Research Article (Open access) |
SSR Inst. Int. J. Life.
Sci., 5(1):
January 2019
Effects of Pre
and Post Marination Aging on Quality of Meat
Shahiryar Khalid1, Muhammad Bilal Akram1, Muhammad Issa
Khan2*, Zartasha Siddique1,
Muhammad Shoaib3
1Student, National
Institute of food science and Technology, Faculty of Food Nutrition and Home
Science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
2Associate Professor, National Institute of food science and
Technology, Faculty of Food Nutrition and Home Science, University of
Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Institute of Microbiology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad,
*Address for Correspondence: Dr. Muhammad Issa Khan, Associate Professor, National Institute of Food
Science and Technology, Faculty of Food Nutrition and Home Science, University
of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
ABSTRACT- Background:
Meat is an animal flesh that is considered best diet
for consumption as it comprises vitamins, minerals, basic amino acids and
essential fatty acids. World’s meat production in 2016 was
about 321 million tons. Awareness regarding health and diet increases as meat
is a high source of protein, vitamins, minerals and some essential compounds.
Methods: Present study was designed to check the effect of
pre and post marinated vacuumed aged beef meat quality at National Institute of
Food Science and Technology. The main objectives of this study were to check
the effect of pre and post marination aging meat and
its acceptability. Round portion of beef meat was firstly pre-marinated with
sodium chloride and sodium tri-polyphosphate salts and then
subjected to aging for 3 and 7 days at 40C. Similarly beef meats
were post-marinated vacuumed aged for 3 and 7 days and then this aged meat were
marinated with respective salts and compared these treatments with control.
Results: The
quality assessment for pH, texture, colour, WHC,
protein solubility were found to be varying significantly as aging along with marination has direct influence with these parameters. Pre
and post marinated meat showed non-significant effect for cooking because
application of marination cause decrease in cooking
loss. Sensory evaluation of aged beef was more acceptable as compared to raw
beef meat.
Conclusion: Pre
and post-marinated aging has direct relation to the quality parameters of meat.
In future, Pre and post marination is a good adaptive method for commercializing
the meat products as consumers pay a great attention for quality, safety and
high flavored meat and meat products.
Key-words: Aging, Beef round cut, Marination,
Quality analysis, Sensory evaluation
INTRODUCTION- Meat is an animal flesh that is eaten for its
valuable protein and micronutrients. World’s meat production in 2016 was about
321 million tons [1]. Palatability of meat attributed by significant
key factors like tenderness, juiciness, color, flavor and aroma with regards to
consumer’s satisfaction as tenderness being the most significance factor [2].
Awareness regarding health and diet increases as meat is a high source of
protein, vitamins, minerals and some essential compounds like carnitine, linoleic acid, and carnosine etc [3]. People prefer marinated and
aged meat from few decades. Tenderness and flavor are the main factors that
affect consumer’s acceptability and satisfaction. Meat palatability and
consumer satisfaction is largely depends upon flavor as meat contain about
hundreds of compound that directly or indirectly have role for production of
flavor and aroma [4]. Marination is a
process of soaking meat cuts into a seasoned of salts, herbs, spices, often
acidic or liquid for few time before cooking. Tenderness, juiciness, flavor,
color and cooking yield is largely enhanced by the use of marination. Meat spoilage could be due to microbes
that effect freshness and different metabolic activities that cause
off-flavoring and off-ordering of meat [5]. Salts
and sugars are the key components of marination and
the most suitable ones are sodium chloride, sugars and polyphosphates. Commonly
sea salt and sodium tri-polyphosphate are used for marination.
When salt and phosphate used in combination form, it enhances meat flavor,
water holding capacity, microstructure of muscles and salt-soluble proteins [6].
