Research Article (Open access)

Induction of Genetic Variability in Soybean in M3 Generation for Quantitative Traits by Using Mutagens

Geeta P. Patil1*, C. T. Sharma2 1Department of Botany, Asst. Prof., Arts, Commerce and Science College, Bodwad Dist- Jalgaon, India
2Department of Zoology, Asst. Prof., Arts, Commerce and Science College, Bodwad Dist- Jalgaon, India

*Address for Correspondence: Dr. Geeta P. Patil, Department of Botany, Asst. Professor, Arts, Commerce and Science College, Bodwad Dist- Jalgaon, India
Received: 22 March 2016/Revised: 13 April 2016/Accepted: 02 May 2016

ABSTRACT- By using gamma rays (physical) & EMS (chemical) mutagens the various genetic variability parameters were estimated of two soybean cultivars i.e. PKV-1 & JS-335. Characters studied i.e. Plant height, no. of branches per plant, no. of clusters per plant, no. of pods per plant, yield per plant, 100 grain wt. shows that genotypic coefficient of variation (G.C.V.) & phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV), heritability was significantly high. In both the varieties, all the mutagenic treatments were effective in inducing genetic variability.
Key-words- Gamma rays, EMS, Mutagens, Genetic Variability

Mutation breeding can be applied to altering specific character in otherwise good variety in a comparatively shorter time than conventional breeding method. Attempts to induce mutations in soybean would be quite useful in creating genetic variability. Soybean is an important oil crop with the highest area production and export in the world. Being an autogamous crop the naturally existing genetic variability is insufficient for the improvement. Mutation breeding offers great scope and promises for generating useful variability for its improvement. Broad spectrum genetic variability is prerequisite for any successful breeding programme. Besides the use of induced mutation in fundamental studies, it may be used to create additional genetic variability for quantitative traits. Generation of genetic variability by induced mutagenesis provided a base for strengthening crop improvement programme & represents a more efficient source of genetic variability than the gene pool conserves by nature [1].
This study was undertaken assess the effect of gamma rays and ethyl methane sulphonate on induction of variability in soybean varieties PKV-1 and JS-335.

Two varieties of Soybean viz., PKV-1 and JS-335 were treated with gamma rays and EMS. Dry and healthy seeds of two cultivars were treated with 15, 20, 25, and 30kR of gamma rays. Also same no. of seeds were presoaked in water and were treated with freshly prepared 0.05,0.10 and 0.15 percent aqueous solution of EMS.
The irradiated seeds were sown in the field of Department of Botany, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth Akola immediately after the treatment in Kharip season 2002. Seeds, treated with the chemical mutagens were thoroughly washed in a running water and were sown in the field along with untreated seeds of each variety as control in Factorial randomized block design (FRBD) replicated thrice to grow M1 generation.
The seeds from each M1 plants were harvested separately and sown subsequently in progeny row basis to grow M2 generation in next Rabbi Season. The seeds harvested from M2 generation were also sown to rise M3 generation in next Kharip season. The observation were recorded on variability parameters viz., plant height, no. of branches per plant, no. of pods per plant, no. of clusters per plant, yield per plant, 100 grain weight in M3 generation.

