Research Article (Open access) |
ABSTRACT- The present research article was described about the hypotriglycerdemic activity of Withania coagulans
bud extract. Withania coagulans Dunal belonging to the family Solanaceae is a small bush which is widely spread in
South Asia. The biological activity of with anolides from Withania coagulans has antihyperglycaemic activity and the
plant is commonly called as Indian cheese maker due to the milk coagulation characteristics of the bud. The present study
was to investigate preliminary studies shows satisfactory result. The chromatographic studies like TLC, HPTLC and
HPLC show good spot. HPTLC shows maximum height and area of 18.83%.HPLC shows maximum peak at 1.867
minutes having area coverage of 87.4%.The free radical scavenging activity of chloroform fraction (CF) of a crude drug
shows 510µg/ml of scavenging activity. The IC50 value for MTT assay was found to be 84.7µg/ml. The GLUT4 study
shows significant uptake of glucose. PPAR gamma activity regulation of glucose disposal and insulin sensitivity in the
skeletal muscles shows concentration dependence response using standard Pioglitazone. The bud of Withania coagulants
will be a promising medicine for more ailments.
Key-words- Withania coagulants, Hypotriglycerdemic, HPLC, HPTLC, GLUT-4, MTT assay
Withania coagulans (W. coagulans) Dual belongs to family
Solanaceae and is one of the important medicinal plants. It
is distributed in the east of the Mediterranean region and
extends to South Asia1. There are two species of Withania,
viz., W. somnifera and W. coagulans, which are distributed
in east of the Mediterranean region extending to South
Asia. W. coagulans Dunal is a rigid, gray-whitish small
shrub, about 60-120 cm tall. The leaves are about 2.5-7.5
cm long and 1.5 cm broad, usually lanceolate oblong. The
flowers are about 7-12 mm across, yellowish, and are
dioecious and polygamous in nature. The berries are about
7-12 mm in diameter, red, smooth and enclosed in leathery
The seeds are dark brown, ear shaped, glabrous with sharp
fruity smell.2Aqueous and chloroform extracts
prepared from W. coagulans buds showed pharmacological
effects onblood glucose, lipid profile and body weight.
Type 2 diabetic is an islet paracrinopathy in which the
reciprocal relationship between the glucagon-secreting
alpha cell and the insulin-secreting beta cell is lost, leading
to hyperglucagonemia and hence the consequent
hyperglycemia3 W. coagulans Dunal, is commonly known
as ‘Indian cheese maker’ or ‘vegetable rennet’ because
fruits and leaves of this plant are used as a coagulant. The
fruits of the plant are sweet and are reported to be sedative,
emetic, alterative and diuretic. Flowers of the plant are
useful in the treatment of Diabetes4.They are also used
indyspepsia, flatulent colic and other intestinal infections.
In addition; W. coagulans is used to treat nervous
exhaustion, disability, insomnia, wasting diseases, failure to
thrive in children, impotence. Its fruits are used for liver
complaints, asthma and biliousness5This plant has been
reported to possess antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory,
antitumor, hepatoprotective, anti-hyperglycemic,
cardiovascular, immuno-suppressive, free radical
scavenging and central nervous system depressant
This study was carried out in Department of Pharmaceutics
at Vels University, Chennai, India during the period of
September 2012 – September 2013.
The plant specimen (whole plant) for the
proposed study was purchased from the commercial shops
in Paris, Chennai, TamilNadu. It was identified and
authenticated by Dr. P. Jayaraman, Director Plant Anatomy
Research Centre (PARC), Tambaram, Chennai. A voucher
specimen No. PARC/2012/1279 has been deposited in the
herbarium of the Department of Pharmacognosy, School of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vels University for further
Extraction procedure:
The bud was crushed and
powdered. 200gms of the powdered drug was macerated
with 500 ml of chloroform for 72 hours. After 48 hours it
was filtered using a muslin cloth. The filtrate was defatted
with n-hexane7. The defatted chloroform extract was
concentrated by evaporation at 45o C. The concentrated
mass was stored in well labeled and closed container in
cool conditions. This extract was used for all the studies.
Phytochemical screening study:
The preliminary
phytochemical screening of the chloroform fraction was
carried out as per the standard procedures8. The fraction
was subjected to various qualitative tests and the chemical
constituents of the sample were identified.
Physicochemical analysis9:
Ash value (total ash,
water soluble ash, acid insoluble ash), Extractive value,
Loss on drying and Swelling index were carried out as per
the procedure given in standard book. The result was
shown in Table 1 of results and discussion.
Thin layer chromatography:
Thin layer
chromatography (TLC) is an important technique for
identification and separation of mixtures of organic
compounds. In TLC, components of the mixture are
partitioned between an adsorbent and a solvent which flows
through the adsorbent10. The result was shown in Figure 1
of results and discussion portion.
Solvent system:
Ethyl acetate – Toluene (11: 3), Sample
solution: Chloroform extract of Withania coagulans bud
and detecting agent: Anisaldehyde reagent.