Phosphate improves water-holding capacity by increasing the meat pH and
unfolding muscle proteins [7]. This process of marination
causes reduction in the enzymatic as well as bacterial action which extend the
shelf-life of meat [8]. It is most familiar that tenderness and
flavor of meat (especially beef) can be enhanced by storing it for 2 - 3 weeks
at refrigeration temperature that is 2 - 4°C [9]. Stated
aging is normally done at 0 - 4oC and 65 to 85% relative humidity
because temperature is suitable for its biochemical changes after
post-slaughter rigor mortis. After rigor mortis biochemical changes cause
toughness of meat that is due to main enzymes calpain,
cathepsins and to some extent due to the action of
calcium in the muscles [10].Time and temperature have major
influence to improve tenderness of meat [11]. Aging time is directly
proportion to the rate of lipid oxidation as the time of aging increased rate
of lipid oxidation also increases. Increase in aging time causes a decrease in
post-mortem pH. On the other hand if aging time is
too high, it causes off flavouring of compounds. This
is due to the presence of unsaturated fatty acids [12]. Result of
marinated meat with separate solutions of Calcium lactate (0.2 M) phosphate and
salt (8.4% and 4.2%, respectively) can improve water-binding ability and
palatability traits [13]. These results indicated that the tenderisation of beef samples by using a citrus juice
marinade could be attributed to muscle proteins uptake and also to solubilisation of collagen [14]. Soy sauce or
red wine marinades can evidently control microbial spoilage as well as
oxidation of meat [5] hence, the aim of this study was to access the
impact of pre and post marinated aged meat on quality and acceptability with
regard to consumer point of view.
of raw material- Round
portion of beef meat for research purpose was procured from local market and transported
to the Meat Science and Technology Laboratory at National Institute of Food
Science and Technology in University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan March
to November 2018 for analytical study, while chemicals and reagents were
purchased from local distributers of Sigma Aldrich and Fluke, Germany.
analysis of raw meat- Moisture content, crude (Fat, protein
and ash) of beef meat were evaluated according to their respective method
described by AOAC [15].
preparation for aging and marination- Marination
mixture was prepared by mixing 2.5% sodium chloride and 2% sodium
tri-polyphosphate. The marination mixture was placed
for 24 hours at refrigeration temperature of 4°C and then applied to our meat
sample. These meat samples were treated according to the treatment plan in
which T0 is taken as control and T1 and T2
were firstly marinated and then placed in refrigerator (at 4°C) for 3 days and
7 days aging respectively. T3 and T4 treatments were firstly
aged at 4 C for 3 days and 7 days and then marination
was done.
pH measurement- Meat pH was determined by using
digital pH meter (by following the analytical method described by Sousa
et al. [16]. The pH meter was calibrated by
using standard pH buffers of 4 and 7. Take 10 g minced meat sample and add 90
ml distilled water by using homogenization is done for about 30s at high speed
homogenization and centrifuged it at (2665 g) for 10 min and filtered it. Then
filtered sample was placed in a beaker and electrode of pH meter was placed to
check the pH of required samples.
Analysis- Texture
profile of meats (marinated as well as un-marinated) sample were determined by
texture analyser as described by Carlos
et al. [17]. Meat samples were placed on base
of the texture analyzer under needle like probe. The force was applied in unit
of kilogram. 1.2 mm thickness of needle like probe was used at the speed of 80
mm/min. The required value was obtained in the form of graph and force.
Colour Analysis- Colour analysis of meat samples was
determined by using colorimeter discussed by Carlos et al.
[17]. Colour
value of meat sample was determined by placing the sample under photocell of
colorimeter. Colorimeter gives us the values of L* (lightness), a* (redness)
and b* (yellowness).
holding capacity (WHC)-
WHC was determined by using the method of Chiavaro et
al. [18]. Total 15 g minced meat sample was immersed in the 22.5
ml of 0.6 M NaCl solution. Stir the sample for
approximately about 1 min and allow the mixture to stand for 15 min. Then stir
again and centrifuge the solution at 10000 rpm at 4oC for 15 min
temperature. Water holding capacity was measure by taking supernatant and put
the volume of supernatant into formula to determined final value in percentage
solubility- The solubility of protein was determined
by electrophoresis method Mudalal et al.
[19]. Protein solubility was estimated by the difference in protein
extractability and their ionic strength solutions. 1 gram sample was used for
protein extraction by using 20 ml chilled 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer with
pH of 7.2 and 1.1 M potassium iodide solution respectively. After that,
respective buffer solution was used for homogenization of minced meat sample
and placed at 4oC for overnight. Centrifugation of sample was done
at 2600 x g for 30 min at 4oC and supernatant were discarded and
sediments were collected afterthat protein
concentrations were measured using biuret method.
dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel-electrophoresis- Selected
beef protein samples were separated through SDS-PAGE according to their
molecular weight Mudalal et al. [19].
Marinated and un-marinated aged beef loin meat samples of 4 g were homogenized
with 30 mL M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) using tissue
homogenizer for shorter period of 30s time. After that, centrifugation was done
of this homogenized mixture at 10,000 g for approximately 15 to 20 minutes at 4oC.