The data on various genetic parameters are presented in Table. Wide range of variation was noticed for most of the characters which indicated great scope for their improvement. Increased variance & coefficient of variation were noted for almost all the parameters i.e. Plant height, no. of branches per plant, no. of clusters per plant, no. of pods per plant, yield per plant, 100 grain wt. The treatment mean values were found to deviate from respective control mean values & indicated that, mutagens used were effective & induced variability for plant height, no. of branches per plant, no. of clusters per plant, no. of pods per plant, yield per plant, 100 grain wt. in M3 generation. The significant positive shift in all doses &/or concentrations was observed in no. of pods per plant & yield per plant. However negative shift was recorded in no. of branches, plant height & 100 grain wt. similar results of increased range, mean & variance are also reported by [2] in Bengal gram. [3] in Soybean, [4;5] in Mung bean. Higher & medium doses &/ or conc. Recorded maximum genotypic & phenotypic coefficient of variation in all the parameters. Also the same doses & conc. recorded maximum heritability.
However, as suggested by [6], the genetic variation could not be estimated with the help of genotypic coefficient of variation alone. The estimates of heritability were also essential to get the best picture of the genetic gains to be expected from selection. It indicates the effectiveness with which selection for genotype can be based upon its phenotypic performance. In general the heritability estimates for almost all the characters under study were high except for plant height, no. of clusters per plant, yield per plant.
As regards the variance, maximum variance was noted in cv. PKV-1 as against JS-335 plant height, no. of branches, no. of clusters, no. of pods, and yield per plant. Relatively higher doses of mutagen shows high variance except 100 grain wt., the 15kR dose of JS-335 recorded maximum variance. Regarding coefficient of variation grain yield per plant, no. of clusters, no. of pods, higher doses of mutagens recorded maximum coefficient of variation, whereas in plant height & 100 grain wt. somewhat lower doses recorded maximum coefficient of variation. The data revealed that 30kR gamma rays & 0.15% EMS conc. recorded highest genotypic & phenotypic coefficient of variation in both the cultivar for plant height, no. of branches per plant, no. of clusters per plant, no. of pods per plant, yield per plant. In case of 100 grain wt. somewhat lower doses shows high genotypic & phenotypic coefficient of variation. The results obtained for variability parameters were also reported by [7-8] in mungbean, [9] in pigeon pea. It was also reported by [10-11] in mung bean.
The heritability in broad sense it was found to be highest in 30kR & 20 kR gamma rays dose & 0.15% & 0.10% EMS conc. recorded high heritability in PKV-1 & JS-335 in case of all the parameters. The increased heritability & differential response of varieties with higher dose/ conc.of mutagens were also reported by in[12] in Faba bean. In case of no. of branches per plant & 15kR dose in JS-335 recorded high heritability which are in agreement with those of [13-14] in mung bean.

The given study concluded that sufficient genetic variability was induced by all the mutagenic treatments and may facilitate in substantial improvement through the selection for each of the characters studied.
There was increased in genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation, heritability and expected genetic advance.

The authors are highly grateful to the North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon and Principal of Institution to carry out the present investigation.


  1. Brock, R.D. (1965): Induced mutations affecting quantitative characters. In.: Use of induced mutations in Plant Breeding. Rad. Bot. 5(suppl.): 451-464.
  2. Nerkar, Y.S. & S.B. Mote (1978): Induced mutagenesis in Bengal gram Cicer arietinum L. II Micromutation. J. Maharashtra Agric. Univ. 3(3): 180-183.
  3. Upadhay, D.D.; B.B. Singh & K.P.S. Chauhan (1984): Induced sterile mutant in soybean, Current science. 53(8): 733-735.
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  6. Burton, G.W. (1952): Quantitative inheritance in grasses.In: Proc. 6th Int.. Grassland Congress, 1: 227-283.
  7. Rajput, M.A. (1974): Increased variability in M2 of gamma irradiation in mung bean. Rad. Bot. 14: 85-84.
  8. Shakoor, Abdul Haq M. Ahsan Ul & M. Sadiq(1978): Induced variation in mung bean(V. radiate L.) Env. Exp. Bot. 18: 169-175.
  9. Nandarajan, N.R. ; Sethupathi Ramlingam, N.Sivaswami (1985): Biological effect of mutagenic treatment in Cajanus cajan L. Millsp. Madras Agric. J. 72(6): 301-305.
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  11. Charumati, M.M;V.B. Rao; V.Ravindra babu & B. Krishna Murthy (1992): Efficiency of early generation selection for induced micromutations in black gram(Vigna mungo (L.) Mill sp.): Indian J. Genet. 48(3) : 303-304.
  12. Kumari, R. & Y.Singh (1996): Effect of gamma rays & EMS on seed germination & plant survival of Pisum sativum L. & Lens culinaris. Medic. Neo. Botanica 4(1): 25-29.
  13. Chopade, P.R. (1976): Chemical mutagenesis in Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp): Pl. Br. Abstr. 46(11) Sr. No.1083.
  14. Khan, I.A. (1983): Mutation studies in mung bean induced polygenic variability after seed irradiation conc. J. Genet. Cytol. 25:289-303.

