Research Article (Open access) |
SSR Inst. Int. J. Life. Sci.,
2379-2386, September 2019
Study of Pinna in Relation to Age in Uttar Pradesh Population
Vidit Pratap Dixit1,
Pratishtha Potdar2*, Jagmohan
Singh Dhakar3
1Senior Demonstrator, Department of Anatomy, Rama Medical College
Hospital and Research Centre, Hapur, U.P, India
2Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Santosh Medical
College, Ghaziabad, U.P, India
3Statistician cum Assistant
Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Santosh Medical College,
Ghaziabad, U.P, India
*Address for Correspondence: Dr. Pratishtha Potdar,
Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Santosh Medical College, Ghaziabad,
U.P–245304, India
Background: Morphometric dimensions of ear plays a very important role in plastic surgery and prosthetics.
This study aimed to determine different morphometric parameters of both ear and
to provide information regarding age related changes.
Methods: A study was conducted on 167 subjects including both males
and females. The ear was measured using vernier caliper with an accuracy of
0.001 and recorded in millimeters (mm) in a data sheet. The size of pinna and
the lobule were measured on both right and left side and were correlated with
age of the individual. Readings were statistically analyzed in order to
determine the relationship between the size of the pinna and the age of the
Results: In our study of age 18–30 ear length was 6.15 cm,
lobule length and width was 1.87 cm and 1.99 cm and in age 31–40 ear length was
6.32 mm, lobular length and width was 1.95 cm and 2.01 cm and in age 41–50 yrs ear length was
6.415 cm, lobular length and width was 1.98 cm and 2.06 cm. This shows that in
our study ear length were increasing significantly with age and similarly Rt
and Lt lobular length and Lt lobular width were also increasing significantly
with the age. There was no significant difference between the size of the right
and left pinna.
Conclusion: The present
study shows that the expansion of auricle with age was related to structural
change in auricular cartilage. The ear morphometry also helps in predicting ear
anomalies and to reproduce anatomically
corrected ear during its reconstruction.
Key Words: Ear auricle, Ear length, Ear lobule, Ear
width, Morphopometry
ear is a complex, curved inter wined substructure as compared to rest of human
body, its shape is framed in such a way to allow spatial localization of sounds
[1]. Human ear convey sign of age and gender that are ill defined [2].
The anatomical structures of the external ear are utilized for personal
identification of living subjects in relation to criminal activity. There have
been claims in recent years that the external ear may be utilized for personal
identification of both living and deceased individuals [3]. So
knowledge about normal auricular dimensions is important in diagnosis of
congenital malformation syndromes and acquired deformities. The size of human
auricle continues to enlarge until advanced age and it is well known that this structural changes of auricular cartilage is
associated with morphological age changes of elastic fibers, which was one of important cause of expansion of auricle even after adulthood [4,5]. Many
studies have been done on expansion of ear auricle by measuring the size of
auricle but mechanism of expansion is still not clear [6]. Although
various studies on morphological changes of auricular cartilage with age
changes and few on fine structure of auricular cartilage have been reported but
no literature are available on ultra structural age changes in human auricular
cartilage [7,8]. The human ear is divided into external, middle and
internal parts. The pinna and the external acoustic meatus form the external
ear. The lateral surface of the pinna is irregularly concave, faces slightly
forward and displays numerous eminences and depressions (Fig. 1). It was of
great interest that elastic fibers in auricular cartilage undergoes structural
changes with age similar to dermis of skin as this elastic fibers play a fine role
in extension of auricular length after puberty [9,10]. In the
present study, we measured various parameters of human and also determined the
relationship between ear sizes with age of the adult North Indian population.
1:External features of ear
present study was carried out on North Indian population, in age group of 18–60 years including 167 Males and 33
Females. A written consent was obtained
from each participant in a prescribed format. Each participant was informed
about the nature of the study before obtaining the consent. Healthy individuals in an age group of 18–60 years, without any deformity
or abnormality and willingness to participate in the study were included in
this study. Age groups below 18 and above 65 years of age, having any type of
physical deformity or ear injury were excluded. The subjects were
divided into four groups according to their age at intervals of 5 years.
measurements related to total ear length and ear width and lobule length and
width were taken with a digital Vernier Caliper as shown in Fig. 2.
