The Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the single etiological factor in cervical cancer, contributing to
neoplastic progression through the action of viral oncoproteins, mainly E6 and E7.Cervical cancer remains the second
most common cancer in women worldwide with India as a major contributor to global burden with an annual incidence of
132,000 new cases and mortality rate of 74,000 deaths annually. In this study turmeric, neem, tulasi and ginger were
selected as natural anticancer drugs. The objective of the study was to analyze the anticancer property of turmeric
(Curcuma longa), neem (Azadirachta indica), tulasi (Occimum sanctum) and ginger (Zingiber officinale) on HeLa cells.
Turmeric, neem, tulasi and ginger capsules (Himalaya’s Company) were used and aqueous and methanolic extracts of the
turmeric, neem, tulasi and ginger were obtained using a soxhlet extraction. To check the efficacy of these drug MTT assay
was performed, that determines % viability and/or cytotoxicity. IC50 of aqueous turmeric, neem, tulasi and ginger extracts
in case of HeLa cells were 17.8, 22, 79.4, 27.86 respectively and in case of methanolic turmeric, neem, tulasi and ginger
extracts 17, 7.35, 75.24 and 16.1 respectively. To confirm apoptosis as the sole reason behind cell death
immunofluorescence based apoptosis assay was performed using TALI image based cytometer. The study has led to
postulate hypothesis that natural drugs e.g. turmeric, neem, tulasi and ginger are potent anti-cancer compound that are
capable of inhibiting the growth of immortal cells by apoptosis.
Key-words- Cervical cancer, Human papillomavirus (HPV), Oncoproteins E6 and E7, Natural compounds, HeLa cell
line (adherent), Cell viability and MTT assay, Apoptosis assay
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is found in more
than 95% of cervical cancer. In India, cervical cancer is a
leading cancer among women with annual incidence of
about 130,000 cases and 70-75,000 deaths [1]. Expression of
HPV E6 and E7 oncogenes are one of the high risk factor
for the initiation and maintenance of cervical cancer. Its
deregulated expression leads to disruption of normal cell
cycle regulation, abrogation of apoptosis and genetic
Furthermore, repression of E6 and/or E7 may induce cancer
cells to undergo apoptosis or senescence [2-3]. In recent
years, natural dietary agents have drawn a great deal of
attention because of their potential ability to suppress
cancers as well as reduce the risk of cancer development.
There are more than one thousand species that have been
found to possess significant anticancer properties [4-5]. The
tremendous ability of natural products to act as effective
scaffolds and bind bewildering types of protein domains
and folding motifs makes them effective modulators of
various cellular processes, contributing to immune
responses, signal transduction, cell division and apoptosis [6-7]. The cytotoxic activity of natural compounds to cervical
cancer cells in a concentration and time dependent manner
were selectively more in HPV16 and HPV18 infected cells
compared to non-HPV infected cells [11]. Natural
compounds analogs have effective binding with different
active sites on HPV16 E6 protein, ideal target for restoring
the tumor suppressor function of p53 and thus allowing the
apoptosis of infected cells [8-9].Therefore, proposed study
aim to identify potential natural compounds and their
derivatives targeting HPV16 & 18 on cervical cancer cell
line (HeLa) using MTT cell proliferation assay. [10-12]
Culturing Cell line and Media Conditions:
The human cervical cancer cell lines (HeLa) were obtained
from National Centre for Cell Sciences, Pune (NCCS),
India. The cells were maintained in DMEM growth media
with HEPES, 10% FBS, Non-essential amino acids,
Sodium bi-carbonate and antibiotic cocktail (Penicillin,
Streptomycin, Amphotericin-B (HIMEDIA Laboratories
Pvt. Ltd.) in a humidified atmosphere of CO2 incubator at
37şC and 5% CO2 with 95% air. Cultured cells were
replaced with fresh media after 2-3 days. When cells were
reaching up to 90% confluences considered for
proliferation assay. Cell viability was assessed by trypan
blue dye exclusion assay. Percent viability was calculated
by following formula:
       Cell viability assay = %viability = (viable cells / total cells) * 100
Extraction of Phytochemicals:
Himalaya’s company capsules were used for selected
natural compound’s material. About 10gm of the powdered
sample of each compound were weighed into 150 ml of
aqueous extract (AE) and methanol extract (ME) in a
soxhlet apparatus separately. Vaporization of methanol and
water were allowed until the extract appeared from color to
colorless and the above process was repeated for several
times, until the sufficient amount of extract is produced.