    Table 1: Plant height

    Treatments Range Mean Shift Variance C.V. % G.C.V. P.C.V. H2
    15kR(gamma) 40 55 46.27 -10.34 17.50 3.89 6.00 7.15 70.46
    20kR 32 60 42.53 -17.57 62.98 6.70 12.31 14.02 77.16
    25kR 35 68 46.07 -10.72 99.50 7.88 15.09 17.02 78.56
    30kR 28 66 39.13 -24.16 148.41 10.68 21.39 23.91 80.03
    Dry control 45 60 51.60 24.69 2.77 5.72 6.36 80.96
    0.05% 37 59 46.93 -8.21 39.64 5.30 9.20 10.62 75.10
    0.10% 30 53 41.73 -18.38 49.92 6.21 11.85 13.37 78.44
    0.15% 35 57 43.00 -15.91 50.71 5.91 11.54 12.97 79.20
    soaked control 41 60 51.13 33.41 4.16 7.71 8.76 77.48
    JS-335 68.58
    15kR(gamma) 40 55 46.27 -11.43 45.50 6.14 9.07 10.96 70.15
    20kR 32 60 42.53 -17.69 79.10 8.74 13.40 16.00 84.01
    25kR 35 68 46.07 -4.91 104.83 6.08 13.93 15.20 71.25
    30kR 28 66 39.13 -12.65 153.54 11.09 17.46 20.69 71.91
    dry control 45 60 51.60 22.35 3.42 5.48 6.46 81.01
    0.05% 37 59 46.93 -7.43 116.10 7.78 16.06 17.85 90.57
    0.10% 30 53 41.73 -10.04 182.14 6.95 21.55 22.65 83.15
    0.15% 35 57 43 -6.65 129.92 7.57 16.81 18.43 57.18
    Soaked control 41 60 51.13 29.70 5.71 6.60 8.73

    Table 2: No. of branches /plant

    Treatments Range Mean Shift Variance c.v. % GCV PCV H2
    PKV-1 4 8
    15kR(gamma) 3 7 5.80 -13.81 1.17 15.32 11.05 13.84 63.79
    20kR 3 8 5.13 -23.77 1.55 18.79 15.23 19.43 61.45
    25kR 3 8 5.27 -21.69 2.21 14.76 17.33 21.51 64.94
    30kR 4 8 5.00 -25.70 2.00 11.50 18.07 21.13 73.13
    Dry control 3 8 6.73 1.20 6.53 9.65 12.32 61.29
    0.05% 4 7 5.20 -25.71 2.60 16.42 21.07 24.70 72.73
    0.10% 4 7 5.53 -21 0.84 11.71 10.52 12.20 74.39
    0.15% 4 8 5.53 -21 0.84 18.86 10.61 13.13 65.26
    soaked control 7 1.28 6.53 7.82 11.51 46.15
    15kR(gamma) 3 7 5.13 -29.33 1.55 11.47 16.04 18.08 78.71
    20kR 5 9 6.80 -6.33 1.31 14.94 11.55 13.29 75.51
    25kR 3 7 5.00 -31.12 1.29 12.55 15.20 17.45 75.91
    30kR 4 8 6.07 -16.39 1.78 14.48 14.22 17.50 66.01
    dry control 6 9 7.26 0.78 8.41 7.87 9.34 71.68
    0.05% 3 8 5.53 -21 1.98 8.24 18.32 19.47 88.52
    0.10% 3 9 5.73 -18.14 4.64 10.21 25.14 30.01 70.17
    0.15% 48 5.40 -22.85 1.26 22.92 13.17 16.27 65.47
    soaked control 5 9 7 1.28 7.83 10.54 12.99 65.77

