Review Article (Open access) |
Int. J.
Life. Sci. Scienti. Res., 4(1): 1536-1538, January 2018
Integrated Management of Spodoptera litura: A Review
Kuldeep Srivastava1*,
Devinder Sharma2, AKD Anal1, Sonika Sharma2
1ICAR-National Research Centre on Litchi, Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India
of Entomology, S K Univ. of Agri. Sciences and Tech, Chatha, Jammu, India
for Correspondence: Dr.
Kuldeep Srivastava, Senior Scientist, ICAR-National
Research Centre on Litchi, Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India
Tobacco caterpillar, Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) is a widely distributed pest
in South-East Asia, feeding on 63 plant species belonging to 22 families. It is
a serious pest of soybean, pulses oilseeds, cotton and vegetables. In an
outbreak phase, this insect can completely defoliate large area of crops
causing reduction in yield. Heavy use of synthetic organic insecticides to
control this pest resulted in the development of resistance against
insecticides of different groups. Although a variety of agrochemicals are used
for growing crops, little is known about their direct or indirect effects on
nontarget organisms including insect pests. Therefore, alternative control
measures have been searched out for this noxious pest. By adopting probable and
advanced management practices this important pest can be managed.
Spodoptera litura, Bioassay, agrochemicals, Growth and development
Spodoptera litura Fabricius commonly known as tobacco caterpillar is a
polyphagous pest and cause considerable damage to soybean, cotton, and
vegetables [1-3]. Use of insecticides for controlling this pest is on the rise
and it has the ability to develop resistance to many insecticides [4-5].
Further, various pesticides viz. herbicides, fungicides have been reported to
have detrimental effects on different aspects of a life cycle of the S. litura [6-7]. In addition,
to understand the influence of agrochemicals on expression of resistance in
plants against insects, it is also essential to complete a database on the
direct and indirect effect of agrochemicals on insect pests. Therefore, it is
essential to know the role of different agrochemicals on the developmental
profile of Spodoptera litura. Such
observations have been useful in understanding the shifts in insect pest
population on a crop influenced by these molecules. Information on this
interesting area of pest management is scanty and therefore, needs more
observations [6].
management options- No doubt, insecticides are most powerful
and widely accepted weapons for the control of above mentioned insect pests.
However, excessive reliance on insecticides has posed several adverse effects
such as a buildup of pest resistance to insecticide, outbreak of secondary
pests, harmful to non-target organisms, health hazards and other problems
related to environmental pollution. Hence, judicious use of insecticides and
use of insecticides with selective action are recommended in insect management
Newer insecticides- Newer
insecticides are highly effective
against many lepidopteran pests, but sensibility of the targeted species varies
a lot depending on the mode of exposure. Further, the larvicidal effect of the
insecticide was clearly dependent on the concentrations of the insecticide.
Bhatnagar et al. [8] also
reported that the relative toxicity ratio (RTR) of novel molecules at LC50
value in comparison to cartap hydrochloride at 24 hrs and 48 hrs were:
indoxacarb (66.32, 82.5) > flubendiamide (11.45, 49.5) and at 72 hrs the
values were flubendiamide (118.33) > indoxacarb (71). Indoxacarb and
flubendiamide with low LC50 values demonstrated higher toxicity
against S. litura than cartap
hydrochloride. Further, Horowitz et al.
[9] reported that according to LC50and LC90 values, acetamiprid was 10-
and 18-folds more potent than imidacloprid to whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) resulting (with the concentration of 25
ml a.i./l) in adult mortality of 90, 93, and 96% and 76, 84 and 76% after 2, 7
and 14 days of application. Acetamiprid, (E) – N 1- [(6 - chloro - 3 - pyridyl)
methyl] – N 2 - cyano – N 1-methyl acetamidile, is a new-generation novel
insecticide with ground and aerial application. It poses low risks to the
environment relative to most other insecticides and its use would pose minimal
risk to nontarget plants. Lufenuron is an acylurea insecticide, mainly for the
control of lepidopterous pests in field crops, orchards and vegetables
[10]. Lufenuron required a maximum
time of 120 hrs to kill 50% population which was due to its mode of action
through ingestion and affecting the physiological processes. However, disorders
in oogenesis and spermatogenesis have also been main features at their chronic
dose rates [11]. The LT50 values showed that spinosad was
highly toxic against S. litura.Topical
LD50 values for
lepidopteran pest species range from 0.1 to 3 mg a.i./l, if the compound is
applied in earlier instars [12]. Field studies can foster the
effectiveness of these and other insecticides for long term and effective
management of S. litura.
