ABSTRACT- The present paper deals with a new species of genus Circumoncobothrium Shinde (1968) differs from all
known species of genus in many characters, in having the scolex large oval, rostellum also oval transversely placed,
rostellar hooks are 64(60-70) in number, short neck, mature proglottids are five times broader than long and lateral
margins are concave, testes are small oval 75(70-80) in number in a single field or either lateral sides of ovary, cirrus
pouch is small in size transversely placed, cirrus is thin coild, obliquely placed, ovary bilobed slightly dumb-bell shaped,
ovarian lobes with 5 acini, vitellaria are granular 3 rows on each lateral side, gravid segments are three times broader than
longer, eggs are oval with thin shelled.
Key-words- New Cestode, Circumoncobothrium, Clarias batrachus
The study area is an earth fill and gravity dam on Mula
River near Rahuri in Ahmednagar district of the state of
Maharashtra in India. The height of the dam above lowest
foundation is 48.17m (158.0 ft) while the length is 2,856m
(9,370 ft). The volume content is 7,594 km3 (1,822 cu mi)
and gross storage capacity is 736,320.00km3 (176,652 cu
mi) water capacity is 26 TMC.
Clarias batrachus is a common freshwater cat fish of Mula
dam reservoir. They have a high nutritive food value and
are consumed palatably by majority of the fish eating
people in the state. However these edible fishes are known
to harbor a number of parasites which causes deterioration
of their health and affect their market value by the
parasitisation. The present study is carried out to
investigate the Cestode parasites infection in Clarias
The genus, Circumoncobothrium is erected by Shinde
G.B., 1968 from the intestine of freshwater fish as
C. ophiocephali from Ophiocephalus leucopunctatus as a
type species C ophiocephali [1] described one new species
of the genus as C. shindei from a fresh water fish, Mastacembellus
In 1977, [2] added a new sp.C. khami from Ophiocephalus
striatus. Later on [3-4] added two new species, under the
genus viz. C. aurangabadensis and C. raoii from
Mastacembellus armatus. [5] described C. gachuai from
Ophiocephalus gachua. [6] described C. yamaguti from
Mastacembellus armatus later on [7] added C. alii from
Mastacembellus armatus. [8] described C. vadgaonensis
from Mastacembellus armatus. Later on seven species were
added to this genus.
The present communication deals with the description, of
one new species, as C. dnyaneshwarinae from Clarias
For the taxonomical study of Cestode parasites, the fishes
were collected through different areas of Mula dam
Reservoir, Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra, each annual
cycle. The alimentary canal of the fishes were removed and
cut open in normal saline water in petri-dish. The
alimentary canals observe under binocular microscope
(recorded infected and non infected hosts) the collected
worms were washed in distilled water to render them free
from intestinal contents. The Cestode was preserved in 4%
formalin. Borax carmine and Haematoxylin stain were used
for staining of parasites. The worms were passed through
various alcoholic grades i.e. 30 %, 50 %, 70 %, 90 % and
100 % cleared in xylen and mounted in DPX. All the
drawing was made with the aid of camera Lucida. All
measurements are in millimeters, unless otherwise
Out of Two hundred Eighty eight intestines, one hundred
thirty two intestines were infected in freshwater fish,
Clarias batrachus [9] from Mula dam reservoir, Dist.
Ahmednagar (M.S.) India during July 2013 –June 2015.
Out of these ten specimens were processed for taxonomical
studies. The worms were considerably long, thin, and white
in colour, with Scolex, numerous immature and mature
segments. The cestodes were flattened, preserved in 4%
formalin, were stained with Harris haematoxylin, passed
through various alcoholic grades, cleared in xylol, mounted
in D. P. X and whole mount slides were prepared for
further anatomical studies. All measurements were given in
The scolex is large in size, slightly oval in shape, distinctly
marked off from the strobila, broad middle, measures
1.674(1.749-2.177) in length and 0.825(0.673-0.977) in
breadth. It bears two bothria, which are large in size, start
from the rostellum and extend up to the posterior margin of
the scolex.
The scolex bears the rostellum its anterior end, which is
medium in size, oval shape, transversely elongated, having
constriction at the middle and measures 0.145
(0.128- 0.163) in length and 0.160(0.144- 0.194) in width.
The rostellar hooks are 64 (60-70) in number, which are
long, stout, rod shaped pointed at upper end, longer hooks
present in the centre of the quadrant and later on decreases
in length on both the sides. The hooks measures
0.051(0.038-0.065) in length and 0.005(0.003-0.007) in
width and Neck is short.
The mature proglottids are broader than long, nearly four
to five times broader than long with straight, irregular,
slightly concave lateral margins and measure 0.333
(0.270-0.397) in length and 1.148(1.077-1.522) in breadth.
The testes are small in size, oval in shape, 75 (70 -80) in
number, arranged in a single field or either lateral sides of
ovary. In left lateral side (33) and right lateral side (42)
testes present. Measure 0.0310(0.022-0.039) in length and
0.022(0.013-0.032) in width.
