Research Article (Open access) |
SSR Inst. Int. J. Life Sci., 7(5):
Sep 2021
Study of Sukhana
Dam, Concerning Water Parameters Dist, Aurangabad, (M.S.) India
Ashok Sayasrao Munde1, Purushottam R More2,
Sunil Eknath Shinde3*
1Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology,
Sambhajirao Kendre Mahavidyalaya, Jalkot (M.S.) India
2Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, kai.
Rasika Mahavidyalaya, Deoni (M.S.) India
3Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, M. J. P.
V. Arts, Commerce, and Shri. V. K. K. Science College, Dhadgaon (M.S.) India
*Address for Correspondence: Dr. Sunil Eknath Shinde, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, M.
J. P. V. Arts, Commerce, and Shri. V. K. K. Science College, Dhadgaon Dist.
Nandurbar (M.S.), India
Background: An examination of the water from various aspects becomes
essential. However, the percentage of water resources used for non-irrigation purposes
is currently low, expected to increase significantly in the future with growing
industrialization and energy production. Conservation and efficient use of
available water resources requires the utmost attention. Therefore, it is
necessary to think carefully about future decisions on water management.
Methods: Water samples
were taken for physicochemical analysis at the Sukhana Dam in Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India, early in the morning between 8:00
and 11:00 AM in the first week of each month.
The present study deals with assessing the water quality, seasonal variations,
and Correlation between parameters of Sukhana Dam at Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India. The
physicochemical characteristics were studied and analyzed from July 2008–June
2009. The results revealed that the condition of these dams in various seasons
concerning the parameters. The physicochemical parameters; with the help of
this understanding, the water quality of the dam and the correlation
coefficient shows a highly significant positive and negative relationship
(p<0.01) and also a significant positive
and negative relationship (p<0.05) these parameters are correlated with the
different seasons. Correlation coefficients are
used to measure the strength of the association between parameters.
During the present investigation, the observed all
parameters values within the permitted limit specified by the
ISI, which indicates that the dam's water is suitable for drinking and domestic
Words: Physico-chemical
parameters, Seasonal variations, Sukhana Dam, Water quality, Water parameter
many countries, water scarcity is becoming a growing obstacle not only for family
care but also for economic activity in general. The upstream water makes the
downstream river so short that the industry is forced to close seasonally. In
the Indonesian regional capital Surabaya, this has become routine. As industry,
irrigation and people expand, so does the economic and environmental cost of
investing in additional water resources. Access to drinking water is still an
urgent human need in many countries. Aquatic
biodiversity is threatened primarily by human abuse and mismanagement of both
living resources and the ecosystems that support them. Most of the reservoirs
are getting polluted due to domestic waste, sewage, industrial and agricultural
effluents [1]. Part of the problem is pollution. The diseases that
are largely defeated by installing suitable water and sewage systems cause
enormous human suffering. The problem is exacerbated in some places by
increasing water shortages, making it difficult to meet growing demand. Human
waste poses a significant health risk to the many people who are forced to
drink and wash in the untreated water of rivers and ponds. UNEP's Global
Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS) data show the enormous problem of such
contamination with poor and deteriorated surface water quality in many
countries [2]. In countries that can
afford to treat all water supplies, human wastewater pollution is lower, and
even in some high-income countries, water quality has continued to deteriorate.
decomposition of pollutants reduces the amount of dissolved O2 in
the water and reduces the river's ability to support aquatic life. Loss of
oxygen does not directly jeopardize health but can have an economic impact on
fishing. Human wastewater and agro-industrial wastewater are the leading causes
of this problem [3].
Another factor is the release of nutrients from agricultural areas with the
intensive use of fertilizers. Although insufficient amounts of dissolved oxygen
tended to affect shorter lengths or rivers than faecal contamination, a sample
from GEMS monitoring agencies in the mid-1980s found that 12% had sufficient
dissolved oxygen content [4], low to accommodate fish stocks.
Endangering the problem was worse when rivers flowed through large cities or
industrial centres. The requirement
of water in all lives, from micro-organisms to man, is a serious problem today
because all water resources have reached a point of crisis due to unplanned
urbanization and industrialization. Water quality assessment generally involves
analysis of physicochemical and biological parameters and reflects on the
abiotic and biotic status of the ecosystem [5]. In China, only five of the 15
river sections near significant cities have fed the fish. High-income countries
have improved slightly in the past decade. Middle-income countries showed no
change in the average, and low-income countries continued to deteriorate [6].
Different climatic conditions found in India: Summer from February to May,
Monsoon from June to September and winter from October to January. In tropical
countries, there may be a direct link between the duration of the sun and the
temperature [7]. The present study was conducted to assess the water
quality of the Sukhana Dam at Aurangabad, Maharashtra,
India, which is essential for human use in this environment. Residents use the
water for drinking, domestic, agricultural, and recreational purposes [6].
