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Instructions To Authors

SSR Institute of International Journal of Life Sciences (https://iijls.com) is a Bimonthly published online Research Journal, which publish full research articles, reviews, mini-reviews, short communications, case report and research notes dealing with Life Sciences and Medical Sciences subjects. All articles are subject to rapid double blind peer review. Those of high quality (not previously published and not under consideration for publication in another journal in any form) will be published.
SSR Institute of International Journal of Life Sciences (SSR-IIJLS) publishes the following types of Articles:
1. Original Research Articles
2. Review Articles
3. Mini-Reviews
4. Short Communications
5. Case Report
6. Systematic Reviews
7. Meta Analysis
8. Research Notes
Type of article Abstract words limit Words limit Pages limit References limit
Original Research Articles ≤250 words (divide in sub-heading) ≤5000 words 10-12 pages ≤25-30
Review Articles ≤300 words ≤6000 words 15 pages ≤80
Mini-Reviews ≤250 words ≤4000 words 7-8 pages ≤50
Short Communications ≤150-200 words ≤2000 words 4-5 pages ≤15–20
Case Report ≤250 words (divide in sub-heading) ≤3000 words 5-6 pages ≤20
Systematic Reviews ≤250 words (divide in sub-heading) ≤5000 words 12-15 pages ≤50
Meta Analysis ≤250 words (divide in sub-heading) ≤5000 words 12-15 pages ≤50
Research Notes n/a ≤1500 words 3-4 pages ≤10–15


Research articles should not be more than 12 pages. The accepted format of all article is MS Word (2003, 2007 or above) written in English only. Illustrations (Figures & Tables) and images must be inserted in the article at the appropriated position they should appear when published.
References in any type of article should be preferably not older than ten years as far as possible.


Research article should be concisely typewritten in 1.5 spaces in A4 sized paper size with 1 inch margins (each side). The research article shall be prepared in Times New Roman using a font size of 12 and title shall be font size of 12, bold face capitals. All section titles in the article shall be in font size 12, bold face capitals and subtitles in each section shall be in font size 12, bold face lower case. Standard International Units should be used during the text. For citation/references, follow the journal style. It should be numbered in the text consecutively, like [1], [2] etc formatted as superscript. It should be arranged in the following order-
1. Title Page
2. Abstract & Keywords
3. Introduction
4. Materials and Methods
5. Results
6. Discussion
7. Conclusions and Future Prospects
8. Acknowledgements
9. Contribution of Authors
10. References


The title should be as bold face lower case (font size 14) & short as possible on the first page and provide precisely indicate the nature of the work in the communication. Names of the authors full name including designation, department, affiliation, and E-mail address in normal face, upper case (font size 12) followed by the please mention “*Address For correspondence” at the bottom left corner of the title page. If any of the co-authors are from different organizations, their addresses too should be mentioned and indicated using numbers after their names. Maximum 5 authors should be allowed. The Corresponding Author of the article must be marked with an asterisk*. In addition the corresponding author must include E-mail address at the bottom left corner of the title page.


Abstract should be start on a new page after the title page and should be typed in single-space to distinguish it from the Introduction. Abstracts should briefly reflect all aspects of the study, as most databases list mainly abstracts and references should be avoided. The abstract section should not exceed more than 250 words and divided must be into Background, Methods, Results and Conclusion sub-heading.


Must provides 5-7 appropriate keywords after the abstract section and keywords should be arrange alphabetically.


The introduction should not be an extensive literature review although it should provide sufficient background information for the reader to understand and evaluate the results of the present study.


Describe the materials used in the experiment, department, place, month, year of experimentation etc in the separate first paragraph. Followed by describe the methodology (with references) implied for collection of data in short on next paragraph.

