SSR Inst. Int. J. Life Sci., 10(1): 3470-3476, Jan 2024

Understanding the Invisible Threat: A Study on Oral Cancer Risk Factors among Medical Recipients

Shreeya1*, Deelip S Natekar2, Manjula3, Umesh Kamble3, Basavaraj Hadaginal3, Vidyashree Patil3, Kavita Gudihal3, Sanjota Hadapad3


1Lecturer, Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing, Shri. B.V.V.S. Sajjalashree Institute of Nursing Sciences, Navanagar, Bagalkot-587102, Karnataka, India

2Principal, Dept. of Community Health Nursing, Shri B.V.V.S Sajjalashree Institute of Nursing Sciences, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India

3Student, Shri B.V.V.S Sajjalashree Institute of Nursing Sciences, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India


*Address for Correspondence: Shreeya, Lecturer, Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing, Shri. B.V.V.S. Sajjalashree Institute of Nursing Sciences, Navanagar, Bagalkot-587102, Karnataka, India


ABSTRACT- Background: Cancer is a non-infectious disease. It starts at the molecular level of the cell and, ultimately, affects the cellular behaviour. Generally, it can be defined as the uncontrolled proliferation of cells without differentiation. Cancer is a group of conditions where the body's cells begin to grow and reproduce uncontrolled. These cells can then invade and destroy healthy tissues.

Methods: A retrospective research approach is used in the present study, and the researcher follows a descriptive study design. The sample size was 120 adults. The convenient sampling technique was used to select the study area, and the proportionate stratified random sampling technique was used to select study participants. The pilot study revealed the feasibility of the study. The reliability of the tool was evident by using the questionnaire method.

Results: The study's findings revealed that the percentage distribution of adults according to their age group of ≤30 was 20%, 31-40 were 26.66%, 41-50 are 33.33%, and 51-60 were 20% of adults. The calculated chi-square value for the socio-demographic variable Age of the Adult is 9.86. The Chi-square table value was 3.846. Here, the Chi-square calculated values are higher than the Chi-square table value.

Conclusion: After obtaining the result of the present study, the researcher noticed a significant association between the age of adults (control group) and risk factors of oral cancer.

Keywords- Cardiovascular diseases, Oral cancer, Risk factors, Adults


INTRODUCTION- Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the Western world, after cardiovascular diseases [1]. Worldwide, an estimated cancer incidence of about 10 million was reported for the year 2009, and 1 out of every three persons is estimated to suffer from cancer by the age of 75 years. It is also estimated that about 7.9 million people worldwide will die from cancer this year, accounting for 12% of deaths worldwide [2-5]. In the United States alone, an estimated 569,490 deaths from cancer are projected for 2010. Recently published estimates of the worldwide frequency of the 16 major cancers indicate that in developing countries with a high prevalence of infectious and nutritional diseases, cancer remains a major cause of death [6].

This may account partly for the current statistics whereby more than half the global incidence of cancer is from the so-called developing countries since an estimated 70-80% of the global population resides in these areas. The estimated annual incidence of cancer ranges from 48 to 225 per 100,000 in developing countries [7]. Cancer of the oral cavity is one of the most common malignancies, especially in developing countries but also in the developed world. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common histology, and the main etiological factors are tobacco and alcohol use.

Although early diagnosis is relatively easy, advanced disease presentation is uncommon. The standard of care is primary surgical resection with or without postoperative adjuvant therapy. Over the past decade, improvements in surgical techniques combined with the routine use of postoperative radiation or chemo-radiation therapy have improved survival statistics. Successful treatment of patients with oral cancer is predicated on multidisciplinary treatment strategies to maximize oncologic control and minimize the impact of therapy on form and function [8].


MATERIALS AND METHODS- A retrospective research approach is used in the present study, and the researcher follows a descriptive study design. The sample size was 120 adults. The convenient sampling technique was used to select the study area, and the Proportionate stratified random sampling technique was used to select study participants. The pilot study revealed the feasibility of the study. The reliability of the tool was evident by using the questionnaire method. The reliability coefficient of correlation of the questionnaires was obtained, and the 'r' value was found to be 0.80 and 0.89. The data were collected with the help of structured questionnaires. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics.