Study Area-
The Sukhana dam is situated near the village Garkheda in Aurangabad
tahsil. It is built over the Sukhana
River which passed through the Chikalthana suburb, known for Breweries and
Pharmaceuticals’ industrial hub. It is 22 km away from the East side of
Aurangabad city between 140.48’36’’ North latitude, 750.30''
East longitude. The dam was
constructed in the year 1968 as a medium irrigation dam. Soil has been used as
bunding materials, the bund height is 16.92 meters and the catchments area is
about 21.34 The Top width of the bund is about 3.00 meters. The dam is
surrounded by greyish laetrile and black soil.
collection- Water samples were taken for physicochemical analysis at the Sukhana Dam in
Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India, early in
the morning between 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM in the first week of each month from July 2008 - June 2009. Samples were collected in an
acid-washed five-litre plastic container at a depth of 5 to 10 cm below the
water's surface. Separate samples were collected to dissolve the oxygen in 250
ml bottles, and the dissolved oxygen was fixed in the field by adding an
alkaline iodide-azide solution immediately after collection. The samples were
analyzed directly and returned to the laboratory.
The status of the Dam water quality has been determined seasonally, that
is, summer, monsoon, and winter. Physicochemical properties such as Rainfall, Atmospheric and
Water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), Free Carbon
Dioxide (CO2), and Calcium have been
seasonally determined in monthly variation in Site A. and B. using standard
methods [8,9].
Table 1: Determination of Physicochemical parameters
S. No. |
Parameters |
Tests |
1 |
Rainfall |
provided by Govt. of Maharashtra office Tq. Aurangabad, District Aurangabad. |
2 |
Temperature |
by using Mercury thermometer |
3 |
Water Temperature |
by using Mercury thermometer dipping in water up to 10 cm. |
4 |
pH |
on spot collecting water samples by using portable water analysis kit. |
5 |
Oxygen |
on the field itself with the help of portable water analysis kit. |
6 |
CO2 |
on the field itself with the help of portable water analysis kit. |
7 |
Calcium |
in the laboratory by titrimetric method [8]. |
Statistical Analysis- The data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA)
while significant means were separated with Duncan’s multiple range tests using
SPSS 17.0 statistics.
RESULTS- The water parameters were examined and recorded in three
seasons: Summer, Monsoon, and Winter. The table shows seasonal data on the
physicochemical parameters of the Sukhana Dam in Aurangabad, Maharashtra,
India. The present study deals with the physicochemical properties of the
Sukhana Dam at Aurangabad, Maharashtra,
Rainfall- It has recorded identical
seasonal patterns and is influenced by the southeast monsoon, coinciding with
periods of relatively warmer temperatures. The amount of precipitation plays a
vital role in regulating the various seasonal biological rhythms. The change in
the concentration of the individual chemical components observed hereafter
rainwater had entered the dams suggests their effects, affecting the quality of
the plankton. Precipitation played an essential role in the annual controls [10,11].
The rainfall values were ranged
from 0 to 190 mm. The average rainfall values were maximum in Monsoon 114±46.94 mm and
minimum during summer 4±39.81 mm as recorded (Table 1). In Sukhana Dam, it
was positively co-related with atmospheric temperature (Table 2).
Atmospheric and water
temperature- Water temperature is one of the most important properties that
decisively determine the trends and trends of quality changes. Temperature is
an essential factor influencing the balance of ions and phases and the speed of
the biochemical process, which are associated with changes in the concentration
and content of organic and mineral substances. Temperature data are also used
to calculate the degree of saturation of water with oxygen and other gases. The
thermal contamination of the surrounding water significantly affects the
aquatic biota and can reduce the water flora and the formation of algal blooms
in the water. The atmospheric
temperature values were ranged from 19ºC to 34ºC. The average atmospheric
temperature values were maximum in summer 29.75±4.68ºC and minimum during winter 21±2ºC as recorded.
The water temperature values were reached from 16 to 32 ºC. The average water
temperature values were maximum in summer 27.25±4.49ºC and minimum during winter 19.25±2.31ºC as
recorded (Table 2). In the Sukhana Dam, the atmospheric and water temperature
was positively correlated to temperature, rainfall, and calcium, and while it
was no negatively correlated (Table 3).