Statistical Analysis

Every article that contains statistical testing should state the name of the statistical test, the n value for each statistical analysis, the comparisons of interest, a justification for the use of that test (including, for example, a discussion of the normality of the data when the test is appropriate only for normal data), the alpha level for all tests, whether the tests were one-tailed or two-tailed, and the actual P value for each test (not merely "significant" or "p < 0.05"). It should be clear what statistical test was used to generate every p-value. Use of the word "significant" should always be accompanied by a p-value; otherwise, use "substantial," "considerable," etc. Data sets should be summarized with descriptive statistics, which should include the n value for each data set, a clearly labelled measure of centre (such as the mean or the median), and a clearly labelled measure of variability (such as standard deviation or range). Ranges are more appropriate than standard deviations or standard errors for small data sets. Graphs should include clearly labelled error bars. Authors must state whether a number that follows the ± sign is a standard error (SE) or a standard deviation (SD).
Authors must justify the use of a particular test and explain whether their data conform to the assumptions of the tests. Three errors are particularly common:
• Multiple comparisons: When making multiple statistical comparisons on a single data set, authors should explain how they adjusted the alpha level to avoid an inflated Type I error rate, or they should select statistical tests appropriate for multiple groups (such as ANOVA rather than a series of t-tests).
• Normal distribution: Many statistical tests require that the data be approximately normally distributed; when using these tests, authors should explain how they tested their data for normality. If the data do not meet the assumptions of the test, then a non-parametric alternative should be used instead.
• Small sample size: When the sample size is small (less than about 10), authors should use tests appropriate to small samples or justify their use of large-sample tests.


This result should be described as concisely as possible in one of the following ways: text, table(s), figure(s), or graph(s). The reproducibility and statistical significance of measurements, material or biological data, must be included either in the text or as tables and figures.


The discussion should provide an interpretation of the results and their significance with regard to previously published study. There should not be any significant repetition of the experimental procedures or reiteration of the introduction.


This should state clearly the main conclusions of the research and give a clear explanation of their importance and relevance. A short, paragraph summarizing the most important finding(s) of the research is required. The conclusions section should not exceed more than 150 words.
Add some lines of future prospects and implications at the end of conclusion section and it must be started with new paragraph.


The source of any financial support, gifts, technical assistance and advice received for the work being published must be indicated in the Acknowledgments section.


The SSR-IIJLS recommends that authorship be based on the following criteria: Research concept, Research design, Supervision, Materials, Data collection, Data analysis and Interpretation, Literature search, Writing article, Critical review, Article editing and Final approval of the version to be published.


The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the bibliographic information (references). It should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text (not in alphabetic order). A list should be included on separate 1.5 spaced pages at the end of the text. For the proper abbreviations of the journal titles, refer to “Chemical Abstracts”. The style and punctuation of the references should confirm to the following examples:
Journal references
1. Sinha P, Singh SK, Singh A. Title of article. Int. J. Life. Sci. Scienti. Res., 2015; 4(7): 2900-06. doi: 10.21276/ssr-iijls.2022.8.1.1
2. Sinha P, Singh SK, Singh A, Soni HG, Kumar P, et al. Title of article. Int. J. Life. Sci. Scienti. Res., 2015; 4(7): 2900-06. (If ≥5 authors then use “et al.”)


Beyer WF, Fridovich I. A Text Book of Medical Biochemistry. 2nd ed., Germany; LAP Lambert Academic publishing: 2013: pp. 13-33.


Simon, O, Vahjen, W, Scharek L. US Patent, US 6291319, 2006.


Cancer-Pain.org [Internet]. New York: Association of Cancer Online Resources, Inc.; c2000-01 [updated 2002 May 16; cited 2002 Jul 9]. Available from: http://www.cancer-pain.org/.


Tables should be numbered consecutively (Table 1, Table 2 etc) and each table must paste on appropriated position. Each table should be typed using a table format only. (i.e., each variable must be typed into a separate cell in the table) with only horizontal lines above and below the table column headers and at the bottom of the table. No vertical lines should be included in any table. The title should be typed at the top of the table in the sentence case format, i.e., only the first name should be in capital letters; as appropriate. Any Foot note should be typed at the bottom of the table in italic.Tables that include statistical analysis of data should describe their standards of error analysis and ranges in a table legend.

Illustrations and Figures

Figures must be numbered independently of tables, multimedia, and 3D models and cited as the relevant point in the article text, e.g. "Fig. 1", "Fig. 2", etc. All figures including photographs should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals in the order of their appearance in the text and bear a brief title in lower case bold face letters below the figure. Do not duplicate data by presenting it both in the text and in a figure. For any figure directly extracted from previously published materials, you must have written permission from the publisher of that figure for reprint use. A copy of that permission release must be submitted with your article.