2: Digital Vernier Caliper
The observations were made according to
the methods of Eboh [11]. Each subjects were made to sit in a
natural head position in a chair with a backrest and positioned in such a way
so that the eyes of the subject looks straight forward with the lower border of
the eye sockets in the same horizontal
plane as the external auditory meatus.
Total ear length was measured as
the distance from the most superior point of the helix (A) to most inferior
point of the ear lobule (B). Total ear width was determined by measuring along
the broadest part of the pinna from the (D) to (C) as shown in Fig. 3.
3:Left pinna showing the total length A to B and ear width from C to D
lobule length was taken as the distance
from the tip of anti tragus (E) to most inferior point of the lobule (B) and
the total lobule width was measured as horizontal distance of the lobule at the
midpoint of the lobule length (EB) as shown in Fig. 4.
4:Left pinna lobule length E to B and lobule width from F to G
Analysis- All the four parameters of right and left ears were
taken by digital venier caliper with an accuracy of 0.001 and recorded in
millimeters (mm) in a data sheet. All subjects were divided into four groups
according to their age. The pearson correlation is used to establish the
relationship between the size of the pinna and the age of the individual and
the data was analyzed using SPSS version 23,
p<0.05 was significant.
The pinna of 167 subjects were measured in the age group of 18–57 years
which shows that there was a gradual
increase in length of the pinna with advancing age till 40–50 yrs and there
after it is non-significant. The results have been summarized as below.
Table 1 shows that there was a gradual
increase in length of the pinna with advancing age till 40–50 yrs and
thereafter it was non-significant.
Table 1:
Morphometric measurements of pinna in relation to age
Groups |
Age (Yrs) |
Number of subjects |
Mean pinna length (mm) |
Mean ear width (mm) |
A |
18-30 |
114 |
61.58±3.86 |
61.47±3.8 |
24.41±2.51 |
24.53±2.4 |
B |
31-40 |
54 |
63.23±4.68 |
63.18±4.45 |
24.72±2.36 |
24.71±2.43 |
C |
41-50 |
24 |
64.15±4.23 |
64.02±4.31 |
24.63±2.25 |
24.6±2.60 |
D |
51-60 |
8 |
64.36±2.59 |
64.36±2.59 |
25.7±1.75 |
25.7±1.75 |
Right ear length; LEL- Left ear length; REW- Right ear width; LEW- Left ear
P-value (>0.005)=
5a:Relation between the lengths of pinna with age of
1- Average length of right ear, Series 2- Average length left ear
Table 2 shows that there was a gradual
increase in length and width of lobule from 18.79 and 19.57 mm at the age of
18–30 yrs to 21.24 mm and 21.03 mm at
the age of 51–60 with advancing age.
2: Morphometric measurements of lobule in relation to age
Groups |
Age (Yrs) |
Number of subjects |
Mean lobule length
(mm) |
Mean lobule width (mm) |
A |
18-30 |
114 |
18.79±2.86 |
18.73±2.83 |
19.98±2.58 |
19.57±2.1 |
B |
31-40 |
54 |
19.53±2.31 |
19.43±2.34 |
20.18±2.58 |
20.17±2.64 |
C |
41-50 |
24 |
19.84±2.53 |
20.62±2.56 |
20.61±2.55 |
20.23±2.4 |
D |
51-60 |
8 |
20.99±3.45 |
21.24±3.46 |
21.03±1.92 |
21.03±1.92 |
RLL-Right lobule
length, LLL- LEFT lobule width, RLW- Right lobule width, LLW Left lobule width
Fig. 5 b: Relation between the lengths of lobule with age of
Series 1- Mean length of right lobule, Series 2- Mean
length of left lobule
Table 3 shows that right and left pinna
length were same. Table 3 shows that right and left ear length was 61.58 and
61.47 mm at the age of 18 -30 yrs, 64.36 mm and 64.36 mm at the age of 51–60.
This shows that there was non-significant difference between right and left
pinna length.