Study participants- The study participants were adults at risk for oral cancer and receiving oral cancer treatment in selected hospitals.


Data Collection Procedure- The data was collected from 30-06-2023 to 16-07-2023. Prior permissions were obtained from the medical superintendent of selected hospitals in Bagalkot, India. All the participants explained the purpose of the study, that the data they provided was not kept confidential, and that their identity was not revealed. They were informed to avoid discussion with other fellow mates. The instruments were given according to their preferred language. Instructions were given regarding the content of data collection instruments. The researcher attained and clarified the doubts of participants during data collection. The filled tools were collected from the participants. On average, adults took 10 to 15 minutes to fill the tools, and the whole process was completed in 2 hours. The researcher thanked all the participants and the concerned staff nurse and superintendent.


Sample size- The sample size was calculated considering the following parameters: Z=1.96 (95% confidence level), the margin of error (e)=5%(0.05), and population proportion (p)=0.5. The population of adolescents in the Bagalkot district was around 18,89,752.


Setting- The study's setting was SNMC, HSK Hospital Navanagar, Bagalkot, and Halamma Kerudi Cancer Hospital Bagalkot. The total sample size is 120. The sampling criteria included the control group and case group.


Data Collection Instrument- The data was collected using a questionnaire format (demographic data: age, gender, religion, type of family, marital status, income, education, and risk factors: occupation, tobacco, alcohol, smoking, betel nut, radiation).


Scoring- The total score was obtained by adding the scores of questions 1 to 7, and the scoring was done based on severity level. The scores of risk factors are added separately to know the factors affecting oral cancer in both the control and case groups.


Structured Questionnaire- The researcher prepared a structured, close-ended questionnaire to assess the data regarding risk factors and determinants of oral cancer among adults.


Validity, Reliability and Translation of data collection instruments- Structured questionnaires screen individuals for the risk factors associated with oral cancer. The tool's content, construct and criterion validity have been supported by its use for four decades in various research, consultation, feedback and revision. The instruments were translated to Kannada and retranslated to English, and the between the original and tranche slated tools were assertations. Reliability was established by administering the tool to 10 adults. The brown formula was used to calculate the reliability value of 0.80, suggesting the tool was reliable for data collection.


Statistical Analysis- The obtained data was entered into an MS Excel sheet. The data was edited for accuracy and completeness. The categorical responses were coded with numerical codes. The data was presented with frequency and percentage distribution tables and diagrams. The risk for oral cancer was described using arithmetic mean, range, and standard deviation. Binary logistic regression analysis and Odds ratio were used to associate the determinants with adult oral cancer risk.


Ethical Clearance- An ethical clearance certificate was obtained from the Institutional Ethical Clearance Committee, B.V.V.S Sajjalashree Institute of Nursing Sciences, Bagalkot. Participants and their parents obtained Written consent for participation before data collection.



Socio-demographic variables of adults- Table 1 illustrates the socio-demographic characteristics of people in both the control and case groups. Regarding age, the majority in both groups are between 31 and 50 (33.33% in the control group and 38.33% in the case group). Gender distribution showed more men in both groups (76.66% in the control group and 95% in the case group). Regarding religion, Hindus comprise the majority in both groups (85% in the control group and 85% in the case group). Most participants are from nuclear households (81.66% in the control group and 83.33% in the case group). Marital status showed a larger number of married persons in both categories (86.66% in the control group and 96.66% in the case group). Income distribution suggests that a considerable fraction of participants fall in the 15,000-25,000-income range (38.33% in the control group, 40% in the case group). Regarding education, the majority had secondary education in both groups (26.66% in the control group and 53.33% in the case group).


