Research Article (Open access) |
Int. J. Life. Sci. Scienti. Res., 4(2): 1685-1689,
March 2018
of Smoking Status with COPD in North Indian Population
Sarika Pandey1,
Rajiv Garg1*, Surya Kant1, Priyanka Gaur2,
Ajay Verma3, Prashant Mani
Tripathi1, Rajeev Kumar1
of Respiratory Medicine, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow-
226010, Uttar Pradesh, India
of Physiology, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow- 226010, Uttar
Pradesh, India
of Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine, King George’s Medical
University, Lucknow- 226010, Uttar Pradesh, India
for Correspondence: Dr. Rajiv Garg,
Professor, Department of Respiratory Medicine, King George’s Medical
University, Lucknow- 226010, Uttar Pradesh, India
ABSTRACT- Background:
The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a chronic inflammatory disease and
a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Smoking is the major risk
factor in COPD. Smoking damages the air sacs, airway and the lining of the
lungs and due to this lung have trouble moving enough air in and out making
hard to breathe. Smoking may act as a trigger factor for many people who have
COPD and can either cause an exacerbation or flare-up of symptoms. The present
study aims to determine the association of smoking status with different stages
of COPD and clinical symptoms in a North Indian population.
Methods: The
present study was conducted on 160 stable COPD patients in the department of
Respiratory Medicine, King George Medical University, Lucknow.
Results: Out
of 160 patients enrolled there were 41.8% smokers, 24.3% non-smokers, and 33.7%
ex-smokers. The present study found a significant
association (p<0.02) of smoking status with different stages of COPD,
although non-significant association (p=0.96) was observed between smoking
status and clinical symptoms.
Conclusion: The
significant association of smoking status was observed with different stages of
COPD while the non-significant association was observed with clinical symptoms
in the present study in north Indian population. Smoking cessation will be
helpful in reducing the progression and management of this disease in smokers.
Keywords: Chronic
Obstructive pulmonary disease, Smoking, Clinical symptoms, Gold stage
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a chronic inflammatory disease and a leading
cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide [1]. It is a
common, preventable and treatable disease, characterized by persistent
respiratory symptoms and airflow limitation that is due to airway and/or alveolar
abnormalities usually caused by significant exposure to noxious particles or
gases. As per World Health Organization (WHO), three million people die from
COPD each year [2]. It is estimated that more than 90% of
COPD deaths occur in low and middle-income countries [3]. COPD
continues to be an important public health problem in India. It is
independently associated with low-grade systemic inflammation, with a different
inflammatory pattern than that observed in healthy subjects [4].
Systemic inflammation in COPD patients has been associated with increased neutrophil, macrophage, T-lymphocytes and high
concentrations of inflammatory mediators in peripheral blood such as C-reactive
protein (CRP) and other cytokines (IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α etc) [5-10]. Breathlessness,
cough and/or sputum production are the most important respiratory symptoms
associated with this disease [11].
Cigarette smoking is the most
studied risk factor in COPD [12]. Smoking may act as a trigger
factor for many people who have COPD and can either cause an exacerbation or
flare-up of symptoms. Smoking damages the air sacs, airway and the lining of
the lungs and due to this lung have trouble moving enough air in and out making
hard to breathe. Long term smoking causes airway inflammation characterized
by neutrophil, macrophage and activated T
lymphocyte infiltration and by increased CRP and cytokine concentration.
Occupational exposures, environmental exposure and indoor air pollution from
biomass cooking are the other risk factors for the development and the
progression of COPD. Exacerbations and Co-morbidities also contribute to the
overall severity in individual patients. The present study was done in north
Indian population to determine the association of smoking status with different
stages of COPD and clinical symptoms.