3: Correlation between right and left pinna in relation to age
Groups |
Age (Yrs) |
Number of subjects |
Mean pinna length (mm) |
P- value |
A |
18-30 |
114 |
61.58±3.86 |
61.47±3.80 |
0.82 |
B |
31-40 |
54 |
63.23±4.68 |
63.18±4.45 |
0.95 |
C |
41-50 |
24 |
64.15±4.23 |
64.02±4.31 |
0.91 |
D |
51-60 |
8 |
64.36±2.59 |
64.36±2.59 |
1.00 |
P-value (>0.005)=
Table 4 shows that right and left ear width was 24.41
and 24.53
mm at the age of 18–30 yrs, 25.7 mm and 25.7 mm at the age of
51–60. This shows that there was non-significant difference between right and
left pinna width.
4: Correlation of right and left pinna
width in relation to age
Groups |
Age (Yrs) |
Number of subjects |
Mean ear width (mm) |
P-value |
A |
18-30 |
114 |
24.41±2.51 |
24.53±2.4 |
0.71 |
B |
31-40 |
54 |
24.72±2.36 |
24.71±2.43 |
0.98 |
C |
41-50 |
24 |
24.63±2.25 |
24.6±2.6 |
0.96 |
D |
51-60 |
8 |
25.7±1.75 |
25.7±1.75 |
1.00 |
P-value (>0.005)=
Table 5 shows that right and left
lobular length was 18.79 and 18.73 mm at the age of 18–30 yrs, 20.99 mm and
21.24 mm at the age of 51–60. This shows P-value (>0.005), which means there
was non-significant difference between right and left lobular length.
5: Correlation of right and left lobule length in relation to age
Groups |
Age (Yrs) |
Number of subjects |
Mean lobule width (mm) |
P- value |
A |
18-30 |
114 |
18.79±2.86 |
18.73±2.83 |
0.83 |
B |
31-40 |
54 |
19.53±2.31 |
19.43±2.34 |
0.82 |
C |
41-50 |
24 |
19.84±2.53 |
20.62±2.56 |
0.29 |
D |
51-60 |
8 |
20.99±3.45 |
21.24±3.46 |
0.88 |
P-value (>0.005)=
Table 6 shows that right and left lobule
width were 19.98 mm and 19.57 mm at the age of 18–30 yrs which was increasing
to 21.03 mm and 21.03 mm at the age of 51–60 yrs, this shows that right and
left lobular width have non-significant difference.
6: Correlation of right and left lobule width in relation to age
Group |
Age (Yrs) |
Number of subjects |
Mean lobule width in
mm |
P- value |
Right |
Left |
A |
18-30 |
114 |
19.98±2.58 |
19.57±2.1 |
0.18 |
B |
31-40 |
54 |
20.18±2.58 |
20.17±2.64 |
0.98 |
C |
41-50 |
24 |
20.61±2.55 |
20.23±2.4 |
0.65 |
D |
51-60 |
8 |
21.03±1.92 |
21.03±1.92 |
1.00 |
7 shows that right ear length were increasing significantly with age, similarly
right and left lobular length and left lobular
width were increasing significantly with the age as p-value was <0.001.
Table 7: Showing correlation of ear dimensions with age
Total Ear Length (mm) |
Total Ear Width (mm) |
Lobular Length (mm) |
Lobular Width (mm) |
Right |
Left |
Right |
Left |
Right |
Left |
Right |
Left |
Correlation ( r ) |
0.288 |
0.017 |
0.088 |
0.082 |
0.266 |
0.283 |
0.130 |
0.109 |
p-value |
0.001 |
0.811 |
0.214 |
0.248 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.067 |
0.124 |
Morphometric data provides a valuable source of information to ergonomists
and designers, who attempted to consider a
range of body sizes and abilities in the design of occupational environments and products. Itoh et al. [12] studied the morphological age changes in
adult human auricular cartilage in 1958 subjects and found that the
histological changes of the auricular cartilage containing elastic fibers may
be one of the reasons of ear length increasing with age. Sharma et al.
[13] in his morphometric study of ear
lobule in 260 northwest Indians between the age of 1 to 80 years observed that
maximum length of the lobule increased appreciably between 6-15 years and 41-80
years similarly our study also shows that ear length and lobule length
increases from age 18 yrs to 60 yrs as 61.58 mm on right ear and 61.47 on left
ear at age of 18-30, which was increased to 64.36 mm on right and 64.36 mm on
left ear at the age of 51-60 yrs.
