IJLSSR, VOLUME 3, ISSUE 2, MARCH 2017:905-908

Research Article (Open access)

Effect of Fungicides on Growth and Development of Spodoptera litura

Kuldeep Srivastava2*, Sonika Sharma1, Devinder Sharma1, Ramesh Kumar2
1Division of Entomology, S K Univ. of Agri. Sciences and Tech., Chatha, Jammu, India
2ICAR-National Research Centre on Litchi, Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India

*Address for Correspondence: Dr. Kuldeep Srivastava, Senior Scientist, ICAR- National Research Centre on Litchi,
Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India

Received: 09 January 2017/Revised: 06 Feburary 2017/Accepted: 23 Feburary 2017

ABSTRACT- The present investigation on the impact of fungicides on the growth and development of Spodoptera litura was carried out in the laboratory of the Department of Entomology, SKUAST- Jammu, during the year 2012-13. Base-line toxicity of two fungicides viz., mancozeb and ridomil MZ were evaluated against S. litura in the laboratory. The results showed that fungicides significantly influenced the growth and development of S. litura. The larval development duration was significantly short, and it was an average (14.61± 0.30), (16.28±0.66) days, when treated with ridomil, and mancozeb respectively. The results show that fungicides can serve a practical tool to reduce the S.litura and may assume a greater role in integrated programs showed to manage insect pests and pathogens.
Key-words- Spodoptera litura, Fungicides, Bioassay, Growth and development

INTRODUCTION- Spodoptera litura Fabricius commonly known as tobacco caterpillar is a polyphagous pest and cause considerable damage to soybean, cotton and vegetables [1-3]. Use of insecticides for controlling this pest is on the rise and it has the ability to develop resistance to many insecticides [4-5]. Further, various pesticides viz., herbicides, fungicides have been reported to have detrimental effects on different aspects of a life cycle of the S. litura [6-7].
In addition, to understand the influence of fungicides on expression of resistance in plants against insects, it is also essential to complete a database on the direct and indirect effect of fungicides on insect pests [6]. Therefore, it is essential to know the role of fungicides on the developmental profile of Spodoptera litura. Such observations will help to understand the shifts in insect pest population on a crop influenced by these fungicides. Information on this interesting area of pest management is scanty.
Therefore, keeping the things in view, the present studies were contemplated to explore the possibilities of fungicides against tobacco caterpillar, S. litura to reduce pesticide load.

MATERIALS AND METHODS- The larvae and egg patches of S. litura were collected from castor plant and reared in laboratory at the Department of Entomology, SKUAST- Jammu, J&K, India. The bioassays were kept at a temperature of 26±2oC, 60-70±5% relative humidity and 16:8 (Light: Dark) photoperiod. These laboratory-reared larvae were used for bioassays and the cultures were maintained throughout the study period. Castor leaves were collected from unsprayed plants, washed and air-dried and made 5 cm diameter leaf discs with the help of a leaf cutter. A stock solution of each tested fungicide was made from the available formulation and different concentrations were prepared. The leaf disc was dipped in each concentration for 20 seconds [7-8] and allowed to dry at ambient temperature for about 15-20 min in a fume hood. Air- dried leaf discs were then placed in individual plastic petri dishes (5 cm diameter) containing moistened filter paper. Each treatment (concentration) including controls was replicated three times. Ten larvae of S. litura (2nd instar), of uniform age, were exposed to different concentrations. The larvae were fed on treated leaves for 48 hrs, thereafter fresh leaves were provided ad libitum. Observations were recorded on larval period, pupal period, adult emergence, for all test chemicals. From these observations, growth index and success index were also calculated [9].