Extracted samples were kept in to hot air oven overnight at
60°C and100°C, so that the methanol and water gets
evaporated. The concentrated extract of each plant was
stored at 4°C until when required for use.Yield of
extraction was calculated using following formula:
% Yield of extraction = Weight of final dried extract x 100 /
Weight of initial powder taken for
Table 1: Method and indication for phytochemicals-
Phytochemical analysis were carried out in natural
compounds to determine the presence or/and absence of
alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, phenol, saponin and
S. No. | Test | Method | Indication |
1. |
Alkaloid | 1gm of powder + 1.5% HCl + Few drops of Wagner"s Reagent |
Brown precipitate indicated presence of Alkaloid |
2. |
Flavanoid | 2gm of powder + 5ml of dilute ammonia solution + few ml of concentrated Sulfuric acid solution |
Yellow color indicated presence of flavanoid |
3. |
Glycoside | 1gm of powder + 1ml of Distilled Water + few ml of 1N Sodium Hydroxide solution |
Yellow color indicated presence of Glycoside |
4. |
Phenol | 2gm of powder + 2ml Distilled water + Few drops of 10% Ferric Chloride solution |
Blue/Green Color indicated presence of phenol |
5. |
Saponin | 1gm of powder + 5ml Distilled Water |
Honey comb like froth indicated presence of saponin |
6. |
Tannin | Few gm of powder + few drops of 5% Ferric Chloride solution |
Bluish black color indicated presence of tannin |
Preparation of AE and ME Sample for MTT Assay:
ME and AE were dissolved in methanol and PBS solution
respectively to get a concentration of 1mg/10µl. From this,
dilutions were prepared to obtain final drug concentration
ranging from100µg to100ng.
MTT Assay Procedure:
This colorimetric assay is based on the capacity of
mitochondria succinate dehydrogenase enzymes in living
cells to reduce the yellow water soluble substrate
3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazolyl) - 2, 5 - diphenyl- tetrazolium
bromide (MTT) into an insoluble purple colored formazon
product which is measured spectrophotometrically. This
formazon production is directly proportional to the viable
cell number and inversely proportional to the degree of
cytotoxicity. HeLa cells were seeded in 96-well plates at a
density of 1 × 104 cells/well in DMEM. After 24 hours of
seeding at 37°C and 5% CO2 condition. Stock solutions of
1mg/10µl were prepared from each and every extracted
sample. Samples were further diluted in a range of 100µg
to 100ng. Aqueous and methanolic extracts were added in
increasing concentration in the wells. After incubation,
20µl of MTT reagent was added into each well. Incubated
for 4 hrs followed by monitoring using inverted
microscope. Solubilizing reagent was added to solubilize
the formazon crystals (Hi-Media kit based procedure). The
resulting MTT products were determined by measuring the
absorbance at 590nm using ELISA reader.IC50 values were
calculated as the concentrations that show 50% inhibition
of HeLa cells proliferation and it was calculated using
following equation:
y = x2+x+1 where, y = % viability and x = log [conc.]
Apoptosis Assay Procedure:
Exposed cells to drug were assessed for apoptosis and cells not exposed to test drug were considered as control.1X
Annexin binding buffer was prepared by diluting the Component C in deionized water. Cells were re-suspended in
1XAnnexin binding buffer, so that there was at least 100µL of cells per individual assay at a concentration of
approximately 5×105 to 5×106 cells/ml. To each 100µL of sample, 5µL of Component A was added and mixed well. The
cell-annexin V mixture was incubated at room temperature in the dark for 20 minutes. The cells were centrifuged and
re-suspended in 100µL of ABB.1µL of Tali® component was added to each 100µL sample and mixed well. Samples were
incubated at room temperature in the dark for 1–5 minutes. 25µL of the stained cells were used for counting and further
analysis (Invitrogen kit based).