    Table 3: No. of pods/plant

    Treatments Range Mean Shift Variance C.V.% GCV PCV H2
    15kR (gamma) 144 189 163.40 15.72 191.26 2.90 6.01 6.67 81.17
    20kR 138 182 157.73 11.71 213.78 3.43 6.32 7.19 77.28
    25kR119 178 152.00 7.65 346.57 3.47 8.90 9.55 86.82
    30kR 110 182 146.60 3.82 499.11 5.21 10.81 12.00 81.15
    Dry control 124 153 141.20 74.17 3.02 3.92 4.95 62.79
    0.05% 127 185 150.27 6.82 310.50 3.50 8.46 9.16 85.41
    0.10% 122 184 158.00 12.32 417.43 2.51 9.57 9.89 93.58
    0.15% 92 174 144.93 3.03 575.07 6.06 11.57 13.06 78.44
    soaked control 124 159 140.67 98.95 3.14 4.68 5.64 69.02
    15kR (gamma) 112 171 136.93 10.47 397.92 4.15 10.47 11.26 86.42
    20kR 19 168 143.33 7.28 243.67 4.88 7.28 8.77 68.98
    25kR 110 176 140.40 10.32 438.26 5.36 10.32 11.63 78.76
    30kR 112 173 142.87 11.70 531.27 4.55 11.70 12.55 86.85
    dry control 100 132 121.20 4.84 82.60 3.28 4.84 5.85 68.61
    0.05% 112 158 137.00 5.47 181.14 6.11 5.47 8.20 44.51
    0.10% 89 143 118.20 9.48 252.74 4.73 9.48 10.59 80.07
    0.15% 88 195 130.13 13.89 786.70 8.68 13.89 16.38 71.92
    soaked control 102 132 113.33 5.16 84.38 4.07 5.16 6.57 61.71

    Table 4: No. of clusters/plant

    treatments Range Mean Shift Variance C.V.% GCV PCVH2
    15Kr (gammarays) 49 78 59.33 19.14 86.10 6.07 10.74 12.34 75.80
    20kR 45 72 58.40 17.27 93.26 4.22 12.14 12.85 89.23
    25kR 28 69 45.33 -8.97 142.38 8.76 18.54 20.51 81.73
    30kR 18 68 46.07 -7.50 228.07 11.48 23.15 25.84 80.27
    Dry control 35 59 49.80 51.31 6.31 9.49 11.40 69.36
    0.05% 38 62 51.87 2.10 71.41 6.51 11.09 12.86 74.34
    0.10% 30 72 44.20 -12.99 149.03 8.77 14.39 16.85 72.93
    0.15% 30 63 45.80 -9.84 123.46 10.37 16.39 19.40 71.41
    soaked control 38 60 50.80 48.46 3.76 9.79 10.48 87.13
    15Kr (gammarays) 45 81 64.20 25.06 190.17 12.49 11.63 17.06 46.44
    20kR 25 78 44.80 -12.73 229.60 7.09 24.63 25.63 92.35
    25kR 30 78 52.73 2.73 204.92 12.46 17.95 21.85 67.50
    30kR 25 80 53.53 4.29 277.12 13.23 20.16 24.12 69.92
    dry control 38 64 51.33 57.95 5.32 10.35 11.63 79.07
    0.05% 23 55 39.47 -11.11 100.84 7.14 16.78 18.23 84.68
    0.10% 23 68 41.33 -6.91 160.24 14.50 20.16 24.83 65.89
    0.15% 22 72 53.67 20.87 186.81 11.30 16.69 20.15 68.56
    soaked control 30 59 44.40 72.11 9.34 12.25 15.41 63.23