Review articles should not be more than 15 pages (maximum 6,000 words) and must contain comprehensive coverage of relevant literature. Review articles should preferably be written by scientists who have in-depth knowledge of the topic. All format requirements are similar to those applicable to Original research articles.


Mini-review articles should not be more than 7–8 pages (maximum 4,000 words) and must contain comprehensive coverage of relevant literature. Mini-review articles should preferably be written by scientists, who have in-depth knowledge of the topic. All format requirements are similar to those applicable to Original research articles.


The research and technical communications section of this journal (maximum 2,000 words) is open to interesting results worthy of publication without requiring extensive introduction and discussion. This portion should be organized as follows the attachment instruction in PDF to write any short communication.


Follow the attachment instruction in PDF to write any case report.

Systematic Reviews and Meta analysis

A systematic review analyses a defined research question by collecting and summarizing all empirical evidence that fits pre-specified eligibility criteria.
A meta-analysis reports the use of statistical methods to summarize the results of these studies.
To conduct a high-quality analysis, the authors are requested to follow some specific guidelines: :-
• authors must clearly state objectives with pre-defined eligibility criteria for studies (e.g., inclusion and exclusion criteria, etc.);
• the authors must clearly describe the methods used for locating, selecting, extracting, and synthesizing data;
• the methodology should be accurate and reproducible;
• the authors must conduct a systematic search that aims at identifying all relevant studies;
• the authors must assess the validity of the findings of the included studies (e.g., risk of bias);
• the authors must present a systematic analysis with detailed characteristics and findings of the included studies.

SSR-IIJLS encourages authors to register the protocol for their Systematic Review prospectively in the PROSPERO database and where applicable endorses the PRISMA Statement; Systematic Reviews and meta-analyses must adhere to these guidelines.


Research notes are preferable 1000–1500 words included referencing (10–15 references (about 3-4 pages). The journal also welcomes Research Notes, which are intended to draw attention to research carried out the field of Biological Sciences. Research notes are not full academic papers but are discussion notes, seeking to advance a new idea, theoretical perspective, research program or methodological approach in organization studies. As opposed to full research papers, research notes may follow a less strict paper outline but still needs to make a valuable contribution to the study of organization. When writing a research note, it is important that the author(s) are clear on what kind of contribution they want to make to the field of organization studies that they are capable of advancing an intelligible and solid argument in favor of a particular theory, study, or methodology, and that they bring in a novel view to the attention of the journal’s readers. Research notes are reviewed by the Associate Editor.


Authors publishing results from in vivo experiments involving animals or humans should state whether due permission for conduction of these experiments was obtained, from the relevant ethics committees, in the Materials and Methods section. In addition, authors wishing to publish original research work involving human studies should also send a notary verified letter of approval from the Ethics Committee or the Institutional Review Board.


An article will be considered for the publication based on the below understanding:-
1. The Named, each author should agree to its submission.
2. It is not currently being considered for the publication by another journal.
3. If the article is accepted, it will not be subsequently published in the same or similar form in any language without the consent of publishers any changes to the author list after submission, viz., a change in the order of the authors, deletion or addition of the authors needs to be approved by a signed letter from each author.


Submission of the articles represents that the articles has not been published previously and is not under considered for publication elsewhere. Authors would be required to sign a "Copy Right Transfer Agreement Form" (to be supplied by the Editor) before the article can be accepted and published.


Unless indicated otherwise, galley proofs are sent to the address given for correspondence. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that the galley proofs are returned without delay.


The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Submission of articles (must be in English and in MS Word format only) and should be submitted via our online system (https://iijls.com/online_authorform.aspx) and through mail at editor.iijls@gmail.com/editor@iijls.com as an attachment for quick evaluation.


All main heading must be in capital.
In sub-heading, text must be started with same line.
See research paper writing format (doc file) for your convenience.

Click on the link and download the Author Guidelines  (PDF) and Article Writing Format (doc file)
  • E-MAIL
  • editor.iijls@gmail.com
  • editor@iijls.com

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