Pesticides are by and large detrimental to the living being including insects [13-15].
Singh and Bhattacharya [6] also observed that mancozeb at
concentration of 0.125% to 0.132% resulted in 62.50 to 92.50% survival of S. litura larvae. The larval periods, as
well as its mortality, increased with increase in the level of mancozeb in the
diet. A significant reduction in pupation percentage and adult emergence was
recorded when larvae were reared on diets fortified with 0.0625% of manoczeb. A
field dose of 0.25% resulted in 5.00% pupation and adult emergence. Adamski and
Ziemnicki [16] tested ethylene
bis-dithiocarbamate fungicide mancozeb on larvae and imago of Spodoptera
exigua and observed decreased survival, disturbances, and malformations in
development, changes in the activity of tested enzymes. Adamski et al. [17] observed that
mancozeb causes multilevel alterations, within various tissues and systems. The
observed malformations are similar to those caused by fenitrothion and carbaryl
(carbamate insecticide) in Spodoptera exigua and Tenebrio molitor fat
body. Therefore, they seem to be rather universal, caused by a chemical
imbalance within cells, not the direct action of pesticides on target tissues
and cells. The above mentioned changes are similar to those reported by Sakr et al. [18] for mice exposed
to mancozeb. These authors reported irregularities of nuclear structure, that
led to apoptosis, loss of glycogen, dilated ER. Such changes obviously slow
down the activity of cells. Therefore, the activity of a fat body may be
decreased. If decreased weight of fat body, reported for S. exigua, is a
universal phenomenon, the activity of fat body and its effect on insect’s development
would be drastically decreased. Nasreen et al. [19] assessed the
toxicity level of some fungicides against Chrysoperla
carnea (Stephens) larvae and reported that Ridomil caused 4.44 % mortality
of 1st and 3rd instars larvae after 24 and 72 hrs. The
lowest pupation rate (89.32 %), adult emergence, the longevity of adults and
fecundity was recorded in ridomil treated larvae.
have been extensively used for the control of weeds in different crops and may also
alter the resistance of crop plants by changing the physiology of crop plants.
In maize, the incidence of Thrips tabaci,
Empoasca sp. and Campylomea sp., and its
natural enemies were reduced following the application gesaprin, lasso and
sabre [20]. Eigenbrode et al.
[21] reported the reduction of damage in Brassica oleracea due to Plutella
xyllostella, Pieris rapae, and Trichoplusia
ni, when 5-ethyl
dipropylthiocarbonate was applied in the soil. Pre emergence and Post emergence
herbicides affect the growth and development of Spodoptera litura [22-23].
Plant growth regulator (PGR)- Plant
growth regulators (PGRs) are used in several crops like soybean, cotton etc.
which regulate the overall vegetative growth of plant resulting in increased yield.
However, limited data are available on the possible role of plant growth
regulator (PGR) in inducing resistance in the plant against the insect. Singh
and Bhattacharya [24-25] also observed that PGRs directly hamper the
growth and development of Spodoptera
It may be concluded that agrochemicals can serve a
practical tool to reduce the S.litura and may assume a greater role in
more highly integrated programs to manage insect pests and pathogens. Further, Integrated
Pest Management is a strategy to manage pests on the basis of a systems
approach that looks at the whole crop ecosystem. This includes understanding
how the pests interact with their host plants, with the general climatic
conditions, plant health, and nutrition and with each other. When implementing
an IPM system, growers should select ways to reduce overall pest levels in
their orchard and ensure that the management of pests is compatible with their
other crop management strategies. It is important that growers realize that IPM
system is updated from time to time in response to biological changes that
occur in their field and new techniques or technologies are introduced as soon
as additional relevant information becomes available.
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