    Table 5: No. of Yield/plant

    Treatments Range Mean Shift variance C.V. % CV CV H2
    15KR(gamma) 16.50 46 33.42 19.71 76.67 9.10 18.26 20.40 80.09
    20KR17 48 30.34 8.69 85.24 9.56 21.68 23.70 83.71
    25KR 18 53 35.93 28.71 105.07 10.49 19.89 22.49 78.24
    30KR 19 48 31.79 13.87 123.79 11.47 24.86 27.38 82.44
    Dry control 22.70 35.13 27.92 16.33 7.08 9.41 11.78 63.85
    0.05% 24 49 33.29 36.41 54.48 8.70 15.35 17.64 75.66
    0.10% 18 53 31.28 28.18 115.26 15.65 22.82 27.67 68.02
    0.15%16.91 42 28.90 18.42 70.67 10.61 20.04 22.68 78.10
    soaked control 17.85 29.98 24.40 15.65 7.26 10.39 12.68 67.19
    15KR (gamma) 19.20 48 37.75 19.14 93.65 7.21 18.67 20.01 87.04
    20kr 15.62 52 33.42 5.50 150.41 12.53 26.04 28.89 81.20
    25kr 20.76 57 39.43 24.45 137.70 8.33 21.59 23.14 87.04
    30KR 16.16 48.92 30.35 -4.20 107.35 10.47 24.58 26.72 84.64
    dry control 22 36.24 31.68 15.82 5.78 8.01 9.87 65.76
    0.05% 20.23 58 38.93 14.52 107.10 8.42 18.44 20.27 82.74
    0.10% 14.67 66.28 30.66-9.81 199.58 19.93 29.48 35.58 68.61
    0.15% 22 51 37.46 10.19 87.28 10.71 16.70 19.84 70.87
    soaked control 28 43 33.99 19.23 6.37 8.20 10.38 62.36

    Table 6: 100 grain wt

    Treatments Range Mean shift variance C.V.% GCV PCV H2
    15KR (gamma) 12 17 15.13 4.05 2.67 4.79 6.99 8.47 68.07
    20KR 11 15 13.65 -6.12 1.12 3.61 4.97 6.14 65.49
    25KR 11 16 14.02 -3.58 2.44 4.59 7.59 8.87 73.24
    30KR 11 16 14.02 -3.58 2.44 4.59 7.59 8.87 73.24
    Dry control 12 16 14.54 1.30 3.33 5.27 6.23 71.40
    0.05% 12 15 13.70 -0.58 0.72 2.45 4.03 4.72 72.95
    0.10% 12 15 13.76 -0.14 0.76 3.02 3.79 4.85 61.12
    0.15% 11 15 14.02 1.75 1.54 3.30 5.96 6.81 76.48
    soaked control 12 15 13.78 0.83 3.06 4.36 5.32 66.94
    15KR (gamma) 11.54 16.37 13.92 4.42 2.53 4.65 6.66 8.12 67.27
    20kr 8.78 15.2 10.77 -19.20 4.35 8.59 12.68 15.32 68.55
    25kr 7.6 15.2 11.56 -13.27 6.15 9.27 14.32 17.06 70.46
    30KR 9.7 15.35 12.38 -7.12 2.90 5.20 9.44 10.78 76.72d
    dry control 11.17 16.39 13.33 2.88 5.92/td> 8.27 10.17 66.14
    0.05% 9.7 16.57 12.61-11.63 6.35 13.21 9.35 16.18 33.37
    0.10% 9.35 16.4 13.05 -8.54 4.77 7.78 10.71 13.24 65.50
    0.15% 9.39 14.5 12.37 -13.31 1.81 5.33 6.67 8.54 61.01
    soaked control 10.54 16.8 14.27 2.98 6.08 7.76 9.86 61.94

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