Turmeric, neem, tulasi, ginger shows that they contain Alkaloid, Flavonoid, Phenolic, Tannin, Saponin and Glycoside.
Table-2: Phytochemical analysis of Turmeric, Neem, tulasi, ginger
S. No. | Phytochemicals | Turmeric | Neem | Tulasi | Ginger |
1. |
Alkaloid | + | + | + | + |
2. |
Flavonoid | + | + | + | + |
3. |
Tannins | - | + | + | - |
4. |
Saponins | - | + | + | - |
5. |
Phenolic | + | + | + | + |
6. |
Glycoside | - | + | + | + |
Table-3: Dry weight (yields) of Aqueous and Methanolic Turmeric, Neem, Tulasi and Ginger extract
Sr. No. | Extracted sample | Final wt. of the aqueous extracted sample (gms) | Final wt. of the methanolic extracted sample (gms) |
1 | Turmeric | 0.15 | 0.46 |
2 | Neem | 1.37 | 0.69 |
3 | Tulasi | 0.45 | 0.97 |
4 | Ginger | 0.43 | 0.52 |
Table-4: IC50 value of Turmeric, Neem, Tulasi and Ginger in case of HeLa cells
S. No. | Compound | Extraction | IC50 value of HeLa cells |
1 |
Curcumin | Methanolic | 17 |
Aqueous | 17.8 |
2 |
Ginger | Methanolic | 16.01 |
Aqueous | 27.86 |
3 |
Neem | Methanolic | 7.35 |
Aqueous | 22 |
4 |
Tulasi | Methanolic | 75.24 |
Aqueous | 79.4 |
IC50 value of aqeous and methanolic turmeric, neem, tulasi and ginger extract on HeLa cells were as above. Different
extracted drug concentrations were used and found decreasing cell viability with increasing drug concentration. Also
curcumin, neem and tulasi and ginger aqueous extract show higher cytotoxicity value and among four compounds neem
gave lower cytotoxicity value and higher viable cell counts.
Table-5: Cytotoxicity on HeLa cells by Aqueous extract of Turmeric
S.No. | Conc. (ug) | %Viablity | %Cytoxicity |
1 |
Cell control | 100 | 0 |
2 |
0.1 | 86 | 14 |
3 |
1 | 79 | 21 |
4 |
5 | 66 | 34 |
5 |
10 | 54 | 46 |
6 |
25 | 46 | 54 |
7 |
50 | 35 | 65 |
8 |
100 | 25 | 75 |
Figure 1: Cytotoxicity on HeLa cells by aqueous extract of turmeric
The cytotoxicity of aqueous turmeric extract on HeLa cells was maximum at a drug concentration of 100µg/ml i.e. 75%
and lowest viability value found was 25% at 100µg/ml of drug concentration. Also obtained IC50 value was 17.8 µg /ml.
Apoptosis Assay Indication-
Apoptosis assay for selected natural compounds on HeLa cells were as following. Green fluorescence determines % apoptosis.
For Turmeric: 1.44 x 10
7cells/ml out of 1.45 x 10
7cells/ml show green fluorescence (apoptosis) and 1.31 x 10
5 cells/ml
show no green fluorescence (no apoptosis). So the resulting output data indicates that, 99% of cell death was due to apoptosis.
For Neem: 2.68 x10
6 cells/ml out of 2.68x10
6 cells/ml show green fluorescence (apoptosis). So the resulting output data
indicates that, 100% of cell death was due to apoptosis.
For Tulasi: 2.92 x10
6 cells/ml out of 2.92x10
6 cells/ml show green fluorescence (apoptosis). So the resulting output data
indicates that, 100% of cell death was due to apoptosis.
For Ginger: >1.5 x10
7 cells/ml out of, >1.5x 10
7 cells/ml show green fluorescence (apoptosis). So the resulting output
data indicates that, 100% of cell death was due to apoptosis.