2: Seasonal variations in Physico-chemical
parameters of sukhana dam July 2008-June 2009
Parameters |
Rainfall (MM) |
Atmospheric Temp. (0C) |
Water Temp. (0C) |
pH |
DO (mg/l) |
CO2 (mg/l) |
Calcium (mg/l) |
Monsoon |
114±46.94 |
25.5±1.60 |
23.75±0.88 |
8.78±0.45 |
9.62±1.05 |
7.1±0.65 |
29.01±2.11 |
Winter |
17.5±26.59 |
21±2 |
19.25±2.31 |
8.85±0.38 |
11.7±0.40 |
6.3±1.86 |
19.53±1.94 |
Summer |
4±39.81 |
29.75±4.68 |
27.25±4.49 |
8.02±0.26 |
10.1±0.62 |
10.15±0.68 |
23.37±4.34 |
Range |
0-190 |
19-34 |
16-32 |
7.6-9.3 |
8.4-12.2 |
4.2-11.1 |
17.3-31.3 |
Table 3: Correlation coefficient of the physicochemical
variables of sukhana dam during July 2008-June 2009
At. temp |
Ca2 |
CO2 |
DO |
pH |
Wt. temp |
Rain fall |
At. temp |
1 |
0.718** |
0.082 |
-0.385 |
-0.309 |
0.872** |
0.622* |
Ca2 |
1 |
0.035 |
-0.540 |
-0.179 |
0.581* |
0.206 |
CO2 |
1 |
0.648 |
-0.774** |
-0.010 |
0.051 |
Do |
1 |
-0.711* |
-0.203 |
-0.447 |
pH |
1 |
-0.222 |
0.418 |
Wt. temp |
1 |
0.552 |
Rainfall |
1 |
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05
pH- The normal pH range for surface
water systems is between 6.5 and 8.5 and for groundwater systems between 6 and 8.5.
The pH of the water is controlled by the equilibrium that is maintained by the
compounds dissolved in the order In natural waters, pH is primarily a function
of the carbonate system, which consists of carbon dioxide (CO2),
carbonic acid (H2CO3), bicarbonate (HCO3) and
carbonate [12]. The pH of natural water is generally between 4.0 and
8.5. Its value is primarily determined by the balance of carbon dioxide,
bicarbonates and carbonates. It can be influenced by the change in human
substances in the carbonate household due to the bioactivity of plants and in
some cases, by hydrolyzable salts. The pH of water has a significant impact on
the toxicity of substances that are usually present in water, especially
chemicals that ionize under the influence of pH [13]. The pH values were ranged from 7.6 to 9.3. The
average pH values were maximum in winter 8.85±0.38 and minimum during summer 8.02±0.26 as
recorded (Table 1). In the Sukhana Dam, pH was no positively correlated, and
negatively correlated with free carbon dioxide, and dissolved oxygen (Table 2).
Dissolved oxygen (DO)- Dissolved oxygen is a critical parameter that
reflects the water quality and is therefore used to classify its variety,
especially the water that absorbs the waste. Its consumption during the
decomposition of organic substances reduces the concentration to zero and thus
reflects the degree of biological contamination of the water. If the waters
receive many organic pollutants, the oxygen content drops to zero and the
aerobic organisms are destroyed. The study of oxygen content plays a vital role
in assessing the habitat conditions of flora and fauna in a body of water.
Their presence is essential to maintain higher forms of biological life in the
water. The system's oxygen balance largely determines the effects of dirt
discharge on a body of water. The dissolved oxygen values were ranged from 8.4
to 12.2 mg/l. The average dissolved oxygen values were maximum in winter 11.7±0.40 mg/l and
minimum during summer 9.62±1.05 mg/l as recorded (Table 1). In Sukhana dam, the
dissolved oxygen has no positive correlation and is negatively correlated with
pH (Table 2).
Free carbon dioxide (CO2)- Carbon dioxide makes up 0.03% of the atmosphere. It is
present in the atmosphere due to biota breathing and industrial combustion,
while plants consume it during photosynthesis. Carbonic acid sometimes arises
from the dissolution of CO2 in water and also through the
decomposition process of organic waste. Surface water contains less than 10
mg/l carbon dioxide typically. CO2 more water is less alkaline,
while CO2 less water is more alkaline [14]. The free
carbon dioxide values were ranged from 4.2 to 11.1 mg/l. The average free
carbon dioxide values were maximum in summer 10.15±0.68 mg/l and minimum during winter 6.3±1.86 mg/l as
recorded (Table 1). Sukhana Dam showed no positive correlation and was
negatively correlated with pH (Table 2).
Calcium- The calcium in the water supply leads to passage through or
over the limestone, dolomite, gypsum and gypsum reservoir. A low concentration
of Caco3 leads to corrosion of metal pipes when bent or covered.
Calcium is an important component of natural water and is released from stones
and soil. Concentration up to 100 mg/l. Calcium can scale in pipes and boilers.
Happiness has no negative physiological effects on human health. A person who
drinks water with a certain amount of calcium is less likely to have heart
problems or heart disease than a person who contains freshwater without
calcium. Calcium values ranged from 17.3 to 31.3 mg/l. The mean
calcium values during the monsoon were a maximum of 29.01 ± 2.11
mg/l, and in winter, at least 19.53 ± 1.94 mg/l, as indicated (Table 1). In the
Sukhana dam, calcium was positively correlated with water temperature, and no
negative correlations were observed (Table 2).