The cirrus pouch is small in size, oval in shape
transversely placed, preovarian in position, situated just
anterior to the middle of the segment and measures
0.111(0.095-0.126) in length and 0.053(0.026-0.074) in
breadth. The cirrus is thin, coild, obliquely placed,
contained within the cirrus pouch and measures
0.065(0.056-0.075) in length and 0.013(0.009-0.017) in
(width. The vas deferens is short, thin, extends obliquely
and measures 0.068(0.044-0.093) in length and
0.004(0.003-0.007) in breadth.
The ovary is medium in size, distinctly Bilobed slightly
dumb- bell shaped in appearance, transversely placed, in
the middle of the segments and measure 0.169
(0.124-0.214) in length and 0.657 (0.390-0.928) in breadth.
The isthmus is connecting the two ovarian lobes, straight,
even in width, transversely placed, consisting 5 acini and
measure 0.115 (0.095-0.136) in length and 0.035
(0.034-0.038) in breadth. The vagina is thin, short, arises
from the genital pore, slightly curved, runs posterior,
reaches and opens into the ootype and measure 0.066
(0.053-0.076) in length 0.006 (0.003-0.012) in width. The
ootype is medium in size, rounded in shape, and measure
0.035 (0.026-0.0476) in length and 0.030 (0.030-0.033) in
breadth. The genital pore is small in size, oval in shape,
preovarian, and measures. Longitudinal excretory canals
are not distinct.
The vitellaria are granular, small in size, round in shape, in
3 rows, on each lateral side, extending from the anterior to
the posterior margin of segments.
Gravid segment are three times broader then longer
measure 0.602 in length and 2.203 in breadth. With uterus
which is sac like oval structure measuring 0.998in length
and 0.227 in breadth. The eggs are oval to elongated,
thin-shelled measuring 0.043 in length and in width.
The genus Circumoncobothrium is erected by [10] as a type
species C. ophiocephali from Ophiocephalus
leucopunctatus. After this following species are added to
this genus:
- C. ophiocephali           Shinde, G.B.1968 [10]
- C. aurangabadnesis     Jadhav and Shinde, 1976 [2]
- C. raoii                   Shinde and Jadhav, 1976 [4]
- C. shindei             Shinde and Chincholikar 1977 [1]
- C. bagariusi           Chincholikar and Shinde,1977 [11]
- C. khami           Shinde and Jadhav, 1977 [2]
- C. gachaui           Jadhav and Shinde, 1980 [5]
- C. yamaguti           Jadhav, et al, 1990 [6]
- C. alii             Shinde et al., 1994 [7]
- C. vadgaonensis         Patil et al., 1998 [8]
- C. baimaii           Wongswad and Jadhav 1998 [12]
- C. punctatusi           Kalse and Shinde et al., 1999 [13]
- C. mastacembelusaei           Shinde et al., 2002 [14]
- C. armatusi           Pawar et al., 2003 [15]
- C. vitellariensis           Supugade et al., 2005 [16]
- C. yogeshwari           Jawalikar et al., 2008 [17]
- C. naidui           Kalse et al., 2009 [18]
The worm under discussion is having the scolex large,
slightly oval shaped, narrow anteriorly, broad posterior,
having two bothria, rostellum medium oval; the rostellar
hooks 64(60-70) in number, arranged in a single circle,
stout, slightly curved, mature proglottides medium in size,
slightly concave lateral margins, three to four times
broader than long; testes 70-80 (75) in number, small to
medium, oval, arranged in a single field; ovary large,
distinctly Bilobed, dumb-bell shape transversely placed in
the middle of the segment, with 5 acini. Vitellaria granular
small, round in 3 rows on each side. Gravid segments three
times broader than long. The Eggs are oval.
The present Cestode differ from
ophiocephali [10] which is having the scolex distinct,
hooks 80 in number, rod shaped; testes 90-100 in number,
on two lateral fields, round in shaped; ovary single, conical
mass to irregular shaped band, thinner in the middle and
expanded in lateral ends; lobes with 2-3 acini and Vitellaria
follicular, in 3-4 rows on each side.
The present worm differs from
C. aurangabadensis [3]
which is having the scolex broad in the middle, narrow at
the ends; the rostellar hooks 42 in number, rod shaped;
testes 130-140 in number, round in shape; ovary bilobed,
each lobe 3-4 acini near the posterior margin of the
segment and vitellaria granular near the lateral margin.
The present tapeworm differs from
C. raoii [4] this is
having the scolex broad in the middle, narrow at both the
ends; rostellar hooks 46 in number, rod shape; testes
210-215 in number, rounded in shape, in two fields; ovary
bilobed situated at almost near the posterior margin of the
segment and vitellaria granular at the lateral sides of the
The present worm differs from
C. shindei [1] this is having
the rostellar hooks 49 in number, rod shaped; ovary
dumb-bell shaped, lobes rounded, compact, in the centre of
the segments and vitellaria granular, Testes 260-275 in
numbers, vitellaria granular.