Table 1: Frequency and Percentage distribution of socio-demographic variables of adults. (Control and case groups)


Socio-demographic variables


Control Group (%)

Case Group (%)








































Type of family









Marital status










Below 15000
















Primary education

Secondary education













Table 2 presents the association between demographic variables and risk factors within the case group. The analysis reveals significant associations with gender (p=0.037), type of family (p=0.003), and marital status (p=0.021), suggesting that these variables may influence the presence of risk factors. Age, religion, income, and education, on the other hand, do not show statistically significant associations with the risk factors in the case group.


Table 2: Association between demographic variables and risk factors (Case group)

Socio-Demographic Variables








Type of family


Marital status






*Level of significance p<0.05


Table 3 presents the chi-square analysis of the association between socio-demographic variables and risk factors for oral cancer in the control group. The calculated chi-square values for each variable Age, Gender, Religion, Type of family, Marital status, Income, and Education are reported alongside the chi-square table value of 3.846. The primary objective is to determine whether a statistically significant association exists between these socio-demographic factors and the risk factors for oral cancer. The calculated chi-square values for gender (0.023), Religion (0.847), Type of family (1.001), Marital status (0.324), Income (0.200), and Education (1.847) are all below the chi-square table value of 3.846. This indicates that, for these variables, there is no significant association with the risk factors for oral cancer, as the calculated values fall within the expected range.


Table 3: Association between demographic variables and risk factors (Control group)

Socio-Demographic Variables

Chi-square calculated value







Not significant



Not significant

Type of family


Not significant

Marital status


Not significant



Not significant



Not significant

*Level of significance p<0.05; DF= 1

Association between risk factors and oral cancer are family history of oral cancer, use of substances like tobacco/gutka, smoking, alcohol, betel nuts, exposure to radiation and their results in control groups 8.33%, 38.33%, 51.66%, 45%, 71.66% and 3.33%, respectively. Association between risk factors and oral cancer are family history of oral cancer, use of substances like tobacco/gutka, smoking, alcohol, betel nuts, and exposure to radiation and their results in case groups 10%, 70%, 53.33%, 50%, 70% and 76.66%, respectively.

Table 4: Association between risk factors and oral cancer

Risk factors


Control group

Case group





Family history of oral cancer











Use of substance Tobacco/ Gutka




























Betel nuts






f= Frequency; %= Percentage


DISCUSSION- This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of turmeric mouthwash versus routine oral care on radiation-induced oral Mucositis among patients with head and neck cancer treated at Halamma Kerudi Cancer Hospital, Bagalkot, Karnataka. This chapter presents the major findings of this study and discussion about similar studies conducted by other researchers [9].

A hospital-based retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Radiotherapy and Oncology, Rural Medical College and Pravara Rural Hospital, Loni, Maharashtra state, India. The sex-wise distribution revealed 256 (73.25%) among males and 93(26.65%) among females. The mean age of the patients was 54.98 years, ranging from 15-78 years; 31.23% were more than 65 years of age. The most oral cancer sites among the males and females were those of the tongue (37.82%) and buccal mucosa (32.95%), respectively. The study findings suggest that the prevalence of oral cancer is higher among tobacco users, especially those using tobacco quid, which is more common among Indian women, which is in line with most of the epidemiological studies about oral cancer in India [10-13].

A case-control study was conducted in a central India regional cancer institute. The study consists of a total of 124 cases and 124 controls. Cases were newly diagnosed patients of oral cancer confirmed by histopathological examination. For cases, the mean age (years) was 47.62, the range being 23-83 years, while that of controls was 47.89 years, the range being 24-84 years. The majority were males (83.88%). Most cases (79.04%) were past chewers with OR 2.61. A maximum number of cases (19.36%) were past smokers, and the maximum number of controls (12.09%) were current smokers with OR 4.54. A maximum number of cases (30.64%) were former drinkers, and a maximum number of controls (8.87%) were current drinkers, who had OR 2.97 [14].

