ABSTRACT- Genetic variability studied for eleven characters viz., number of leaves, branches, clusters, pods, pod
length (cm), seed per plant, plant height (cm), 100 seed weight (g), days to flower, maturity and yield per plant (g) in
group of forty two genotypes of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) revealed highly significant difference for all the
characters. High heritability not only guideline for breeding improvement must to associated with genetic advance
expressed a wide range of variability for all the traits. Heritability estimated and expected genetic advance were high
for number of leaves (95.46< 97.00), branches (45.85 > 14.00), clusters (89.45< 92.00), pods (92.84< 99.00), pod length
(88.94< 99.00), seeds per plant (92.20> 32.00), plant height (96.41< 106.00), 100 seed weight (99.22> 72.00), days to
flower (94.82 > 32.00), maturity (56.26> 13.00) and yield per plant (80.13 < 140.00) suggesting that these are more
useful traits for varietal improvement programme.
Key-words- French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), Genetic Variability, Heritability, Phenotypic coefficient of variation,
Genotypic coefficient of variation
French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L., 2n=2x=22) is an
important legume crop to be used as green pod vegetable,
known by various names as snap bean, string bean, garden
bean, fresh bean or dry seeds known as dry bean [1].
Domestication of wild common beans independently in
Meso- America and two major gene pools reported to be
cultivated from wild forms [2]. Effective and efficient
utilization of germplasm of population in a crop
improvement is must to study the individual economic
characters of a genotypes to explore genetic variability of a
crop study envisages that it improves the quality and
quantity of economic yield of the crop covering a wide
range of variability of any breed. Genetic variability helps
in formulating efficient breeding programme [3].
During present study forty two genotypic strains of French
bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were collected from different
ecozones of Uttarakhand and grown in the Vegetable
Research Centre, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and
Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand during 2010. In a
randomized block design with three replications each seeds
were dibbled 15 cm within the rows i.e. seed to seed
distance and 50 cm row to row distance. Five plants
observation recorded on each single row plot pertaining to
number of leaves, branches, clusters, pods, seeds, plant
height, pod length, 100 seed weight (g), days to mature and
seed yield (g). The mean values of five plants for each
above mentioned characters were statistically analyzed.
Accordingly heritability, genetic advance, genotypic and
phenotypic coefficient of variation was calculated in
accordance of different methods [4-5].
Present study was undertaken to find out the value of range,
mean, mean sum of square and coefficient of variation
along with phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of
variation, heritability and genetic advance (Table 1 & 2).
Study revealed the significant differences between the
varieties for all the eleven characters at 1 percent level of
probability and standard error in respect of number of
branches, pod length and 100 seed weight expressing that
these characters were least affected by environmental
High standard error observed in number of seeds per plant followed by days to maturity expressing high environment
influence in the expression of these characters. Genetic variation is expressed by genotypic coefficient of variation for
comparing the amount of genetic component of variability observed in several characters. Highest genotypic coefficient of
variation 70.93 per cent exhibited by days taken to maturity.
The coefficient of variability alone does not express the heritable components of variation. Equally important of
heritability enable the plant breeders to base selection on phenotypic performance for improvement of characters. Hence,
heritability observed for all the characters which exhibited high heritability. Heritability ranged from 45.85 per cent for
number of branches to 99.22 per cent for 100 seed weight and for other characters it observed varied from 56.26 to 96.41
per cent. Hundred seed weight, plant height, number of leaves, days to flower, number of pods and seeds expressed
comparatively higher heritability’s imitating the presence of additive gene action in the expression of these characters.
Almost all the characters in French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) exhibited high heritability but the highest heritability
observed in length of internodes and days to first pod picking [7]. High heritability must to associate with genetic
advance. In selection heritability value and genetic advance are more useful than heritability alone [5]. Number of pods,
pod length, number of leaves, 100 seed weight and yield had high heritability and genetic advance, express better
amenability for improvement. High heritability observed for all traits during present study, but their genetic gain was not
observed high in all the cases indicating that these characters were subjected to certain degree of non heritability
components of variability. In days to flower and number of seeds per plant, high heritability was not observed associated
with high genetic advance, thus limiting the scope for further improvement. High heritability and genetic advance for all
the characters of pod yield and yield contributing, viz., days to 50 per cent flowering, days to maturity, plant height,
number of pods per plant, pod length, number of seed per plant and 20 seed weight of 31 bean genotypes were
experimented and observed in field of Bangladesh [6] .
Table 1: Phenotypic variability in French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
| Plant
(cm) |
No. of
leaves |
No. of
branches |
No. of
clusters |
No. of
pods |
(cm) |
No. of
seeds per
plant |
(g) |
Days to
flower |
Days to
maturity |
(g) |
Range | 33-161 | 12-65 | 3- 5 | 5- 32 | 6- 37 | 8- 16 | 23-262 | 12- 58 | 31- 57 | 81- 113 | 6- 42 |
Mean | 64.1 | 25.9 | 4.7 | 11.3 | 15.9 | 12.0 | 67.8 | 32.2 | 42.0 | 93.6 | 18.3 |
SEM+ | 4.56 | 1.93 | 0.32 | 1.30 | 1.56 | 0.49 | 9.82 | 0.71 | 1.10 | 5.04 | 2.63 |
MSS | 4510.7 | 634.9 | 0.91 | 118.3 | 259.7 | 16.2 | 9427.2 | 510.5 | 179.6 | 312.0 | 245.3 |
CV | 10.1 | 10.5 | 11.2 | 16.2 | 13.9 | 5.8 | 20.5 | 3.1 | 3.7 | 7.6 | 20.7 |
** Significant at 1 % level of probability
Table 2: Phenotypic and Genotypic coefficient of variation, heritability and genetic advance in French bean
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
(cm) |
leaves |
branches |
No. of
clusters |
No. of
pods |
(cm) |
No. of
plant |
100 seed
(g) |
Days to
flower |
maturity |
(g) |
PCV | 59.13 | 49.48 | 15.18 | 50.00 | 51.99 | 17.53 | 73.83 | 35.16 | 16.28 | 11.51 | 46.50 |
GCV | 52.16 | 48.35 | 10.28 | 47.29 | 50.09 | 16.53 | 70.93 | 35.02 | 15.86 | 8.63 | 41.62 |
H | 96.41 | 95.46 | 45.85 | 89.45 | 92.84 | 88.94 | 92.20 | 99.22 | 94.82 | 56.26 | 80.13 |
GA (%) | 106 | 97 | 14 | 92 | 99 | 99 | 32 | 72 | 32 | 13 | 140 |
PCV= Phenotypic coefficient of variation, GCV= Genotypic coefficient of variation, GA= Genetic advance in percent age, H= Heritability in broad sense
Number of pods, pod length, number of leaves, 100 seed
weight and yield had high heritability and genetic advance,
express better amenability for improvement. High
heritability observed for all traits during present study, but
their genetic gain was not observed high in all the cases
indicating that these characters were subjected to certain
degree of non heritability components of variability. In
days to flower and number of seeds per plant, high
heritability was not observed associated with high genetic
advance, thus limiting the scope for further improvement.
I extend my heartiest thanks to Dr. Dhirendra Kumar Singh
for their enduring help, support and constant
encouragement during the entire course of investigation
and I am also thankful to Mr. Ajit Tyagi for their kind
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