ABSTRACT- Most of the Euphorbian plants secrete fluid which contain a proteolytic enzyme for defensive role against
insects, pests and hence eco physiological inheritance to sustain vegetation eventually in adverse environmental
conditions. Evaluation has been carried out on twenty five Euphorbian garden plants for their proteolytic activities using
casein as a substrate. Out of these, Euphorbia nerifolia, Euphorbia milli, Euphorbia tirucalli, Euphorbia lactea,
Synadenium granti, Jatropha curcas, Euphorbia nivulia, Euphorbia antiquoram, Pedilanthus tithymaloides, Euphorbia
viguieri, E. heterophylla and E. leucocephala are the good enzyme source. Moderate activity found in Jatropha
integerrima, Jatropha multifida, Jatropha podagrica, Euphorbia pulcherrima, and Dalechampia scandens. While
different tissues of Acalypha hispida, Acalypha wilkesiana, Breynia nivosa, Cicca acida, Codiaeum variegatum, Drypetes
roxburghii are devoid of proteolytic activity. This paper describes in detail about name of plants, habitat and presence of
proteolytic enzyme in them. Results show that the out of twenty five plants 50% plant tissue synthesize protease in
appreciable amount, while 10% are not able to produce it. However 40% plants demonstrate only detectable amount of
protease. A comparative account of proteolytic activity reveals some promising plants good source of enzyme. Some
plants produce combination of cysteine and serine proteases. A single plant i.e. Euphorbia nerifolia latex contains
cysteine, serine, metallo-protease and aspartic proteases. In turn, these proteases may be used in various industrial uses in
general and cheese production
Key-words- Garden Euphorb iiann a p plaarnttisc,u Clayr.s t e ine and serine protease, E. leucocephala, Euphorbia viguieri
Botanical plants are considered as god’s gift to human
being in the form of natural medicine. Euphorbiaceae
comprises more than 2000 species. Some of Euphorbian
plants are cultivated as ornamental/garden plants in
national and international gardens. Due to rich cultural
heritage and relatively rich flora, a wealth of knowledge on
traditional and folk medicine has been accumulated in India
[1]. An exhaustive and a comprehensive review on
proteolytic enzyme of biological sources appeared in
literature which includes study on properties of various
proteases with mechanism of action of proteolysis of
protein [2].
The used parts of Euphorbian plant species include latex,
roots, seeds, stem bark, wood, leaves and whole plant [3-5].
The plants in the family Euphorbiaceae are known for
chemical diversity of secondary metabolites and have
various curative properties against different ailments [6].
Most of member of this family synthesis proteases in
different tissues for defensive purpose [7-9]. A good source
is latex and juices. Lynn described occurrence, properties of
different proteases of Euphorbiaceae family [7]. An
excellent article is appeared in literature stating importance
of a chemotaxonomic marker of Euphorbia species
pertaining presence of proteolytic activity in the latex of
Euphorbian genera [9]. This aspect is confirmed recently in
next year in the form of review of Euphorbiaceae family
and its medicinal features [10]. Further such study is
extended for the production of plant proteases in vivo and
in vitro [11]. A scientific article on research into Euphorbia
latex and various ingredients is published [12]. Very
recently, article entitled a study on plant latex, a rich source
of proteases and cutting edge for disease invasion is
appeared in literature mentioning that,
out of the 35 latex bearing plants, 16 plants possess proteolytic activity belongs to family of Euphorbiaceae [13]. Very
very recently, a very good article entails medicinal importance and biochemistry of latex of certain Euphorbian taxa [8]. In
our laboratory, we mentioned 13 industrial bio-applications of proteases of some Euphorbian wild and weed plants [14].
In this communication, we report here studies on proteases in garden Euphorbian plants aiming to search a vegetable
rennin source for production of cheese and some allied industrial applications.
Plants are procured from campus of Moolji Jaitha College, Jalgaon and plant nurseries of Jalgaon city, Maharashtra, India.