The worm under discussion differs from
C. bagariusi [11]
this is having the rostellar hooks 55 in number, rod shaped;
testes 275-285 (276) in number, in two fields; ovarian lobes
each with 5-6 globular acini; in the middle one third of the
segment and vitellaria follicular, with irregular shape, in
4-5 rows on each side.
The present worm differs from
C. khami [2] which is
having the scolex cylindrical, with even width, apical disc
separate by a notch, rostellar hooks 48 in number, lancet
shaped, tastes 190-200 in number, rounded ovary bilobed,
each lobe compact, situated near the posterior end and in
the center of the segments and vitelline follicles round, in a
single layer, near the lateral margins.
The present tapeworm, differ from
C. gachuai [5] which is
having scolex pear shaped in appearance, rostellar hooks 48
in number, testes 375-400 in number, rounded, densely
placed in two fields; ovarian lobes each with 5-6 short blunt
acini and vitellaria follicular, corticular in position, in 1-2
rows on each side.
The worm under discussion differs from
C. yamaguti [6]
this is having the scolex distinct, rostellar hooks 56 in
number, straight, stout, in a single circle testes 130-150 in
number, round; ovary centrally placed near the posterior
margin and vitellaria granular, corticular, along the lateral
The present cestode differs from
C. alii [7] which is having
the rostellar hooks 34 in number, testes rounded, 230-240
in number; ovary compact, centrally placed; lobes long,
oval and vitellaria granular.
The present worm differs from
C. vadgaonensis [8] this is
having scolex triangular, rostellar hooks 56 in number,
testes 490-510 in number, evenly distributed; ovary
distinctly bilobed, in posterior half of the segment;
vitellaria follicular, in two rows on each side.
The present worm differ from
C. baimaii [12] which is
having scolex pear shape, rostellar hooks 48 in number,
testes 88-100 in number, ovary compact, vitellaria granular
at the lateral side.
The worm under discussion differs from
C. punctatusi [13]
which is having scolex rectangular in shape, rostellar hooks
40-50 (48) in numbers, arranged in single circle stout,
tapering at both ends.Testes 140-150 in numbers.
The worm under discussion differs from
C. mastacembelusaei [14] which is having scolex pear
shaped; rostellar hooks 38 in number; neck is absent; testes
are 130-140 in numbers, unevenly distributed in lateral
field, ovary distinctly bilobed, compact, unequal lobes.
The present worm differs from
C. armatusi [15] which is
having scolex large and triangular; rostellar hooks 23 in
number, slightly curve, stout, large hooks in center.
The worm under discussion differs from
C. vitellariensis
[16] which is having scolex triangular, broader at base,
narrow at the apesx, rostellar hooks 48 in numbers, pointed
at the apex; neck is absent. Testes 250-260 in number, Oval
pre-ovarian. Ovary bilobed transversely placed near
posterior margin of the proglottids. Vitellaria follicular,
rounded, 3-4 rows on each lateral side.
The present worm differs from
C. yogeshwari [17] which is
having scolex large triangular in shape, long, broad at the
base, tapering at apex, with two bothridia; rostellum armed,
rostellar hooks 53, arranged in single circle, neck very
short, mature segment broader than long, testes 95-98,
medium oval ovary bilobed, lobes compact, vitellaria
follicular small, rounded from anterior to posterior margin
of the segment in two row on each side of segment.
The present worm differs from
C. naidui, [19] which is
having scolex cylindrical, rostellum oval, armed; rostellar
hooks 40 in numbers arranged in four quadrants; bothria
two; neck absent; mature segment broader than long; testes
rounded, 200-210 in number, ovary medium, a single mass,
with many rounded acini, vitellaria small, granular from
anterior to posterior margin of segment; gravid segment
broader than long. Some additional and differentiating
characters are given in the comparative chart at the end.
These distinct characters are more than enough to erect a
new species from this genus and hence the name
Circumoncobothrium dnyaneshwarinae n.sp. This species
name proposed on the bases of the God name Dnyaneshwar
Circumoncobothrium [19]
Circumoncobothrium dnyaneshwa
rinae n. sp.
Type host       
Clarias batrachus [9]
Type locality        Mula dam reservoir
Date of collection      July 2013-June 2015
Etymology       As the Cestode species reported
from Mula dam reservoir
The present taxonomical study revealed that freshwater
fish, Clarias batrachus is infected by the new species of
Cestode parasite of genus
Circumoncobothrium. After
taxonomical Study of Seventeen specimens, the new
species of Cestode parasite
dnyaneshwarinae is identified. The parasites affect the
productivity of fish, also decreasing growth rate, reducing
the quality of flesh and making the host more susceptible to
more pathogens.
The author is very much thankful to the University grant
Commission, (WRO) Pune, providing grand for Minor
Research project. The author is also thankful to the
Principal of ASC College Satral.
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