[14] incorporated anthropometric measurement on 200 hundred subjects
with age 20-59 year, found that pinna length was 52.8±8.7 mm in 20 year age
group, in 30 year age group pinna length was 56.3±5.8 mm and 40 year age group
pinna length was 56.6±6.90 mm, and in 50 year age group pinna length was
59.1±7.1 mm showing increase in pinna length with age. Similarly in our study
pinna length was 61.58±3.86 mm at the age 18–30 yrs, 63.23±4.68 mm at the age
31–40 yrs, 64.15±4.32 at the age 41–50 yrs, 64.36±2.59 mm at the age 51-60 yrs
showing increase in pinna length with age. Ekanem et al. [15] did an
anthropometric study of pinna on 217 adult Nigerians in Maiduguri between 18 to
65 years and the subjects were divided into 11 groups showed that the total ear length and total
lobular length are increasing significantly as same as our study.
et al.
[16] shown in his morphometric study of the external ear on 123
volunteers, 89 women and 34 men with 18 to 65 years age. They divided all
subjects into 3 groups with 15 year age intervals and measured total ear
length, lobule length and width. In a group of 15–30
years total ear length was 6.17 cm and lobule length and width 1.78 cm and 2.10
cm similarly in our study of age 18–30 ear length was
6.15 cm, lobule length and width was 1.87 cm and
1.99 cm. In 31–45 year age group, total ear length was 6.27 cm, lobule length
and width was 1.85, 1.96 cm respectively, similarly in our study of age 31–40
ear length was 6.32 mm, lobular length and width was 1.95 cm and 2.01 cm. In 46–60 year age group total ear length was 6.45
cm, lobule length and width was, 1.99cm, 1.97 cm similarly in our study of age
41–50 yrs ear length is 6.415 cm, lobular length and width was 1.98 cm was 2.06 cm this shows that ear length and
lobular length are increasing with age. Oludiran and
Omotoso [17] shown in adult of 18 to 30 year total ear length of
left and right side was 58.6±5.2 mm, 58.5±4.9 mm and width 33.3±4.8 mm,
34.0±4.9 mm. Total ear lobular length of left and right side was15.8±3.3 mm,
15.9±3.6 mm and total ear lobule width 17.2±4.0 mm, 17.2±4.2 mm. There were no
significant differences in ear parameters of right and left side ear similar to
our study. Taura et al. [18]
reported that the correlation is higher with height in right ear width while in
our study ear length and lobular length and width were increasing significantly
with the age. In our study we also explained that increase in lobular length is
not due to weight effects of earing but due to ageing process. Deopa et al. [19] observed that there
were differences in anthropometric data of people from different regions in
India similarly Jung [20] also surveyed the dimensions and
characteristic of Korean ears and found that age, gender and
different ethnic population were determinants of ear dimensions. According to Kalra and Kalra [21], the
breadth of ear lobule increased up to the age of 15 yrs nearest to 0–1 mm and
almost static between 16–40 yrs increases again from 41 yrs onwards while
in our study ear length and ear
width were increasing significantly .
we compare our study with those of others we find there was a difference in the
value of ear measurement and these discrepancies could be result of various
factors such as race, genetic variable, individual constitution, environment,
age and human error.
CONCLUSIONS- In the present
study, we confirmed that the auricular size increased significantly after
reaching adulthood till advanced age by morphometric parameters of ear. It thus
appeared that elastic fibers and components of extracellular matrix in the
auricular cartilage changed structurally with ageing. Therefore, it is concluded that further study
was required to provide different formula for different sex with large
population size. With this appropriate normative data, it is hoped that better
and objective reference material would be provided for the aesthetic plastic
surgeon, forensic purpose, in particularly those engaged in ear rejuvenation in
the country.
concept- Dr. Pratishtha Potdar
design- Dr. Vidit Pratap Dixit
Supervision- Dr.
Pratishtha Potdar
Materials- Dr. Vidit
Pratap Dixit
collection- Dr. Vidit Pratap Dixit
analysis and Interpretation- Dr. Jagmohan Singh Dhakar
search- Dr. Jagmohan Singh Dhakar
article- Dr. Pratishtha Potdar
review- Dr. Jagmohan Singh Dhakar
editing- Dr. Pratishtha Potdar
Final approval- Dr.
Pratishtha Potdar
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