Dr. Tanveer taxonomist, identified plants for study. Different parts of plant such as leaf, stem, root, flower, and latex of
the garden Euphorbian plants was collected from during June 2014 to December 2015. The cuttings of leaf stalks with
capillary tubes into glass container and was kept in ice. The latex was a white thick fluid with pungent odour brought to
laboratory and kept in refrigeration till use. Experiments were conducted at department of Biotechnology, PGCSTR,
Jalgaon, India. A photo plate of some promising Euphorbian garden plants is given in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 Photo plates of 10 Euphorbian garden plants
Enzyme Isolation-
The freshly collected latex was diluted with 5 volumes of ice cold phosphate buffer pH 7.4 and centrifuged at 10,000 rpm
for 20 minutes in high speed refrigerated centrifuge and supernatant was collected and stored at 40C. The pellet
containing the white insoluble gum was discarded. All the experiments on the crude preparation were carried out using
freshly collected latex and preserved in refrigerator at 40C. From other parts 10% homogenate was prepared in phosphate
buffer at pH 7.4 and centrifuged and supernatant was used as a source of enzyme.
Screening and Selection of Garden Euphorbian Plant Proteases:
Protease Activity-
Proteolytic activity of different plant tissues was determined by the colorimetric assay using 1% casein as a substrate as
described by [15]. The protease activity was expressed as amount of enzyme required to produce peptide equivalent to µg
of tyrosine/min/mg protein at 370C and protein content was determined according to Lowry’s method [16] using
Bovine serum albumin as the standard protein.
Enzyme Unit-
One unit of protease activity is defined as the amount of enzyme to release 1 µg of tyrosine per minute at 370 C. A tyrosine
standard curve was calibrated (10 to 100 µg/ml) using Folin Phenol reagent. Specific activity of the proteolytic enzyme is
expressed as the number of units per milligram of protein.
Proteases are distributed widely in different biological sources namely plants, animals and microbial sources. In
Euphorbian plants protease are present in virtually every part i.e. stem, fruit, flower, leaf, root, gum and latex. We have
communicated presence of proteolytic activity in various parts of plant indicated, plant latex is the richest source of
protease [14,17]. Table 1 summarizes habitat of some Euphorbian plants. They are grouped into three category i. Wild, ii.
Weed, and iii. Garden. The distribution of wild, weed and garden is 47%, 22%, and 31% respectively. The order of
occurrence of protease in garden Euphorbian plant is serine< cysteine< serine and cysteine < metallo protease
Table 1: List of Some Euphorbian Plants
Wild (A) | Weed (B) | Garden (C) |
Acalypha ciliate | Acalypha malabarica | Acalypha hispida |
Acalypha indica | Chrozophora prostrate | Acalypha wilkesiana |
Baliospermum raziana | Chrozophora rottleri | Breynia nivosa |
Bridelia airy-shawii | Euphorbia hirta | Cicca acida |
Cleidion spiciflorum | Euphorbia indica | Codiaeum variegatum |
Croton bonplandianum | Euphorbia notoptera | Drypetes roxburghii |
Emblica officinalis | Euphorbia prostrate | Euphorbia milii |
Euphorbia clarkeana | Euphorbia prunifolia | Euphorbia pulcherrima |
Euphorbia cristata | Euphorbia thymifolia | Euphorbia tirucalli |
Euphorbia fusiformis | Phyllanthus airy-shawii | Jatropha integerrima |
Euphorbia nerifolia | Phyllanthus amarus | Jatropha multifida |
Euphorbia nivulia | P. maderaspatensis | Jatropha podagrica |
Euphorbia pycnostegia | | Pedilanthus tithymaloides |
Homonoia riparia | | Synadenium granti |