Data presented in Table 1 revealed that the fungicide has a significant effect on the growth and development parameters of S. litura. Overall development of larva significantly prolonged when treated with higher concentrations. Data obtained in Table (1) illustrate that there was a significant prolongation (p<0.001) for all larval stages, the maximum prolongation (20.33+ 0.0.33 days) being recorded at 2000ppm till pupation comparing with 12.33+ 0.33 days for control larvae. The pupation duration and pupation percentage ranged from 8.36+ 0.27 (62.5ppm) to 12.76+ 0.12 (2000ppm) days and 30.00+ 11.54 to 66.66+ 3.33 percent, respectively. Growth and success indices also revealed the toxic effect of this compound on an insect with the increase in concentration. The growth and success indices ranged from 3.05+ 0.15 (62.5ppm) to 0.91+ 0.35 (2000ppm) days and 0.62+ 0.09 to 0.47+ 0.08 per cent, respectively. Singh and Bhattacharya [6] also observed that mancozeb at concentration of 0.125% to 0.132% resulted in 62.50 to 92.50% survival of S. litura larvae. The larval periods, as well as its mortality increased with increase in the level of mancozeb in the diet. A significant reduction in pupation percentage and adult emergence was recorded when larvae were reared on diets fortified with 0.0625% of manoczeb. A field dose of 0.25% resulted in 5.00% pupation and adult emergence.
Adamski and Ziemnicki [10] tested ethylene bis-dithiocarbamate fungicide mancozeb on larvae and imago of Spodoptera exigua and observed decreased survival, disturbances, and malformations in development, changes in the activity of tested enzymes.
Guven and Goven [11] tested different pesticides on C. carnea in the laboratory including three fungicides and found that fenarimol, mancozeb+metalaxyl, and micronized sulphur showed 45 %, 28 % and 16 % death rate, respectively. Adamski et al. [12] observed that mancozeb causes multilevel alterations, within various tissues and systems. The observed malformations are similar to those caused by fenitrothion and carbaryl (carbamate insecticide) in Spodoptera exigua and Tenebrio molitor fat body [13]. Therefore, they seem to be rather universal, caused by a chemical imbalance within cells, not the direct action of pesticides on target tissues and cells. The above mentioned changes are similar to those reported by Sakr et al. [14] for mice exposed to mancozeb. These authors reported irregularities of nuclear structure, that led to apoptosis, loss of glycogen, dilated ER. Such changes obviously slow down the activity of cells. Therefore, the activity of a fat body may be decreased. If decreased weight of fat body, reported for S. exigua [10], is a universal phenomenon, the activity of fat body and its effect on insect’s development would be drastically decreased.

Table 1: Effect of mancozeb on the developmental behavior of larvae of Spodoptera litura

2nd instar 3rdinstar 4th instar 5th instar 6th instar Total larval
period (days)
period (days)
Pupation (%) Adult
Control 3.00± 3.00a 2.00±0.0 0a 2.67± 0.33a 2.00±0 .00a 2.66±0 .33a 12.33± 0.33a 7.33±0.3 3a 90.00±5.7 7c 90.00±5.77 c 4.56±0. 23d 1.00±0.00c
62.5 3.00±. 00ab 2.00±0.0 0a 2.66± 0.33a 2.66±0 .33a 3.00±0 .00a 13.33± 0.33ab 8.36±0.2 7b 66.66±3.3 3b 66.66±3.33 b 3.05±0. 15c 0.62±0.09a b
125 2.66±0 .33a 2.66±0.3 3ab 3.00± 0.00a 2.33±0 .33ab 3.66±0 .33b 14.33± 0.33b 8.66±0.2 8b 60.00±5.7 7b 60.00±5.77 b 2.72±0. 27c 0.55±0.04a
250 4.00±0 .00bc 3.00±0.0 0b 3.00± 0.33a 2.66±0 .33ab 3.66±0 .33b 16.33± 0.33c 9.26±0.6 3b 46.66±6.6 6ab 46.66±6.66 ab 1.85±0. 26b 0.80±0.04b
500 5.00±0 .57c 3.00±0.0 0b 3.66± 0.33a 2.66±0 .33ab 3.66±0 .33ab 18.00± 1.15cd 10.70±0. 20c 46.66±3.3 3ab 46.66±3.33 ab 1.63±0. 16ab 0.62±0.04a b
1000 4.66±0 .66c 4.00±0.5 7bc 3.00± 0.00a 3.66±0 .33bc 4.33±0 .33bc 19.33± 0.88de 11.13±0. 18c 33.33±3.3 3a 33.33±3.33 a 1.09±0. 14a 0.54±0.04a
2000 4.33±0 .33 3.33±0.3 3c 3.66± 0.33a 4.00±0 .33c 5.00±0 .57c 20.33± 0.33e 12.76±0. 12d 30.00±11. 54a 30.00±11.5 4a 0.91±0. 35a 0.47±0.08a

