral
fat is associated with increased levels of circulating free fatty acids,
insulin and insulin resistance, all of which lead to increased synthesis of triglycerides
and VLDL secretion by the liver. A limitation of this
study is that no preliminary Study was done due to time consternations. With a
preliminary study, we could have had a general picture of the difference in
mean and standard deviation (SD) of lipid profiles in vegetarian and non-vegetarians
person who are at risk for overweight or obesity. In addition, this study did
not involve a strictly-controlled diet analysis (Food record).A well conducted
diet analysis would have provided a representation of the amount, type, and
composition of nutrients (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) consumed by the
Further study with a larger sample number may
be able to demonstrate more completely and clearly the differences in lipid profiles
of vegetarian and non-vegetarian person who are at risk for overweight or
obesity. In conclusion, in person who are at risk for overweight or obesity,
the mean total cholesterol and triglyceride levels of vegetarian person were
lower than that of non-vegetarian persons.
We have been able to conclusively prove that there is in fact a
cumulative effect of vegetarian and non-vegetarian person on lipid profile by
showing our result tables. In comparison to vegetarian, non-vegetarian
had higher rate of lipid profile. There is more dyslipidemia indicated by
higher values of total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, VLDL, and lower value
of cardiac protective HDL in non-vegetarian person. We have also been able to
prove that there is increased Lipid Profile and dyslipidemia in Non-vegetarian
person which show Heart Failure, myocardial infarction, Atherosclerosis. The observation
of our study suggests that there is more risk of CVD progression
of atherosclerosis in non-vegetarian. Vegetarian diet
does not produce significant differences in blood pressure, body composition or
resting heart rate. The lacto-ovovegetarian diet may have contributed to the
similar research data among the two groups; dairy products contain cholesterol,
saturated fats, and some products are high in sodium. Cholesterol, saturated
fats and excessive amounts of sodium have been identified as factors of high
blood pressure and Cardiovascular disease.
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