Jatropha curcas | | Dalechampia scandens |
Jatropha gossypifolia | | Euphorbia viguieri |
Kirganelia reticulate | | Jatropha podogrica |
Mallotus philippensis | | Euphorbia nerifolia |
Manihot esculenta | | Euphorbia nivulia |
Micrococca mercurialis | | Euphorbia species 1 |
Phyllanthus urinaria | | Euphorbia species 2 |
Ricinus communis | | |
Securinega leucopyrus | | |
Securinega virosa | | |
Tragia plukenetii | | |
The life form of above plants ranging from small herbs, herbs, shrubs, small tree and tree. Some of them are seasonal and
Fig. 2 Occurrence of protease of Euphorbian garden plants
Table 2: Studies on Proteases from Garden Euphorbian Plants
S. No. |
Plant Name | Type of Protease |
1. |
Acalypha hispida | NR |
2. |
Acalypha wilkesiana | NR |
3. |
Breynia nivosa | NR |
4. |
Cicca acida | NR |
5. |
Codiaeum variegatum | NR |
6. |
Drypetes roxburghii | NR |
7. |
Euphorbia milii | Serine & Cysteine |
8. |
Euphorbia pulcherrima | Serine & Cysteine |
9. |
Euphorbia tirucalli | Serine |
10. |
Jatropha integerrima | NR |
11. |
Jatropha multifida | NR |
12. |
Jatropha podagrica | NR |
13. |
Pedilanthus tithymaloides | Cysteine |
14. |
Synadenium granti | Serine |
15. |
Dalechampia scandens | NR |
16. |
Euphorbia lactea | Serine |
17. |
Euphorbia antiqourum | Cysteine |
18. |
Euphorbia heterophyll | Cysteine |
19. |
Euphorbia nerifolia | Serine,cysteine, metallo, aspartic |
20. |
Euphorbia tirucalli | Serine, cysteine |
21. |
Euphorbia nivulia | Cysteine |
22. |
Euphorbia prunifolia | Serine |
23. |
Jatropha curcas | Cysteine |
24. |
E. leucocephala | Serine & Cysteine |
25. |
E. viguieri | Serine |
NR- Not reported
Table 2 indicates 8.6% of plant tissue are able to synthesis both Cysteine and serine proteases, whereas 47.8% of them
produce either Cysteine or serine proteases. Whereas 43.4% plant tissues are free of any detectable enzyme.
Table 3: Evaluation of Protease Activity of Some Garden Euphorbian Plants
S. No. | Plant Name | Proteolytic Activity |
1. |
Acalypha hispida | - |
2. |
Acalypha wilkesiana | + |
3. |
Breynia nivosa | + |
4. |
Cicca acida | - |
5. |
Codiaeum variegatum | + |
6. |
Drypetes roxburghii | - |
7. |
Euphorbia milii | +++ |
8. |
Euphorbia pulcherrima | ++ |
9. |
Euphorbia tirucalli | +++ |
10. |
Jatropha integerrima | + |
11. |
Jatropha multifida | + |
12. |
Jatropha podagrica | - |
13. |
Pedilanthus tithymaloides | +++ |
14. |
Synadenium granti | +++ |
15. |
Dalechampia scandens | - |
16. |
Euphorbia lactea | - |
17. |
Euphorbia antiqourum | - |
18. |
Euphorbia heterophyll | - |
19. |
Euphorbia nerifolia | +++ |
20. |
Euphorbia tirucalli | +++ |
21. |
Euphorbia nivulia | +++ |
22. |
Euphorbia prunifolia | +++ |
23. |
Jatropha podogrica | + |
24. |
Euphorbia species 1 | ++ |
24. |
Euphorbia species 2 | ++ |
+ : Less activity , ++: Moderate activity, +++ : Highest activity, - : No activity
Out of the 25 garden plants 32% show highest proteolytic activity and 40% plants have no proteolytic activity, while
contribution of moderate and less activity plant is same i. e. 12% (Table 3). Our observations are good in agreement with
comparative total proteolytic activity in plant lattices [14,17-19]. In contrast to this presence of serine in each laticiferrous
plant is reported [9]. Surprisingly, while collection of plants we noted occurrence of some weed garden plants such as
E. hirta, E. indica, Phyllanthus amarus and E. heterophylla. Among them E. hirta and E. heterophylla are good source of
enzyme [17]. A seen from Table 4, some very common plants though appeared in literature as reported by earlier
investigators for their proteolytic activity; we have taken them for validation of our experiments and comparison.