Ridomil MZ- The insecticidal activity of ridomil MZ was directly proportional to the concentration of the fungicide (Table 2). This fungicide did not affect the growth and development of S. litura larvae except at higher concentrations. The larval duration and its mortality increased with increase in the level of fungicide. The result revealed that larval duration was significantly prolonged for all larval stages, the maximum prolongation (17.00+ 0.57 days) being recorded at 200ppm till pupation comparing with 13.33+ 0.33 days for control larvae. A significant reduction in pupal duration and the pupal percentage was recorded when larvae reared at 200ppm as compared with other treatments. No significant difference in the pupal duration was observed at a concentration of 31.25, 62.50, and 125ppm. Significantly increased pupal duration (15.33+ 0.33 days) was recorded at 1000ppm as comparison with those recorded at lower concentrations including control (9.66+ 0.33).
A significant decrease in pupal percentage (10.00+ 5.77%) at 1000ppm compared with control (86.66+ 3.33%) was recorded. The increase in fungicide concentration showed the marked decrease in adult emergence indicating a significant correlation between adult emergence (%) and concentration. The adult emergence ranged from 6.66+ 3.33 to 53.33+ 3.33 percent at 1000 and 31.25ppm concentration. At all the concentrations, adult emergence occurred in all those insects pupated. The growth and success indices indicated that diets fortified with fungicides have some detrimental effect on the growth and development of S. litura. Nasreen et al. [15] assessed the toxicity level of some fungicides against Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) larvae and reported that Ridomil caused 4.44 % mortality of 1st and 3rd instars larvae after 24 and 72 hrs. The lowest pupation rate (89.32 %), adult emergence, the longevity of adults and fecundity was recorded in ridomil treated larvae.

Table 2: Effect of ridomil MZ on the developmental behavior of different instar of Spodoptera litura

2nd instar 3rd instar 4th instar 5th instar 6th instar Larval
Pupation (%) Adult
index (S.I.)
Control 3.00± 0.00a 2.33±0 .33ab 2.33±0 .33 2.67±0 .33ab 3.00±0 .00b 13.33±0 .33a 9.66±0. 33a 86.66±3.3 3c 86.66±3.33d 3.76±0. 14d 1.00±0. 00c
31.25 2.67± 0.33a 2.67±0 .33ab 2.67±0 .33a 2.67±0 .33ab 3.00±0 .00b 14.33±0 .33ab 10.00±0 .57ab 53.33±3.3 3b 53.33±3.33c 2.18±0. 10c 0.63±0. 09ab
62.5 3.33± 0.33a 2.33±0 .33ab 2.33±2 .67a 3.00±0 .00b 2.33±0 .33a 13.67±0 .67a 10.33±0 .33ab 33.33±6.6 6ab 30.00±5.77b 1.25±0. 25b 0.49±0. 04a
125 3.67± 0.33a 2.00±0 .00a 2.67±0 .33a 3.33±0 .33b 2.67±0 .33b 14.00±0 .57a 10.66±0 .66ab 26.66±8.8 1ab 23.33±3.33b 1.02±0. 23b 0.70±0. 03b
250 3.33± 0.33a 3.00±0 .57ab 3.33±0 .67a 2.00±0 .00a 2.67±0 .33b 14.33±0 .33ab 11.33±0 .33b 23.33±3.3 3ab 23.33±3.33 0.73±0. 39ab 0.57±0. 01ab
500 3.33± 0.33a 3.33±0 .33b 3.67±0 .33a 3.00±0 .00b 2.33±0 .33a 15.67±0 .33bc 13.00±0 .57c 23.33±3.3 3ab 16.66±8.81a 0.67±0. 21ab 0.67±0. 05b
1000 5.00± 0.57b 2.67±0 .33ab 3.67±0 .33a 2.67±0 .33ab 3.33±0 .33b 17.00±0 .57c 15.33±0 .33d 10.00±5.7 7a 6.66±3.33 0.20±0. 10a 0.49±0. 04a

CONCLUSION- It may be concluded that fungicides can serve a practical tool to reduce the S.litura and may assume a greater role in more highly integrated programs to manage insect pests and pathogens. Information based on these results would help in formulating IPM programs for the management of insect pests and pathogens.

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    How to cite this article:
    Srivastava K, Sharma S, Sharma D, Kumar R: Effect of Fungicides on Growth and Development of Spodoptera litura. Int. J. Life. Sci. Scienti. Res., 2017; 3(2): 905-908. DOI:10.21276/ijlssr.2017.3.2.5
    Source of Financial Support: Nil, Conflict of interest: Nil