The resultant supernatant was separated as sarcoplasmic
extraction and the resultant pellet was used for myofibrillar
protein. These myofibril pellets were dissolved in 40 ml of 0.01 N phosphate
buffers (pH 6.5) and centrifuged at 10,000 g at 4oC for 20 min.
After that supernatant was discarded and the sediments was washed three times
with 0.01 N phosphate buffer and dissolved in 0.03 N phosphate buffer (pH 6.5)
that contained 0.7 M potassium iodide and 0.02% NaN3 with
liquid/solid ratio of nine. Both these extracted proteins were filtered through
a filter paper of 0.45 µm and concentration of protein was positioned at 1
mg/ml through biuret method for determination of
protein. Sodium dodecyl sulphate
poly acrylamide gel electrophoresis was performed by
the method described by Mudalal et al. [19].
They used separation gel (7.5%) and stacking gel (4%). One mg protein/ml sample
was mixed with 0.19 ml of Laemmli buffer and 1 µl of mercapto-ethanol, 0.2 ml sample and molecular weight
standard of protein (25-250 kDa) were loaded onto gel
and electrophoresis was run and conducted at 220 V for 150 min. Coomassie Brilliant blue R-250 gel was stained and scanned
after detaining. Total proteins were estimated with respect to their molecular
weight and by their relative affinities.
loss- Cooking loss of meat sample was determined by Chung et
al. [20]. Take 20 g meat sample and placed in a polythene bag.
Heat the sample at 80 - 90oC in water bath so that meat’s internal
temperature should be reached to 72oC. After cooking, water was
drained out and residue was cooled at room temperature and weighted. Put the
calculated value in formula and get the percentage value.
assay- Thiobarbituric
acid reactive substances (TBARS) of beef meat was
determined by the following method described by Istrati
et al. [21]. Five g of minced meat sample was placed it in 15
ml distilled water. Homogenized the sample at high speed homogenizer at speed
of 16000 rpm for 15 to 20 sec. Filtration was done by using filter paper. Add
50 µl BHT solution was added with the help of micropipette. One ml of
homogenate was added with 2 ml TBA/TCA solution. Test tube was heated in water
bath at 90oC for 30 min. after cooling sample was placed for
centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 10 min. Two ml supernatant was taken with the
help of pipette and their absorbance was recorded at 532 nm using distilled
water as blank in UV-VIS spectrophotometer.
evaluation of marinated meat- Sensory evaluation of
grilled meat products was carried out by trained panel of judges with the help
of 9 point Hedonic scale [22].
Analysis- The data obtained from each parameter was
statistically analysed and subjected to complete
randomization design (CRD) to interpret the level of significance as described
by Meilgaard et al. [23] using the
statistic 10.0 software.
Our result of proximate analysis for beef meat was
shows in Table 1. Quality analysis of beef meat was done to check the affect
the pre and post marination on meat, for this quality
analysis was done in which pH and texture analysis of beef meat was done that
shown in Table 2. Where, T0= Control, T1=
Marination + Aging (3 days), T2= Marination + Aging (7 days), T3= Aging (3 days)
+ Marination, T4= Aging (7 days) + Marination. In Table 3 mean value of raw and treated beef
was showed the check the quality analysis. TBARS value and protein solubility
in Table 4 and Table 5 water holding capacity of beef meat was done by using
cooking loss method and by drip loss method to checked the quality. Sensory
evaluation of pre and post marination of meat was
done to understand the quality attributes by a panellist
by using a hedonic scale.