Table 4: Caesinolytic Activity of Some Promising Garden Euphorbian Plants
S. No. | Name of Plant | Proteolytic activity (U/gram tissue) |
1. |
Euphorbia milii | 17.76 ±5.24 |
2. |
Euphorbia tirucalli | 26.56±2.78 |
3. |
Euphorbia lactea | 22.56±3.25 |
4. |
Euphorbia nivulia | 15.87±5.35 |
5. |
Synadenium granti | 20.48±1.85 |
6. |
Euphorbia nerifolia | 30.15±2.05 |
7. |
Euphorbia viguieri | 10.58±4.85 |
8. |
Jatropha curcas | 8.48±3.15 |
9. |
Pedilanthus tithymaloides | 48.89±4.68 |
10. |
E . leucocephala | 16.18±4.67 |
±: SD of 6 observations
In our previous communication, we have reported various
aspects of our study which has been carried out in our
laboratory based on economic importance of Euphorbian
plants. Here we focused ethanomedicinal importance of
laticiferrous plants used by tribal people of North
Maharashtra, India to treat various diseases [1,3,6]. Also we
extended our study on phytochemical investigation of some
laticiferous plants belonging to khandesh region of
Maharashtra, India. [6] Latex is a rich in secondary
metabolites like sterols, glycosides, alkaloids, and enzymes
specifically proteases, amino oxidases, esterases and
lipases. A report on proteolytic enzyme of some
laticiferrous plants belonging to khandesh region of
Maharashtra, India which include plants from other
families like Moraceae, Asclepidaceae and Apocynaceae
and Caricaceae is published [3]. Economical importances
of forty ethnobotanical Euphorbian plants of North
Maharashtra region include their applications in various
diseases along with some industrial uses [4-5]. In this
article, emphasis is given for the most promising
Euphorbian garden plants to evaluate potential of them.
The morphological features are shown in Fig. 1.
Richest source of proteolytic enzyme is latex, followed by
seed, leaf, stem, root, fruit, and flower [14,17]. Out of
above twenty five Euphorbian garden plants, Euphorbia
nerifolia occupy the first rank as it possesses combination
of four proteases namely serine, cysteine, metalloprotease
and aspartic proteases, four plants namely Euphorbia milli,
Euphorbia tirucalli, E. leucocephala, Euphorbia
pulcherrima do have serine and Cysteine proteases. A
single protease is observed in rest of the plant. It is
interesting to note, no threonine protease is recorded in any
Euphorbian plant. Presence of proteases of latex along with
secondary metabolites like diterpene, and alkaloids exhibit
defensive properties against the pest. Additionally latex
possesses the medicinal as well as agriculture applications
[9-10,14,17]. We would like to put here worthiness of
Euphorbian plants for their medical importance and
enzymes of these plants as biomarkers. Such statements are
hold true for earlier findings of different investigators
In a nutshell, on evaluating proteolytic activity of 25
Euphorbian garden plants, 10 plants are found promising
activity, out of them 2 plants namely E. leucocephala,
E. viguieri are not yet explore for such finding. Three
plants namely E. pulcherrima, E. species 1 and E. species 2
have moderate activity, followed by six plants exhibit less
activity, whereas remaining plants are devoid of any
activity. The presence of proteolytic activity of the latex of
E. viguieri and E. leucocephala motivated to us to analyzebiochemical characterization of enzymes with their possible
bioapplications of commercial use.
Thanks to nursery owners who gave us Euphorbian garden
pla nts as a gift.
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Source of Financial Support: Nil
Conflict of interest: Nil |