ABSTRACT- In dry summer season, the chances of food availability become tough and hard. Prey species moves
towards water resources. But tiger have a good and ample quality to survive anywhere with its intelligence and
adaptability for survival with environment. To detect the food and feeding behaviour of tiger in this dry month, we had
collected the tiger scat for scat analysis. Scat analysis is techniques by which we can reconstruct the tiger’s diet with the
help of undigested remain on which tiger had prayed. This is an indirect method to know the tiger’s food and feeding
behaviour, choice of food, availability of preys in dry season etc. Interspecific as well as Intraspecific struggle affects
biomass consumption (daily diet & annual diet profile) of tiger and other sympatric species like Leopard in area.
Key-words- Biomass consumption, Scat analysis, Prey in dry season, Struggle, Ecological stress
Porcupine is a major component in tiger diet in dry
summer, especially in the hot month of May & June tiger
face a die-heart situation in the form of ecological stress.
This case study depicts the availability of food in dry
season along with perfect ability [1] or adaptability of tiger
in any kind of situation. In these dry season the prey
species move towards the water bodies while tiger is a
territorial species, which marks the area by different and
specific manner i.e. inter-specific as well as intra-specific
struggle is very common. For this case study 89 tiger scats
were collected and analyzed to find out the food & feeding
habits [2] of big cats in these dry and hard situations. Out
of 89 tiger scat the undigested remains of Porcupine
(Hystrix indica) are more in rest of other prey species like
Axis axis, Semnopithecus entellus, Cervus unicolor, Sus
scrofa, Macca mulata, Hog deer, and Boselaphus
tragocamelus etc.
Directly it’s very rare to capture the food and feeding
behaviour of tiger in the wild. Porcupines are nocturnal
animal and are in vogue for diet since long time anywhere
else where available at all. So as far as tiger adaptability is
concerned that this is the animal having all type of ample
ability to survive in any kind of situation whether negative
or positive. Here positive means availability of food i.e.
stress free habitat and lives while negative depicts the
ecologically stressfully habitat which ultimately leads the
conflict and livestock predation [3].
Study area had been choose the Corbett tiger reserve
Ramnagar, Uttrakhand which represent the beautiful
landscape and land of roar. Tiger scats were collected with
the help of official staff during fieldwork. Total 89 tiger
scats were collected for the scat analysis. [4] with slight
modification had been applied for this study. Undigested
remains like hair were pealed out from the scats for scat
analysis along with preparation of hair impression slide to
detect the prey species. But in case of porcupine as a prey
can be easily identified from the scat. The needles like
thrones are visible from naked eyes. In out of 89 scats 29
belong to porcupines. The study depicts porcupine play a
major role in diet composition of tiger in these months.
Bunch of Hair
Figure 1- Porcupine hair microscopic photographs
Table 1: Diet profile in Dry season
Prey Species | No. of Animal n |
% Occurrence | Animal wt. Considered(Kg) |
Biomass (Kg) T |
% Biomass |
Hystrix indica | 29 | 32.5 | 18 | 522 | 7.16 |
Axis axis | 15 | 16.8 | 85 | 1275 | 17.50 |
Semnopithecusentellus | 12 |
13.48 | 21 | 252 | 3.46 |
Cervus unicolor | 11 | 12.35 | 225 | 2475 | 33.98 |
Sus scrofa | 7 | 7.86 | 230 | 1610 | 22.10 |
Macca mulata | 8 | 8.98 | 11 | 88 | 1.2 |
Hog Deer | 4 | 4.49 | 55 | 220 | 3.02 |
Boselaphus tragocamelus | 3 | 3.37 | 280 | 840 | 11.5 |
TOTAL | 89 | | | 7282 | |
Fig 2- Graphical representation of diet profile in dry season (May & June)
Daily Consumption by Tiger in dry season-
C=T/N x n,
7282/7921= 0.919 Kg. Near about per tiger per day
Calculation Daily consuption (c)-
C=T/N x n,
7282/7921c= 0.919 Kg. (Near about 1 Kg. per day)
Annual Consumption-     0.919 x 365= 967.25 Kg
Total 89 scats were analyzed to get the food and feeding
profile in these two months. Result shows that porcupine is
a major component in tiger diet in these two months.
Overall per day consumption is near about 1 kg which is
very less and not up to ecological fulfillment [5] of a wild
tiger. At least 4-5 Kg diet is required for a healthy tiger in
wild. But this study depicts the very less amount of daily
consumption. In these dry seasons the tiger faces very die
heart situation for food and feeding .On the other hand 116
or more leopards as sympatric species are dwelling and also
depends upon the same prey biomass in the same habitat
shared by the tiger. Result shows that 0.919 Kg per day/per
tiger. On the basis of such result if we calculate annual
consumption it will be 335.43Kg/annum/tiger. At least
daily requirement of a tiger is 4-5 Kg food is highly needed
to survive for a tiger. During these months conflict cases
are rises. But tiger is so intelligent animal along with large
range of adaptability to survive. In these two months results
show that some area of Corbett Tiger Reserve tiger attack
on elephants & preyed upon porcupine to dwell at all.
These types of situation compel the conflict and live stock
predation [6] If the movement of tiger lingers on in the
communities for live stock predation it brings a critical
situation on the ground of conservation.
Porcupine is always found to be the part of diet of a tiger,
but this is not the case of choice it is just to survive, some
time it happened that during die-heart situation or depletion
of prey biomass in the habitat tiger can attack on elephant
as unusual choice of food. Table 1 depicts that highest
percentage of occurrence i.e. 32.5 % as result shown after
scat analysis. At least a wild tiger need 4 to 5 kg food as its
daily diet but the study depicts very less amount of food
consumption which is ecologically not up to mark. Such
types of condition change the tiger movement pattern from
wild core area to buffer zone or human settlement to get
easy domestic prey i.e. livestock predation. This condition
will be critical for both the man & big cats depict the loss
of lives.
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International Journal of Life-Sciences Scientific Research (IJLSSR)
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