HPTLC: Preparation of sample solution:
weighed 250 mg of the chloroform fraction of Withania
coagulans was transferred to a 100mL volumetric flask
dissolving in 80 mL of chloroform.
Instrumentation and chromatographic conditions:
HPTLC was performed on 10 cm × 10 cm aluminum
backed plates coated with silica gel 60F254 (Merck,
Mumbai, India). Sample solution was applied to the plates
as bands 8.0 mm wide, 30.0 mm apart, and 10.0 mm from
the bottom edge of the chromatographic plate by use of a
Camag (Muttenz, Switzerland) Linomat V sample
applicator equipped with a 100-µL Hamilton (USA)
syringe. Ascending development to a distance of 80 mm
was performed at room temperature (28 ± 2°C), with
Toluene: Ethyl acetate (9.8 : 0.2) (v/v), as mobile phase, in
a Camag glass twin-trough chamber previously saturated
with mobile phase vapors for 20 min. After development,
the plates were dried with a hair dryer and then scanned at
254 nm with a Camag TLC Scanner with WINCAT
software, using the deuterium lamp. The method was validated
according to the ICH guidelines. The result was
shown in Figure 2 of results and discussion portion.
HPLC: Sample Preparation: The chloroform extract
of the Withania coagulans bud was filtered through a 0.45
µm Millipore membrane prior to HPLC analysis.
Chromatographic condition:
HPLC is a technique
used to separate a mixture of compounds. The active
component of the column, the sorbent, is typically a
granular material made of solid particles 2-50 micrometers
in size. The components of the sample mixture are
separated from each other due to their different degrees of
interaction with the sorbent particles11. The result was
shown in Figure 3 of results and discussion portion.
Chromatographic Conditions-
Sample injection volume: 20µL, Column temperature: 25°C, Flow rate: 1.0mL/min
Mobile phase: Acetonitrile and 0.1% aqueous phosphoric
acid (v/v).
DPPH radical scavenging activity:
About 0.1M
solution of DPPH in methanol was prepared and 1 ml of
this solution was added to 3 ml of the different
concentration (25-800 µg/ml) of chloroform fraction (CF)
and control in different test tubes. The mixture was shaken
and allowed to stand at room temperature for 30 min and
the absorbance was measured at 517 nm using a
% Inhibition= (Abs Control – Abs Sample) x 100/ Abs Control
Where Abs Control is absorbance of control at time = 0 and
Abs Sample is absorbance of test sample. The IC50 Value for
extracts was also calculated. The results are mentioned in
Figure 4 of results and discussion portion.
(3- 4, 5-dimethyl thiazol-2yl)-2,
5-diphenyltetrazoliumbromide were cleaved by
mitochondria dehydrogenase in viable cells there by yield a
measurable purple product Formosan. This Formosan
production is proportionate to the viable cell number and
inversely proportional to the degree of cytotoxicity.
Preparation of medium: L6 Rat skeletal muscle Cells
were cultured in Dulbecco’s Modified eagle Medium
(DMEM) at 37°C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 in
air. The tissue culture bottle was observed for growth. Then
TPVG was added over the cells of a medium and incubate
at 37ºC for 5 minutes for Disaggregation and the cells
become individual and its present as suspension. Take one
ml of the suspension and pour it into96 wellplates then
incubate for 2 days.
Assay procedure:
After incubation, remove the medium
from the wells for MTT assay. And add 200µl of MTT
concentration of (5mg/ml and incubate for 6-7hrs in 5%
CO2 incubator. After incubation 1ml of DMSO was added
in each well and mix by pipette and leave for 45seconds
and it shows the purple color formation. The suspension is
transferred in to the cuvette of spectrophotometer and O.D
values are read at 595nm and % of cell viability was
calculated using the formula.
Graph was plotted using the % of cell viability at Y-axis
and concentration of the sample in X-axis. The result was
shown in Figure 5 and 6 of results and discussion portion.
(OD of sample/OD of cell control) × 100 = % cell viability
in vitro glucose uptake activity-
Preparation of cell culture:
Monolayer of L-6 cells was
maintained in Dulbecco’s Modified eagle Medium
(DMEM) with 4.5 g/l glucose, 100 IU/ml penicillin, 100
µg/ml streptomycin, and 10% fetal bovine serum. Cells
were incubating at 37°C with ambient oxygen and 5% CO2
on continuous passage of TPVG solution.
Glucose uptake assay: When semi confluent monolayer
was formed, the culture was renewed with serum free
DMEM containing 0.2% BSA and incubated for 18 h at
37°C in the CO2 incubator. After 18 h, the media was
discarded and cells were washed with KRP buffer once.
The cells were treated with Insulin, standard drug and plant
extract and added glucose (1M) and incubated for half an
hour. The supernatant was collected for glucose estimation
by god- pod method. The result was shown in Figure 7 of
results and discussion portion.
Aqueous soluble extractive Alcohol soluble extractive Chloroform soluble extractive |
0.148% 0.045% 0.782% | |
Total ash Aqueous soluble ash Acid insoluble ash |
11.9%w/w 1.20%w/w 0.75%w/w | |
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