Study population and
selection of subjects- The present study was
carried out in the department of respiratory medicine, King George medical
university, Lucknow a tertiary care hospital, North India. The study
subjects included were diagnosed cases of stable COPD of both genders. COPD
patients (n=160) were enrolled from the OPD of the respiratory department. The
subjects were residing in the geographic area of northern India. The study was
approved by the institutional ethical committee and written informed
consent was obtained from all the subjects. The diagnosis of COPD was based on
pulmonary function test, which was done in all patients. According to GOLD
criteria, COPD was defined on the basis of the post bronchodilator
FEV1/FVC ratio of less than 0.70 and reversibility to an inhaled
bronchodilator in FEV1 <12% or <200ml after administration of 200 μg Salbutamol (2
puffs) using a pressurized metered dose inhaler with a spacer. All the
patients who were included were free from any disease or exacerbation forth
preceding 2 months. Subjects reporting with a history of pulmonary
tuberculosis, cardiac diseases, ILD, pregnancy, diabetes, and cancer were
excluded from the study. Patients with any other systemic disease other
than COPD were also excluded. In all the subjects, body weight and height were
noted and body mass index (BMI) was calculated according to the formula of
weight in kilograms divided by the height in meter square. A detailed
clinical history of respiratory symptoms was also obtained.
Based on the patient self reported smoking
history, subjects were classified into three groups:
Group 1: Current
Group 2: Ex-smokers
(Ex-smokers were those who didn’t smoke from last one year. Pack-years were
calculated as (number of cigarettes smoked per day × number of years smoked)
Group 3: Never-smokers
analysis- Graph pad PRISM version 6.01 was used for
analysis of data. Values have been represented in mean±SD (in
case of continuous variable) and expressed as number and percentages (in case
of categorical variables). Chi square test was used for comparison of
categorical data. P-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
history- The baseline characteristics of the
patients are shown in Table 1. Age of patients ranged from 35 to 75 years.
Mean age of patients was 56.96 ± 9.64. Among
all study subjects, 129 (80.6%) were males and 31 (19.4%) females. The
mean BMI of patients was 20.32±4.10.
1: Demographic profile of stable COPD patients
Parameters |
COPD patients (N=160) |
Age(yrs) |
56.96± 9.64 |
Height(cm) |
159.3 ±10.56 |
Weight(kg) |
51.44 ± 10.68 |
BMI(kg/m2) |
20.32 ± 4.10 |
Gender |
Male |
129(80.62%) |
Female |
31(19.37%) |
Spirometry parameters |
Post FVC(L) |
2.05± 0.64 |
Post FEV1(L) |
1.13 ± 0.41 |
Post FEV1/FVC |
54.26 ± 10.13 |
Post FEV1% pred |
44.04 ±14.91 |
Smoking History- The
present study comprises 67 (41.8%) smokers (Group 1), 39(24.3%) non-smokers
(Group2) and 54 (33.7%) ex-smokers (33.7%). Among non-smokers, 23 patients were
having a history of exposure to biomass. The mean pack years was (20.29±17.35)
in the COPD patients. Number of people, who smoke bidi (72.7%) was
greater in our study in comparison to cigarette (20.5%) while there were fewer
people, who smoke both (6%).
Fig. 1:
Showing distribution of COPD patients according to smoking status
Spirometric values
such as mean FEV 1% predicted, FVC and FEV1/FVC ratio of COPD patients are
mentioned in Table 1. According to GOLD criteria, COPD patients were grouped
into four stages based on their severity. There were 2 patients (1.25%) having
mild COPD (stage 1), 48 patients (36.25%) have moderate COPD (stage
2), 57 patients (35.6%) have severe COPD (stage 3) while 53 patients (33.1%)
were having very severe COPD (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2:
Distribution of COPD patients into different GOLD stages on the basis of
COPD patients have been divided into three
groups (Fig. 3) smokers, non-smokers and ex-smokers on the basis of severity-
Group 1: Among
smokers there were 1 mild COPD patient, 18 moderate COPD, 17 severe COPD and 31
very severe COPD.
Group 2: Among
non smokers there were no patient with mild copd,
15 moderate COPD, 19 severe COPD and 5 very severe COPD patients.
Group 3: Among
ex- smokers there were 1 mild COPD patient, 15 moderate COPD, 21 severe COPD
and 17 very severe COPD patients. Statistically significant higher no of
smokers were observed in very severe patients (stage 4) of COPD (p
Fig. 3:
Distribution of smokers, non-smokers and ex-smokers on the basis of severity
Clinical Symptoms- Breathlessness
(95.6%) and cough (93.1%) were the most prominent symptoms observed in more
than 90 percent patients followed by wheezing (22.5%) and chest pain (18.75%).