Figure 2: Tali image based flow cytometer revealed 99% cell death due to apoptosis in case of turmeric
Immuno fluorescence Study for Validation/Confirmation:
Apoptosis assay was carried out by Annexin-V and PI staining Cells exposed to 45mM concentration were stained using
FITC labeled anti-Annexin V Ab and propidium iodide to stain nuclei. The images were captured using specific filters
and in phase contrast mode for total cellularity estimation. Then the capture images were superimposed to confirm the
apoptosis and necrotic cell death. Cells stained in green only shows apoptotic cell death where as cells stained with only
red nuclei suggestive of necrotic cells. Cells stained with both green and red shows early apoptotic cells. However,
unstained cells are live and with intact membrane.
Figure 3: Apoptic assay showed Annexin-v and PI stained cells of HeLa
HPV infection is closely associated with the development
of more than 95% of cervical cancer. Natural compounds
are gaining interest as potential cancer therapeutics
including for the treatment of cervical cancer. The present
need is to develop drugs that can be potentially target
cancer cells by means of their inherent difference to normal
cells [13]. The present study demonstrated the promising
cytotoxic and anticancer activities of the aqueous and
methanolic extract of turmeric, neem, tulasi and ginger
against HeLa cell lines. Different extracts of the plant
exhibited different activity on different cell lines. This
selectivity could be due to the sensitivity of the cell line to
the active compounds in the extract or to tissue specific
response. Phytochemicals present in plants protect the cells
from oxidative damage and are responsible for the death of
cells [14-15]. In this study results of phytochemical analysis
shows turmeric, neem, tulasi and ginger contain alkaloids,
flavonoids, and glycosides, saponin, tannin and phenolics
[16]. Different
in vitro cytotoxicity assays with different
endpoints have been employed for screening of potential
natural compounds extract preparation for their anticancer
activities. The most commonly used assays involve the use
of dye stains that include MTT. This dye has some indicator
properties allowing them to reveal ongoing cellular
processes, providing indirect measure of mitochondria
In this study aqueous and methanolic extracts of turmeric,
neem, tulasi and ginger were screened for its cytotoxicity at
different concentrations to determine the IC50 value. A
chart was plotted using the % cell viability in Y-axis and
concentration of natural compounds extracts in X-axis.
IC50 of aqueous turmeric, neem, tulasi and ginger extracts
for HeLa cells were 17.8,22,79.4,27.86 respectively and in
case of methanolic turmeric, neem, tulasi and ginger extracts
17,7.35,75.24 and 16.1 respectively. Also comparing
our results with others data it is clearly indicate that curcumin
and other natural products can be cytotoxic to cervical
cancer cells in a concentration-dependent and
time-dependent manner and It also induced apoptosis in
cervical cancer cells
[20-21]. The cytotoxic activity was
selectively more in HPV16 and HPV18 infected cells
compared to non-HPV infected cells
[22-23]. Apoptosis assay
was performed to confirm the cause of death of the cancer
cells. In this study apoptosis assay result obtained 99%
death of cells was due to apoptosis and remaining 1% of
death might have been due to necrosis, or any other cell
inhibiting factor. In present study 99% cell death in case of
turmeric and 100% cell death obtained in case of neem,
tulasi and ginger. The study has led to postulate hypothesis
that turmeric, neem, tulasi and ginger are potent anti-cancer
compound that are capable of inhibiting the growth of
immortal HeLa cells by apoptosis
In our study, we deeply believe that the cross killing
occurred due to cytotoxic activity against the Cervical
cancer- HeLa cell line. The results of the present study
demonstrated the potent cytotoxic activity of the aqueous
and methanolic extracts of turmeric, neem, tulasi and
ginger and phytochemical constituents are the major com
ponents which are responsible for the potential cytotoxic
activity. Even though there was increase in the cell growth
inhibition or cell viability decreased when concentration of
drug extract was increased. To confirm apoptosis as the
sole reason behind cell death immune fluorescence based
apoptosis assay was performed using TALI image based
cytometer. Further research also need for proving with
other cancer models and human beings with also isolating
the active principle of natural compounds. The anticancer
property of selected natural compounds will provide useful
information in the possible application in the prevention
and treatment of cervical cancer.
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