A case-control study was conducted to determine associations with risk factors. There were significant associations between oral cancer and tobacco smoking (OR=4.47; 95%CI=2.00 to 9.99), alcohol use among women (OR=4.16; 95%CI=1.70 to 10.69), and betel chewing (OR=9.01; 95%CI=3.83 to 21.22), and all three showed dose-response effects. Smoking is rare among Thai women (none of the control women were smokers), but betel chewing, especially among older women, is relatively common. We did not find any association between practising oral sex and oral cancer [15].

A prospective, cross-sectional, epidemiologic survey was performed to evaluate the knowledge and attitudes of dentists working in Primary Health Care Units and the participants were mostly females (81.5%), less than 40 years of age (57.7%), who underwent training 10-20 years ago (47.9%). Most respondents (66.2%) considered their knowledge of oral cancer satisfactory. However, only 26.8% of them felt that they could carry out oral cancer diagnostic procedures [16].

A cross-sectional survey was carried out among the rural population of Dakshina Kannada using a self-administered, pilot-tested questionnaire. The data obtained was tabulated and analysed. Statistical tests used: Descriptive statistics (numbers, percentages) were used. An unpaired t-test was used to compare the mean knowledge scores among males and females. Results were as follows: 504 subjects participated in the survey [17].

A cross-sectional study was conducted among 200 university students in Malaysia. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. It included questions on sociodemographic data, awareness and knowledge of oral cancer. The results were that the mean age of the respondents was 21.5 2.5, and the age ranged from 18 to 27 years [18,19]. Most of the respondents were aware of oral cancer (92%) and recognized the following as signs and symptoms of oral cancer: ulcer and oral bleeding (71%), followed by swelling (61.5%). A satisfactory knowledge was observed of the following risk factors: smoking (95.5%), poor oral hygiene (90.5%), family history (90%), alcohol (84.5%) and poorly fitting dentures (83.0%). However, unsatisfactory knowledge was observed about hot/spicy food (46.5%), obesity (36%), old age (31.5%), dietary factor (29%) and smokeless tobacco (25.5%) [20-22].

Another study investigated and showed that about 50% of the patients were addicted to tobacco in some form. Only 30% of the participants were aware of the risk factors for oral cancer [23,24]. The median time between symptom onset and seeking any medical consultation was 120 days, whereas the median time between symptom onset and cancer diagnosis was 165 days. About 75% of patients initially consulted an alternative medicine practitioner, and 90% took some form of alternative treatment before consulting a cancer specialist. Around 80% considered alternative medicines an effective cancer treatment form [25].


CONCLUSIONS- In conclusion, the analysis of socio-demographic variables in both the case and control groups revealed that there is no significant association between age, gender, religion, type of family, marital status, income, and education with the risk factors for oral cancer. The calculated chi-square values for these variables were consistently lower than the chi-square table value of 3.84, leading to the rejection of the null hypothesis (H1) that posited an association between these socio-demographic variables and oral cancer risk factors. However, a closer examination of the age variable in the adult population showed a different outcome. In the case group, the chi-square value for age (9.86) exceeded the chi-square table value, indicating a significant association between age and risk factors for oral cancer. This finding supports the acceptance of the hypothesis that there is an association between oral cancer risk factors and age in the adult population. Additionally, the association between specific risk factors and oral cancer, such as family history, tobacco/gutka use, smoking, alcohol consumption, betel nuts, and exposure to radiation, was explored.



Research concept- Shreeya

Research design- Shreeya

Supervision- Shreeya, Deelip S Natekar

Materials- Vidyashree Patil, Kavita Gudihal, Sanjota Hadapad

Data collection- Shreeya, Umesh Kamble, Umesh Kamble, Basavaraj Hadaginal

Data analysis and Interpretation- Deelip S Natekar

Literature search- Shreeya, Umesh Kamble, Manjula, Deelip S Natekar, Manjula

Writing article- Shreeya, Umesh Kamble, Manjula, Deelip S Natekar, Manjula, Basavaraj Hadaginal

Critical review- Shreeya, Deelip S Natekar

Article editing- Shreeya, Deelip S Natekar

Final approval- Shreeya, Deelip S Natekar


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