Table 1: Mean Values of Proximate analysis for beef meat
Sample |
Moisture % |
Protein % |
Fat % |
Ash % |
Beef |
73.63±0.96a |
21.50±4.40b |
3.95±0.49c |
1.13±0.07c |
2: Mean Values for pH and Texture analysis of Raw and Treated Meat
Analysis |
T0 |
T1 |
T2 |
T3 |
T4 |
pH |
6.00±0.10 |
6.27±0.22 |
6.45±0.04 |
6.28±0.30 |
6.22±0.11 |
Tex. value |
5.10±0.10 |
5.30±0.05 |
5.80±0.10 |
5.33±0.06 |
5.33±0.06 |
T0= Control, T1= Marination +
Aging (3 days), T2= Marination + Aging (7
days), T3= Aging (3 days) +
Marination, T4 = Aging (7 days) + Marination
Table 3: Mean
values for colour analysis of Raw and Treated Meat
Analysis |
T0 |
T1 |
T2 |
T3 |
T4 |
Colour analysis L* |
40.88 |
43.46 |
42.25 |
43.68 |
41.48 |
a* |
9.00 |
8.18 |
9.67 |
10.53 |
8.75 |
b* |
-2.34 |
-1.61 |
0.53 |
0.31 |
-1.52 |
T0= Control, T1= Marination +
Aging (3 days), T2= Marination + Aging (7
days), T3= Aging (3 days) + Marination, T4
= Aging (7 days) + Marination
Table 4: Mean values for protein
solubility and TBARS of Raw and Treated
Analysis |
T0 |
T1 |
T2 |
T3 |
T4 |
0. 2867±.04 |
0. 27±.04 |
0. 31x±.02 |
0.32±.04 |
0. 34±.04 |
solubility |
7 .7033±.02 |
7.45±.023 |
9.03±.025 |
8.17x±.021 |
10.26±.027 |
T0= Control, T1= Marination +
Aging (3 days), T2= Marination + Aging (7
days), T3= Aging (3 days) + Marination, T4
= Aging (7 days) + Marination
Table 5: Mean
values for cooking loss and water holding capacity of Raw and Treated meat
Analysis |
T0 |
T1 |
T2 |
T3 |
T4 |
loss (%) |
34.59±.55 |
43.83±.25 |
43.77±.23 |
36.99±.01 |
34.71±.23 |
(%) |
59.00±2.65 |
62.00±3.29 |
68.33±3.28 |
70.33±1.53 |
76.00±2.61 |
T0= Control, T1= Marination +
Aging (3 days), T2= Marination + Aging (7
days), T3= Aging (3 days) + Marination, T4
= Aging (7 days) + Marination
Table 6: Mean values for sensory
evaluation of Raw and Treated meat
Sensory eva. |
T0 |
T1 |
T2 |
T3 |
T4 |
Appearance |
6.40±.02 |
7.20±.04 |
6.60±.03 |
8.20±.02 |
8.00±.01 |
Flavour |
5.20±.03 |
6.40±.05 |
6.60±.04 |
8.20±.02 |
7.80±.04 |
Texture |
5.20±.05 |
6.40±.06 |
6.60±.06 |
8.20±.08 |
7.80±.07 |
Juiciness |
5.20±.01 |
6.60±.03 |
6.20±.02 |
8.60±.05 |
8.80±.06 |
Overall acceptability |
5.40±.02 |
7.00±.05 |
6.60±.04 |
8.00±.07 |
8.20±.06 |
animal flesh contain nearly all essential components that builds up our muscles
as well as required by our body for proper growth and development i.e. water
content in meat, protein content, fat content and micronutrients that’s why
meat is an essential source of quality and valuable protein Pereira et al.
[24]. Mean values for proximate analysis of raw beef meat were given
in Table 1. Total content (%) of proximate analysis (moisture, protein, fat and
ash) of raw beef (round cut) was found to 73.63±0.96, 21.50±4.40, 3.95±0.49,
and 1.13±0.07 respectively. Our finding of proximate analysis of beef cut
except fat was supported by the Goklap et al. [25].
Just minor variations were seen in fat values.
Fat that is present in inner muscles and intra muscles of beef portions
have high value of nutritious profile Lawrie et al.