In this study, the maximum summer and pre-monsoon temperatures and the lowest
winter temperatures at all sampling points indicate sharp seasonal
fluctuations. The increase in the temperature of the surface waters of dams and
lakes in each season is due to surface heating and less mixing of the water,
which allows a uniform distribution of heat in the water column. The
respiration of organisms depends on temperature; The respiratory rate can
increase by 10% or more with a temperature increase of 10°C. Therefore, high
temperature not only reduces the availability of oxygen but also increases the
need for oxygen, which can cause a physiological load on the fish,
phytoplankton and zooplankton [15,16]. Sharma et al. [17] recorded the
range of atmospheric temperature 15°C to 32.°C in Ban Ganga Stream, Katra;
Jammu and Kashmir state. Salve and Hiware
[18] recorded the range of atmospheric temperature 25°C to
34°C in Wanparakalpa Reservoir, Parli V. Dist Beed. Jayabhaye et al. [19] recorded the
water temperature ranged 22.5°C to 32.5°C in minor reservoir. Jawale et al. [20] recorded the
water temperature range 23°C to 32°C in Second Terna Makani Reservoir,
Osmanabad, Maharashtra. The pH of the water
determines the solubility (mount that can be dissolved in water) and the
bioavailability (the amount that can be used by aquatic life) of chemical
components such as nutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen and carbon) and heavy metals
(lead, copper, cadmium, etc.). pH can also determine if aquatic organisms can
use it. The degree of solubility of heavy metals determines their toxicity.
Metals tend to be more toxic at lower pH because they are more soluble. Reddy
et al. [21] studied Pakhal Lake and was recorded the pH in the
range 7.2 to 8.2. Narayana et al. [22] observed pH range 7.25 to 7.65 in Anjanapura Reservoir,
amount of oxygen that water can contain depends on the water's temperature,
salinity, and pressure. Gas solubility increases with decreasing temperature
and decreasing salinity: the partial pressure and the degree of oxygen
saturation change with altitude. Gas solubility decreases with decreasing
pressure. Therefore, the amount of oxygen absorbed in the water decreases with
increasing height due to decreased relative pressure [23]. Ingole et al.[24] observed DO range
3.0 mg/l to 10.3 mg/l in Majalgaon dam, Dist. Beed (M.S). Karadkhele et al. [25] observed DO range
3 mg/l to 5.9 mg/l in Nana Nani park, Latur, Maharashtra. Various
workers have also demonstrated such variations for different water bodies. Thus
higher levels of free carbon dioxide were primarily due to the decomposition of
organic waste. The increase in winter calcium concentration is due to the low water
temperature, which increases the solubility of calcium in water et
al. [26]. The increase during the monsoon could be due to the addition of river
basins due to the steady flow of rains [27] and the rapid oxidation
of organic matter [28]. The decrease was observed in both seasons
during the summer season, probably due to calcium absorption by plankton for
its growth [29]. Barbieri et al.
[30] reported that calcium showed a significant positive co-relation
of calcium with total hardness, TDS and Magnesium. These studies support our
the present investigation, the range observed parameters were below the
permissible limits given by ISI, The water of the present reservoir is useful
for irrigation as well as fish culture.
The water parameters indicate that the reservoir is rich in nutrients. It can be concluded that Physico-chemical parameters are important
to determine the quality of the aquatic environment. In the present study, it
performs that the significant positive and negative correlation present in
parameters. We can conclude that
all the parameters are more or less correlated with each other. Correlation coefficients are used
to measure the strength of the association between parameters.
The present work
will provide future strategies to improve water quality; there should be
continuous monitoring of pollution levels to maintain the favourable conditions
of the dam. The continuous biomonitoring of the dam is
needed as it affects the flora and fauna of the Sukhana Dam in Aurangabad, Maharashtra.
The authors are thankful to the
Department of Zoology, Sambhajirao Kendre Mahavidyalaya, Jalkot Dist. Latur,
(M.S.) India for providing laboratory and library facilities.
Research concept- Dr. S. E. Shinde
Research design- Dr.
S. E. Shinde
Supervision- Dr.
S. E. Shinde
Materials- Dr.
Ashok Sayasrao Munde
Data collection- Dr.
Ashok Sayasrao Munde
Data analysis and Interpretation- Dr. Ashok Sayasrao Munde
Literature search- Dr. P. R. More
Writing article-
Dr. Ashok Sayasrao Munde
Critical review-- Dr. P. R. More
Article editing- Dr.
S. E. Shinde
approval- Dr. S. E. Shinde
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