Fever (17.5%) loss of sleep (16.2%). loss of appetite (24.3%) was the other
Fig. 4:
Distribution of COPD patients on the basis of smoking status according to
presenting clinical symptoms
On the basis of smoking status, clinical symptoms
observed in 3 different groups are shown in Fig. 4. In the present study there
were 67 smokers, 39 non-smokers, and 54 ex-smokers. In Group 1,
Breathlessness was the main symptom observed in 66 patients (98.5%) followed by
a cough in 63(94%), chest pain in 15(22.4%) and wheezing in 13 patients
(19.4%). 14 patients (21 %) also complained for fever, 11(16%) for loss of
sleep and 22(32%) for loss of appetite.
In Group 2, Breathlessness was the main symptom
observed in 39 patients (100%) followed by cough in 38 (97.4%), wheezing in 12
(30.7%) and chest pain in 6 patients (15.3%). 6 patients (15.3%)
also complained about fever, 7(17.5%) for loss of sleep and 7
(17.5%) for loss of appetite.
In Group 3, Breathlessness was the main symptom
observed in 54 patients (100%) followed by cough in 52 (96.3%), chest pain in
11(20.3%) and wheezing in 9 patients (16.6%). 9 patients
also complained about fever, 8 for loss of sleep and 10 for loss
of appetite. We do not find any significant association between the clinical
symptoms and smoking status (p =0.96) but significant association was observed
between stages of COPD and smoking status in our study (p value < 0.02).
smoking has been recognized as the most important risk factor for chronic
obstructive pulmonary [13].Tobacco smoke contains in excess of
4000 chemicals in each puff and more than 70 cancer-causing chemicals or
carcinogens [14]. In previous studies, it has been seen that
subjects, who were current and past smokers were at an increased risk of having
COPD in comparison with those who were never smokers [15,16].
Data from recent study also shows
that the proportion of COPD was statistically higher (P <
0.05) in current smokers and those exposed to more pack-years of tobacco smoke,
mixed smokers, those exposed to ETS or having an occupational exposure to
dust/fumes/smoke for longer duration, subjects using biomass fuels [17].
In the population based survey of adults with a smoking history, prolonged
tobacco use was associated with an increased likelihood of having COPD and it
was also seen that former smokers who had quit smoking for nearly 10 years had
a lower prevalence of COPD and respiratory symptoms than current smokers [18].
The results of the present study also show higher no of smokers COPD patients
41.8 % smokers and 33.7 % ex-smokers. Highest no of smokers were observed in
stage 4 of COPD while higher no of ex-smokers was present in stage 3 of COPD in
this study. We observed significant association between smoking status and
different stages of COPD (p<0.02).
It has been
shown in previous studies that biomass exposure also contribute
to a significant proportion of COPD, which was inconsistent with our study[19]. We found that
among 39 non smoker patients, 24 gave a history of biomass exposure. Previous
studies showed that among non-smokers, there is a substantial body of
epidemiological evidence, which links occupational exposure to dust, gases/vapors, and fumes with chronic airflow obstruction and with
nearly 15-20% attributable risk in the substantial population. According to
previous studies in India [20] the indoor air gets
polluted due to smoke from combustion of solid fuels such as dried dung, wood
and crop residue used for cooking and heating, especially in villages and it is
responsible for having COPD. We also studied the association of smoking status
with clinical symptoms of COPD patients and found a non significant association
(p value=0.96). Smoking cessation has been seen to be the most effective
strategy for slowing or halting the progression of the disease [21,22].
Smoking cessation improves respiratory function and prevents excessive decline
in lung function in smokers with COPD as well as in smokers without chronic
symptoms [23,24].
on smokers with COPD show that lifelong smokers have a 50% probability of
developing COPD during their life time and there are evidences that the risk of
developing COPD falls by about half with smoking cessation. The current study
found a significant association of smoking status with different stages of
COPD, although non-significant association was observed between smoking status
and clinical symptoms. Smoking cessation will be helpful in reducing the
progression of COPD if proper counselling of patients is done by the physician.
are greatly thankful to the department of respiratory medicine for carrying out
the study and appreciate patients, who participated in the study.
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