[26]. Variations in the results among all treatment were highly
significant. Meat muscles (round cut) were further analysed
for its quality test. Sodium chloride and sodium tri-polyphosphate based
marinades are categorized as alkaline based marinades that results in an
increased in muscle pH of beef. Our findings are in line with the study of
scientist Se et al. [27], who were reported that production of
lactic acid slows down as marinations of salts
applied. It is obvious from the mean values that pH of beef muscles varied
significantly from 6.00 to 6.45 among all treatments respectively. The mean
value for T4 has nearest value to control treatment and T2
has maximum deviated value from the control because of application of marination for 7 days. Texture is the main component for
acceptability of meat product. Mean value of texture
for raw, aged and marinated meat has been illustrated in Table 2, which shows
that force applied varied from 5.10 to 5.80 kg among all treatments. The
maximum force applied was observed for T2 treatment with marination for 7 days while the minimum force was recorded
for T0 (control). Tenderness increased with increase in ain and marination that directly
affect the shear force. The data regarding this study
was identical to the results depicted by Nikmaram
et al. [28]. Colour is the most
important factor for consumer appeal. Consumer like and get meat according to
the colour display. If meat’s colour
is not bright and red consumers assume that require meat is poor with respect
to quality standards Young et al. [29]. Colour
stability has direct influence with redox reaction by
difference in their post-mortem pH and temperature [30]. Bright red colour of fresh meat is due to the presence of oxymyoglobin as a result of reaction between myoglobin and oxygen. Discoloration of meat is because of
less presence of oxygen in meat muscles Sammel et
al. [30]. Three different types of colours
were determined by placing the sample under photocell of colorimeter. The mean
value of L* a* b* for colour of meat obtained are in
range from 40.88 to 43.68 for L*, 8.18 to 10.53 for a*, -2.34 to 0.53 for
b*respectively. Florek et al. [31] were
observed the relationship among colour and
aging time on different meat cuts and investigated that L*, a* and b* values
increases as the post-mortem aging time increases. Protein solubility increases
with the increase in their aging and marination
because aging and marination both cause degradation
of protein with due to enzymatic action and chance in pH concentration Hrynets et al. [32]. It was observed from
the data depicted in 4.4 that the protein solubility significantly varied from
7.45 to 10.26. The highest value for protein solubility has been noted as 10.26
for treatment T4 while the lowest value for protein solubility was
observed for T1. Higher weight sarcoplasmic
protein showed separation and appearance of new bands which creates lower
molecular weight protein Cooking loss is actually the loss of water from the
outer surface of meat that is expelled out by applying heat treatment. The
findings of present study illustrated that varies range of meat for cooking
loss among different treatments from 34.59 to 43.83 %. Highest amount of
cooking losses was observed in T1while T0 shows lowest
amount of cooking loss. It was evident from the data that cooking loss among
treatments was non-significant. The result of present study was congruent with
the finding of Aaslyng et al. [33].
They reported that cooking loss can also be related to pH of meat, with
decrease in pH the cooking loss increases. Water holding capacity is capacity
of meat to hold the water content when external force is applied on it such as
cutting, mincing and heating. WHC directly or indirectly affects the appearance
of meat including its tenderness, flavour, juiciness
and amount of purchasing the meat [34]. WHC affected by aging and marination process. During aging, cells of meat shrinks and
degradation of protein filaments cause changes the property of water binding
abilities and its distribution Huff and Lonergan [35].
Water holding capacity of meat was decreased as the concentration of salt
increased in brine solution which degrades the protein and increased water loss
[18]. The data regarding the mean values of beef meat given in Table
5, the values of WHC ranges between 59 to 76(%) for T4 (aging 7 days
+ marination) showed maximum water holding capacity
while minimum WHC observed in T0. The finding of research
investigation found similar with the results of previous research Huff et al.
[35]. Oxidation of lipid in meat cause degradation of muscles which
results in the production of different compounds like (ketones
and aldehyde) that creates thiobarbituric
reactive substances AOAC [15]. TBARS value is an indicator of
oxidation of fatty compounds present in beef meat Raharjo
et al. [36]. Sensory evaluation for pre and post marinated
aged meat product was analyzed. Different factors were determined during
sensory evaluation was (Flavor, appearance, texture, juiciness, and overall
acceptability) that showed significant. By sensory evaluation, T4 treatment
shows best result regarding overall acceptability.
and post-marinated aging has direct relation to the quality parameters of meat.
Aging and marination has a significant impact on
protein solubility, pH, WHC, texture and color properties of meat values that
further increase the tenderization to meat and meat products. Pre and post-Marination (Sodium chloride and sodium tri-polyphosphate)
enhances the flavor and color properties of meat. Aging of meat with salts
reduces the oxidation of meat and enhance the overall acceptability. In future, Pre and post marination can
be a good adaptive method for commercializing the meat products as consumers
pay a great attention for quality, safety and high flavoured
meat and meat products.
authors are grateful to Associate Professor Dr. Muhammad Issa
Khan for valuable comments to the manuscript.
concept- Muhammad Issa Khan, Shahiryar
Research design- Muhammad Issa Khan, Shahiryar Khalid
Supervision- Muhammad Issa Khan
Materials- Muhammad Issa Khan
Data collection- Shahiryar
Khlid, Muhammad Bilal Akram
Data analysis- Shahiryar
Khlid, Muhammad Bilal Akram
search- Shahiryar Khlid,
Muhammad Bilal Akram,
Muhammad Shoaib
Writing article- Shahiryar
Khlid, Muhammad Bilal Akram
Critical review- Muhammad Issa Khan
Article editing- Muhammad Bilal Akram
approval- Muhammad Issa
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